< 2 Kings 4 >

1 Forsothe sum womman of the wyues of prophetys criede to Elisee, and seide, Thi seruaunt, myn hosebonde, is deed, and thou knowist that thi seruaunt dredde God; and lo! the creaunser, `that is, he to whom the dette is owid, cometh to take my two sones to serue hym.
Zvino mukadzi womumwe murume weboka ravaprofita akadanidzira kuna Erisha akati, “Muranda wenyu, murume wangu afa, uye munoziva kuti aitya Jehovha. Asi zvino uyo waakanga atorera chikwereti ari kuuya kuzotora vanakomana vangu vaviri kuti vave nhapwa dzake.”
2 To whom Elisee seide, What wolt thou that Y do to thee? seie thou to me, what hast thou in thin hows? And she answeride, Y thin handmayde haue not ony thing in myn hows, no but a litil of oile, bi which Y schal be anoyntid.
Erisha akamupindura akati, “Ndingakubatsira seiko? Nditaurire, chii chaunacho mumba mako?” Iye akati, “Murandakadzi wenyu haana kana chinhu kunze kwamafuta mashoma shoma.”
3 To whom he seide, Go thou, and axe bi borewyng of alle thi neiyboris voide vessels not fewe.
Erisha akati kwaari, “Enda unokumbira vavakidzani vako vose vakupe midziyo isina chinhu. Usakumbira mishoma.
4 And entre, and close thi dore, whanne thou art with ynne, thou and thi sones; and putte ye therof in to alle these vessels; and whanne tho schulen be ful, thou schalt take awei.
Ipapo ugopinda mumba uzvipfigire mukova iwe navana vako. Udire mafuta mumidziyo yose, ugoisa parutivi mudziyo unenge wazara.”
5 Therfor the womman yede, and closide the dore on hir silf and on hir sones, thei brouyten vessels, and sche `heldide in.
Naizvozvo akabva kwaari, akapfiga mukova iye navana vake vari mukati. Vakauya nemidziyo kwaari, iye akaramba achingodira.
6 And whanne the vessels weren fulle, sche seide to hir sone, Brynge thou yit a vessel to me. And he answeride, Y haue not. And the oyle stood.
Midziyo yose yakati yazara, akati kumwanakomana wake, “Ndivigire mumwe mudziyo.” Asi iye akapindura akati, “Hapachina mumwe mudziyo wasara.” Ipapo mafuta akabva aguma.
7 Forsothe sche cam, and schewide to the man of God; and he seide, Go thou, sil thou the oile, and yelde to thi creauncer; forsothe thou and thi children lyue of the residue.
Akaenda kundoudza munhu waMwari uye iye akati, “Chienda unotengesa mafuta ugoripa zvikwereti zvako, iwe navanakomana vako mugorarama neanenge asara.”
8 Forsothe sum day was maad, and Elisee passide bi a citee, Sunam; sotheli a greet womman was there, which helde hym, that he schulde ete breed. And whanne he passide ofte therbi, `he turnede to hir, that he schulde ete breed.
Rimwe zuva Erisha akaenda kuShunemi. Ikoko kwaiva nomukadzi akanga ari mupfumi, uye akamugombedzera kuti agare ambodya. Saka nguva dzose paaipfuura nepo, aimirapo odya.
9 `Which womman seide to hir hosebonde, Y perseyue that this is an hooli man of God, that passith ofte bi vs;
Mukadzi akati kumurume wake, “Ndinoziva kuti murume uyu anopfuura napano, mutsvene waMwari.
10 therfor make we a litil soler to hym, and putte we therynne a litil bed to hym, and a boord, and a chaier, and a candilstike; that whanne he cometh to vs, he dwelle there.
Ngativakei kamuri padenga tigomuisira mubhedha netafura, nechigaro uye nerambi imomo. Ipapo achakwanisa kugaramo paanenge angotishanyira.”
11 Therfor sum dai was maad, and he cam, and turnede in to the soler, and restide there.
Rimwe zuva Erisha akati asvika, akakwira kukamuri rake ndokurara imomo.
12 And he seide to Giezi, his child, Clepe thou this Sunamyte. And whanne he hadde clepid hir, and sche hadde stonde
Akati kumuranda wake Gehazi, “Dana mukadzi muShunami.” Naizvozvo akamudana, uye akamira pamberi pake.
13 bifor hym, he seide to his child, Speke thou to hir, Lo! thou hast mynystride to vs bisili in alle thingis; what wolt thou that Y do to thee? Whether thou hast a cause, and wolt that Y speke to the kyng, ether to the prince of the chyualrye? And sche answeride, I dwelle in the myddis of my puple.
Erisha akati kwaari, “Muudze kuti, ‘Makatitamburira imi pane zvose izvi, zvino mungaitirwewo chii? Tingakumiririrai kuna mambo here kana kumukuru wehondo?’” Iye akapindura akati, “Ndine musha pakati pavanhu vokwangu.”
14 And he seide, What therfor wole sche that Y do to hir? Giezi seide to hym, Axe thou not, for she hath no sone, and hir hosebonde is eeld.
Erisha akabvunza akati, “Angaitirwe chiiko?” Gehazi akati, “Zvirokwazvo, haana mwanakomana uye murume wake akwegura.”
15 Therfor Elisee comaundide, that he schulde clepe hir. And whanne sche was clepid, and stood bifor the dore,
Ipapo Erisha akati, “Mudane.” Naizvozvo akamudana, mukadzi akamira pamukova.
16 he seide to hir, In this tyme and in this same our, if lijf schal be felow, thou schalt haue a sone in the wombe. And sche answeride, Nyle thou, my lord, the man of God, Y biseche, nyle thou lye to thin hondmaide.
Erisha akati, “Nenguva inenge ino gore rinouya, uchafungatira mwanakomana mumaoko ako.” Iye akati, “Kwete, ishe wangu. Haiwa munhu waMwari, musarevera nhema murandakadzi wenyu!”
17 And the womman conseyuede, and childide a sone in the tyme, and in the same our, in which Elisee hadde seid.
Asi mukadzi akava nemimba, uye gore raitevera nenguva yakare iyoyo akapona mwanakomana, sezvaakanga audzwa naErisha.
18 Sotheli the child encreeside; and whanne sum day was, and the child was goon out, and yede to his fadir,
Mwana akati akura, nerimwe zuva akaenda kuna baba vake, kwavaiva navakohwi.
19 and to the repers, he seide to his fadir, Myn heed akith, myn heed akith. And he seide to a child, Take, and lede hym to his modir.
Akati kuna baba vake, “Musoro wangu! Musoro wangu!” Baba vake vakataurira muranda vakati, “Mutakurei muende naye kuna mai vake.”
20 And whanne he hadde take, and hadde brouyt hym to his modir, sche settide hym on hir knees `til to myddai, and he was deed.
Mushure mokunge muranda amusimudza, akaenda naye kuna mai vake, mukomana akagara pamakumbo amai vake kusvikira masikati, ndokubva afa.
21 Sotheli she stiede, and leide hym on the litil bed of the man of God, and closide the dore.
Vakakwira pamusoro naye vakandomuradzika pamubhedha womunhu waMwari, ndokupfiga mukova ndokubuda.
22 And sche yede out, and clepide hir hosebonde, and seide, Y biseche, sende thou with me oon of the children, and an asse, and Y schal renne out `til to the man of God, and Y schal turne ayen.
Mukadzi akadana murume wake akati, “Ndapota, ndidanire mumwe wavaranda nembongoro kuti ndiende kumunhu waMwari nokukurumidza ndigodzoka.”
23 And he seide to hir, For what cause goist thou to hym? to dai ben not calendis, nether sabat. And she answeride, Y schal go.
Iye akamubvunza akati, “Uri kuendereiko kwaari nhasi? Hakusi Kugara kwoMwedzi kana Sabata.” Akapindura akati, “Hazvina mhosva.”
24 And sche sadlide the asse, and comaundide to the child, Dryue thou, and haaste; make thou not tariyng to me in goyng, and do thou this thing which Y comaunde to thee.
Akaisa chigaro pamusoro pembongoro akati kumuranda wake, “Tungamira; usafamba zvishoma uchiitira ini kunze kwokunge ndakuudza.”
25 Therfor sche yede forth, and cam to the man of God, in to the hil of Carmele. And whanne the man of God hadde seyn hir euene ayen, he seide to Giezi, his child, Lo! thilke Sunamyte; go thou therfor in to the metyng of hir,
Naizvozvo akaenda akasvika kumunhu waMwari paGomo reKarimeri. Akati achimuona achiri kure, munhu waMwari akati kumuranda wake Gehazi, “Tarisa! Hoyo mukadzi muShunami!
26 and seie thou to hir, Whether it is doon riytfuli aboute thee, and aboute thin hosebonde, and aboute thi sone? And sche answeride, Riytfuli.
Mhanya undosangana naye ugomubvunza kuti, ‘Munofara mose here? Ko, murume wako anofara here? Ko, mwana wako anofara here?’” Mukadzi akati, “Zvose zvakanaka.”
27 And whanne sche hadde come to the man of God, in to the hil, sche took his feet; and Giezi neiyede, that he schulde remoue hir. And the man of God seide, Suffre thou hir; for hir soule is in bitternesse, and the Lord helde priuy fro me, and schewide not to me.
Paakasvika kumunhu waMwari paGomo, akabata makumbo ake. Gehazi akauya achiti amusundire kure, asi munhu waMwari akati, “Murege akadaro! Nokuti ane shungu dzinomutambudza, asi Jehovha akandivanzira chinhu ichi uye haana kundiudza kuti imhaka yei.”
28 And sche seide to hym, Whether I axide my sone of my lord? Whether Y seide not to thee, Scorne thou not me?
Mukadzi akati, “Ndakakukumbirai mwanakomana here, tenzi wangu? Ko, handina kukutaurirai kuti musandinyengedzera here?”
29 And he seide to Giezi, Girde thi leendis, and take my staf in thin hond, and go; if a man metith thee, grete thou not hym; and if ony man gretith thee, answere thou not hym; and putte thou my staf on the face of the child.
Erisha akati kuna Gehazi, “Zvisunge chiuno ubate tsvimbo yangu muruoko rwako umhanye. Kana ukasangana naani zvake, usamukwazisa, uye ani naani anokukwazisa, iwe usapindura. Uradzike tsvimbo yangu pauso hwomukomana.”
30 Forsothe the `modir of the child seide, The Lord lyueth and thi soule lyueth, Y schal not leeue, `ether forsake, thee. Therfor he roos, and suede hir.
Asi mai vomwana vakati, “Zvirokwazvo naJehovha mupenyu, uye noupenyu hwenyu, handisi kuzokusiyai.” Naizvozvo akasimuka akamutevera.
31 Sotheli Giezi yede bifor hem, and puttide the staaf on the face of the child; and `vois was not, nether wit. And Giezi turnede ayen to the meetyng of hym; and telde to him, and seyde, The child `roos not.
Gehazi akatungamira mberi akandoisa tsvimbo pachiso chomwana, asi hapana chakanzwika kana chakapfakanyika. Naizvozvo Gehazi akadzokera kuti andosangana naErisha akamuudza kuti, “Mukomana haana kumuka.”
32 Therfor Elisee entride in to the hows, and, lo! the deed child lai in his bed.
Erisha paakasvika pamba, akawana mukomana ari pamubhedha akafa.
33 And he entride, and closide the dore on hym silf, and on the child; and preiede to the Lord.
Akapinda mukati, akapfiga mukova iye nomwana vari vaviri, akanyengetera kuna Jehovha.
34 And he stiede, and lay on the child; and he puttide his mouth on the mouth of the child, and hise iyen on the iyen of the child, and hise hondis on the hondis of the child. And he bouwide hym silf on the child; and the fleisch of the child was maad hoot.
Ipapo akakwira pamubhedha akatsivama pamusoro pomwana, akaisa muromo wake pamuromo womwana, nameso ake pameso omwana, uye maoko pamaoko ake. Paakatsivamira pamusoro pake, muviri womukomana wakatanga kudziya.
35 And he turnede ayen, and walkide in the hows onys hidur and thidur; and Elisee stiede, and lai on the child, and the child yoxide seuene sithis, and openyde the iyen.
Erisha akafuratira, achifamba-famba mukati mekamuri akadzokerazve pamubhedha akatsivamazve pamusoro pake. Mukomana akahotsira kanomwe kose ndokusvinura meso ake.
36 And he clepide Giezi, and seide to hym, Clepe thou this Sunamyte. And sche was clepid, and entride to hym. And he seide, Take thi sone.
Erisha akadana Gehazi akati kwaari, “Dana mukadzi muShunami.” Iye akaita saizvozvo. Akati apinda, Erisha akati kwaari, “Tora mwanakomana wako.”
37 She cam, and felde doun to his feet, and worschipide on erthe; and sche took hir sone, and yede out.
Ipapo akapinda, akazviwisira patsoka dzake akakotamira pasi, akasimuka akatora mwanakomana wake akabuda.
38 And Elisee turnede ayen in to Galgala. Forsothe hungur was in the lond, and the sones of prophetis dwelliden bifor hym. And Elisee seide to oon of his children, Set thou a greet pot, and sethe thou potage to the sones of prophetis.
Erisha akadzokera kuGirigari uye maiva nenzara mudunhu imomo. Boka ravanakomana vavaprofita parakanga rigere pamberi pake, akati kumuranda wake, “Gadzai hari huru mubikire boka ravaprofita ava zvokudya.”
39 And oon yede out in to the feeld to gadere eerbis of the feeld; and he foond as a wilde vyne, and he gaderide therof gourdis of the feeld. And he fillide his mentil, and he turnede ayen, and schredde in to the pot of potage; for he wiste not what it was.
Mumwe wavo akaenda kuminda kundotanha muriwo akawana magaka omusango. Akaunganidza mamwe acho akaazadza mujasi rake. Paakadzokera, akaatema-tema ndokuaisa muhari yomuriwo, kunyange zvazvo pakanga pasina aiziva kuti zvaiva zvii.
40 Therfor thei helden yn to felowis to ete; and whanne thei hadden taastid of the sething, thei crieden out, and seiden, Deth in the pot! deeth in the pot! thou man of God. And thei miyten not ete. And he seide, Brynge ye meele.
Zvokudya zvakapakurirwa vanhu, asi pavakatanga kudya vakadanidzira vakati, “Nhai munhu waMwari, mune rufu muhari!” Uye vakatadza kuzvidya.
41 And whanne thei hadden brouyt, he puttide in to the pot, and seide, Helde ye to the cumpany, that thei ete; and ony thing of bitternesse was nomore in the pot.
Erisha akati, “Uyai noupfu.” Akahuisa muhari akati, “Ipai vanhu vadye.” Ipapo hapana kuzova nechinokuvadza muhari.
42 Forsothe sum man cam fro the pleyn of Salisa, and bar to the man of God looues of the firste fruytis, ten looues of barli, and newe wheete, in his scrippe. And the man of God seide, Yyue thou to the puple, that it ete.
Mumwe murume akauya achibva kuBhaari Sharisha achivigira munhu waMwari marofu makumi maviri echingwa chebhari chakanga chabikwa nezviyo zvakatanga kuibva, pamwe chete nehura dzezviyo zvitsva. Erisha akati, “Ipai vanhu vadye.”
43 And his mynystre answeride to hym, `Hou myche is this, that Y sette bifor an hundrid men? Eft Elisee seide, Yyue thou to the puple, that it ete; for the Lord seith these thingis, Thei schulen ete, and it shal leeue.
Muranda wake akati, “Ndingagovera izvi kuvanhu zana sei?” Asi Erisha akapindura akati, “Ipai vanhu vadye. Nokuti zvanzi naJehovha, ‘Vachadya vakasiya zvimwe.’”
44 Therfor he puttide bifor hem, whiche eeten; and it lefte, bi the word of the Lord.
Ipapo akavaisira pamberi pavo zvokudya, vakadya vakasiya zvimwe, sezvakanga zvataurwa neshoko raJehovha.

< 2 Kings 4 >