< 2 Kings 1 >

1 Forsothe Moab trespasside ayens Israel, after that Achab was deed.
Prævaricatus est autem Moab in Israel, postquam mortuus est Achab.
2 And Ocozie felde thorou the aleris of his soler, which he hadde in Samarie, and was sijk; and he sente messangeris, and seide to hem, Go ye, and councele Belzebub, god of Acharon, whether Y may lyue after this sijknesse of me.
Ceciditque Ochozias per cancellos cœnaculi sui, quod habebat in Samaria, et ægrotavit: misitque nuncios, dicens ad eos: Ite, consulite Beelzebub deum Accaron, utrum vivere queam de infirmitate mea hac.
3 Forsothe the aungel of the Lord spak to Elye of Thesbi, and seide, Rise thou, and go doun into the metynge of the messangeris of the kyng of Samarie; and thou schalt seie to hem, Whether God is not in Israel, that ye go to counsel Belzebub, god of Acharon?
Angelus autem Domini locutus est ad Eliam Thesbiten, dicens: Surge, et ascende in occursum nunciorum regis Samariæ, et dices ad eos: Numquid non est Deus in Israel, ut eatis ad consulendum Beelzebub deum Accaron?
4 For which thing the Lord seith these thingis, Thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist.
Quam ob rem hæc dicit Dominus: De lectulo, super quem ascendisti, non descendes, sed morte morieris. Et abiit Elias.
5 And Elie yede. And the messangeris turneden ayen to Ocozie. And he seide to hem, Whi turneden ye ayen?
Reversique sunt nuncii ad Ochoziam. Qui dixit eis: Quare reversi estis?
6 And thei answeriden to hym, A man mette vs, and seide to vs, Go ye, turne ye ayen to the kyng, that sente you; and ye schulen seie to him, The Lord seith these thingis, Whether for God was not in Israel, thou sendist, that Belzebub, god of Acharon, be counselid? Therfor thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist, but thou schalt die bi deeth.
At illi responderunt ei: Vir occurrit nobis, et dixit ad nos: Ite, et revertimini ad regem, qui misit vos, et dicetis ei: Hæc dicit Dominus: Numquid, quia non erat Deus in Israel, mittis ut consulatur Beelzebub deus Accaron? Idcirco de lectulo, super quem ascendisti, non descendes, sed morte morieris.
7 Which Ocozie seide to hem, Of what figure and abite is that man, that mette you, and spak to you these wordis?
Qui dixit eis: Cuius figuræ et habitus est vir ille, qui occurrit vobis, et locutus est verba hæc?
8 And thei seiden, An heeri man, and gird with a girdil of skyn in the reynes. Which seide to hem, It is Elie of Thesbi.
At illi dixerunt: Vir pilosus, et zona pellicea accinctus renibus. Qui ait: Elias Thesbites est.
9 And he sente to Elie a prince of fifti, and fifti men that weren vndur hym. Which prince stiede to hym, and seide to hym, sittynge in the cop of the hil, Man of God, the kyng comaundith, that thou come doun.
Misitque ad eum quinquagenarium principem, et quinquaginta qui erant sub eo. Qui ascendit ad eum: sedentique in vertice montis, ait: Homo Dei, rex præcepit ut descendas.
10 And Elie answeride, and seide to the prince of fifti men, If Y am the man of God, fier come doun fro heuene, and deuoure thee and thi fifti men. Therfor fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride hym, and the fifti men that weren with hym.
Respondensque Elias, dixit quinquagenario: Si homo Dei sum, descendat ignis de cælo, et devoret te, et quinquaginta tuos. Descendit itaque ignis de cælo, et devoravit eum, et quinquaginta qui erant cum eo.
11 Eft he sente to Elie another prince of fifti, and fifti men with hym, which spak to Helye, Man of God, the kyng seith these thingis, Haste thou, come thou doun.
Rursumque misit ad eum principem quinquagenarium alterum, et quinquaginta cum eo. Qui locutus est illi: Homo Dei, hæc dicit rex: Festina, descende.
12 Elie answeride, and seide, If Y am the man of God, fier come doun fro heuene, and deuoure thee and thi fifti men. Therfor the fier of God cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride hym and hise fifti men.
Respondens Elias ait: Si homo Dei ego sum, descendat ignis de cælo, et devoret te, et quinquaginta tuos. Descendit ergo ignis de cælo, et devoravit illum, et quinquaginta eius.
13 Eft he sente the thridde prince of fifti men, and fifti men that weren with hym. And whanne this prynce hadde come, he bowide the knees ayens Elie, and preiede hym, and seide, Man of God, nyle thou dispise my lijf, and the lyues of thi seruauntis that ben with me.
Iterum misit principem quinquagenarium tertium, et quinquaginta qui erant cum eo. Qui cum venisset, curvavit genua contra Eliam, et precatus est eum, et ait: Homo Dei, noli despicere animam meam, et animas servorum tuorum qui mecum sunt.
14 Lo! fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride tweyne, the firste princis of fifti men, and the fifti men that weren with hem; but now, Y biseche, that thou haue mercy on my lijf.
Ecce descendit ignis de cælo, et devoravit duos principes quinquagenarios primos, et quinquagenos, qui cum eis erant: sed nunc obsecro ut miserearis animæ meæ.
15 Forsothe the aungel of the Lord spak to Helie of Thesbi, and seide, Go thou doun with hym; drede thou not. Therfor Elie roos, and cam doun with hym to the kyng;
Locutus est autem Angelus Domini ad Eliam, dicens: Descende cum eo, ne timeas. Surrexit igitur, et descendit cum eo ad regem,
16 and he spak to the kyng, The Lord seith thes thingis, For thou sentist messangeris to counsele Belzebub, god of Acharon, as if no God were in Israel, of whom thow myytist axe a word; therfor thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist, but thou schalt die bi deeth.
et locutus est ei: Hæc dicit Dominus: Quia misisti nuncios ad consulendum Beelzebub deum Accaron, quasi non esset Deus in Israel, a quo posses interrogare sermonem, ideo de lectulo, super quem ascendisti, non descendes, sed morte morieris.
17 Therfor he was deed bi the word of the Lord, which word Elie spak; and Joram, hys brothir, regnyde for hym, in the secounde yeer of Joram, the sone of Josephat, kyng of Juda; for Ocozie hadde no sone.
Mortuus est ergo iuxta sermonem Domini, quem locutus est Elias, et regnavit Ioram frater eius pro eo, anno secundo Ioram filii Iosaphat regis Iudæ: non enim habebat filium.
18 Sotheli the residue of wordis of Ocozie, whiche he wrouyte, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
Reliqua autem verborum Ochoziæ, quæ operatus est, nonne hæc scripta sunt in Libro sermonum dierum regum Israel?

< 2 Kings 1 >