< 2 Kings 8 >

1 Forsothe Elisee spak to the womman, whose sone he made to lyue, and he seide, Rise thou, and go, bothe thou and thin hows, and `go in pilgrimage, where euer thou schalt fynde; for the Lord schal clepe hungur, and it schal come on the lond bi seuene yeer.
Elizej bijaše savjetovao ženi kojoj je oživio sina: “Ustani, pođi sa svojom obitelji i skloni se kao tuđinka bilo kamo, jer je Jahve pustio glad; već je došla u zemlju za sedam godina.”
2 And sche roos, and dide bi the word of the man of God; and sche yede with hir hows, and was in pilgrimage in the lond of Philistym many daies.
Žena usta i učini kako joj je rekao čovjek Božji: otišla je, ona i njena obitelj, i ostala sedam godina u zemlji filistejskoj.
3 And whanne seuene yeer weren endid, the womman turnede ayen fro the lond of Philisteis; and sche yede out, to axe the kyng for her hows, and hir feeldis.
Na kraju sedme godine žena se vrati iz zemlje filistejske i ode kralju da zatraži svoju kuću i njivu.
4 Sotheli the kyng spak with Giezi, child of the man of God, and seide, Telle thou to me alle the grete dedis whiche Elisee dide.
Upravo je kralj razgovarao s Gehazijem, momkom Božjega čovjeka. Govorio mu je: “Pripovijedaj mi o svim velikim djelima koja je Elizej učinio.”
5 And whanne he telde to the kyng, hou Elisee hadde reiside a deed man, the womman apperide, whos sone he hadde maad to lyue, and sche criede to the kyng for hir hows, and for hir feeldis. And Giesi seide, My lord the king, this is the womman, and this is hir sone, whom Elisee reiside.
I kad je pripovijedao kralju o uskrisenju djeteta, eto žene kojoj je Elizej oživio sina; ona se obrati kralju radi svoje kuće i njive. A Gezahi reče: “Gospodaru kralju, evo one žene i evo njena sina koga je Elizej oživio.”
6 And the kyng axide the womman, and sche tolde to hym, that the thingis weren sothe. And the kyng yaf to hir o chaumburleyn, and seide, Restore thou to hir alle thingis that ben hern, and alle fruytis of the feeldis, fro the dai in which she left the lond `til to present tyme.
Kralj upita ženu i ona mu sve pripovjedi. Tada joj kralj dade jednoga slugu, komu naredi: “Neka joj se vrati sve što je njeno i svi prihodi od njive od dana kada je ostavila zemlju do danas!”
7 Also Elisee cam to Damask, and Benadab, kyng of Sirie, was sijk; and thei telden to hym, and seiden, The man of God cam hidur.
Elizej dođe u Damask. Ben-Hadad, kralj aramejski, bijaše obolio. Odmah mu javiše: “Božji čovjek došao ovamo.”
8 And the kyng seide to Azael, Take with thee yiftis, and go thou in to the meetyng of the man of God, and `counsele thou bi hym the Lord, and seie thou, Whether Y may ascape fro this `sikenesse of me?
Tada reče kralj Hazaelu: “Uzmi sa sobom dar pa idi pred Božjeg čovjeka. I preko njega se posavjetuj s Jahvom da bi saznao hoću li se izliječiti od ove bolesti.”
9 Therfor Azael yede in to the meetyng of hym, and hadde with hym silf yiftis, and alle the goodis of Damask, the burthuns of fourti camels. And whanne he hadde stonde bifor Elisee, he seide, Thi sone, Benadab, kyng of Sirie, sente me to thee, and seide, Whether Y may be helid of this `sikenesse of me?
Hazael ode pred Elizeja i donese mu u dar što bijaše od ponajboljeg u Damasku, sve to natovareno na četrdeset deva. Dođe on i stade preda nj i reče: “Tvoj sin Ben-Hadad, kralj aramejski, šalje me k tebi i pita hoće li ozdraviti od one bolesti.”
10 And Elisee seide, Go thou, and seye to hym, Thou schalt be heelid; forsothe the Lord schewide to me that he schal die bi deth.
Elizej mu odgovori: “Idi i reci mu: 'Ozdravit ćeš, dakako!' Ali mi je Jahve pokazao da će umrijeti.”
11 And he stood with hym, and he was disturblid, `til to the castyng doun of cheer; and the man of God wepte.
I čovjek Božji uprije pogled preda se, smeten, i zaplaka.
12 `To whom Azael seide, Whi wepith my lord? And he answeride, For Y woot what yuelis thou schalt do to the sones of Israel; thou schalt brenne bi fier the strengthid citees of hem, and thou schalt sle bi swerd the yonge men of hem, and thou schalt hurtle doun the litle children of hem, and thou schalt departe the women with childe.
Hazael reče: “Zašto plačeš, moj gospodaru?” Elizej odgovori: “Zato što znam sva zla koja ćeš ti učiniti Izraelcima: spalit ćeš im utvrde, mačem ćeš poubijati njihove ratnike, njihovu ćeš djecu satirati, a trudne žene parati.”
13 And Azael seide, What sotheli am Y, thi seruaunt, a dogge, that Y do this grete thing? And Elisee seide, The Lord schewide to me that thou schalt be kyng of Sirie.
Hazael reče: “Ali što je tvoj sluga? Zar je pas da učini tako strašne stvari?” Elizej odgovori: “U jednoj Jahvinoj objavi vidio sam tebe kao kralja aramejskog.”
14 And whanne he hadde departid fro Elisee, he cam to his lord; which seide to Azael, What seide Elisee to thee? And he answeride, Elisee seide to me, Thou schalt resseyue helthe.
Hazael ode od Elizeja i vrati se svome gospodaru, koji ga upita: “Što ti je rekao Elizej?” On odgovori: “Rekao mi je da ćeš ozdraviti.”
15 And whanne `the tother day hadde come, Azael took the cloth on the bed, and bischedde with watir, and spredde abrood on the face of hym; and whanne he was deed, Azael regnede for hym.
Ali sutradan uze pokrivač, namoči ga u vodi i pokri kralja preko lica te on umrije. A na njegovo mjesto zakralji se Hazael.
16 In the fyuethe yeer of Joram, sone of Achab, kyng of Israel, and of Josephat, kyng of Juda, Joram, sone of Josephat, kyng of Juda, regnede.
Pete godine kraljevanja Jorama, sina Ahabova, u Izraelu, postade judejskim kraljem Joram, sin Jošafatov.
17 He was of two and thretti yeer whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede eiyte yeer in Jerusalem.
Bile su mu trideset i dvije godine kad se zakraljio, a kraljevao je osam godina u Jeruzalemu.
18 And he yede in the weies of the kyngis of Israel, as the hows of Achab hadde go; for the douyter of Achab was his wijf; and he dide that, that is yuel in the siyt of the Lord.
Živio je poput izraelskih kraljeva, kao i dom Ahabov, jer mu je kći Ahabova bila žena; radio je što je zlo u Jahvinim očima.
19 Forsothe the Lord nolde distrie Juda, for Dauid, his seruaunt, as he `hadde bihiyt to Dauid, that he schulde yyue to hym a lanterne, and to hise sones in alle daies.
Ipak Jahve ne htjede razoriti Judeje zbog sluge svoga Davida, zato što mu obeća da će dati svjetiljku njemu i njegovim sinovima zauvijek.
20 In tho daies Edom, `that is, Ydumee, yede awei, that it schulde not be vndur Juda; and made a kyng to it silf.
U njegovo se vrijeme Edomci odmetnuše ispod judejske vlasti i postaviše sebi kralja.
21 And Joram cam to Seira, and alle the charis with hym; and he roos bi nyyt, and smoot Ydumeis, that cumpassiden hym, and the princis of charis; sotheli the puple fledde in to her tabernaclis.
Joram ode u Seir i s njim sva bojna kola. Diže se noću i pobi Edomce koji su bili opkolili njega i zapovjednike bojnih kola. Narod pobježe u svoje šatore.
22 Therfor Edom yede awei, that it was not vndur Juda `til to this day; thanne also Lobna yede awey in that tyme.
Ipak su se Edomci oslobodili ispod judejske vlasti sve do danas. U isto se doba odmetnu i Libna.
23 Forsothe the residues of wordis of Joram, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kingis of Juda?
Ostala povijest Jorama, sve što je učinio, zar to nije zapisano u knjizi Ljetopisa kraljeva judejskih?
24 And Joram slepte with hise fadris, and was biried with hem in the citee of Dauid; and Ocozie, his sone, regnede for hym.
Joram počinu kraj svojih otaca i bi pokopan k svojim ocima u Davidovu gradu. Njegov sin Ahazja zakralji se mjesto njega.
25 In the tweluethe yeer of Joram, sone of Achab, kyng of Israel, Ocozie, sone of Joram, kyng of Juda, regnede.
Dvanaeste godine Jorama, sina Ahabova, kralja Izraela, postade judejskim kraljem Ahazja, sin Joramov.
26 Ocozie, the sone of Joram, was of two and twenti yeer whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede o yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his moder was Athalia, the douyter of Amry, kyng of Israel.
Ahazji bijahu dvadeset i dvije godine kad se zakraljio, a kraljevao je godinu dana u Jeruzalemu. Mati mu se zvala Atalija, a bila je kći izraelskog kralja Omrija.
27 And he yede in the waies of the hows of Achab, and dide that, that is yuel, bifor the Lord, as the hows of Achab dide; for he was hosebonde of a douyter of the hows of Achab.
I on je hodio putem obitelji Ahabove i činio je zlo u očima Jahvinim, kao i obitelj Ahabova, jer je s njom bio u rodu.
28 Also he yede with Joram, sone of Achab, to fiyt ayens Azael, kyng of Sirie, in Ramoth of Galaad; and men of Sirie woundiden Joram.
On je pošao s Joramom, sinom Ahabovim, u Ramot Gilead u boj protiv Hazaela, aramskog kralja.
29 Which turnede ayen, to be heelid in Jezrael; for men of Sirie woundiden hym in Ramoth, fiytynge ayens Azael, kyng of Sirye. Forsothe Ocozie, sone of Joram, the kyng of Juda, cam doun to se Joram, sone of Achab, in to Jezrael, that was sijk there.
Kralj Joram vratio se u Jizreel da se liječi od rana što mu ih zadadoše u Rami kad se borio s aramejskim kraljem Hazaelom. Joramov sin Ahazja, judejski kralj, sišao je u Jizreel da posjeti Ahabova sina Jorama jer se Joram razbolio.

< 2 Kings 8 >