< 2 John 1 >
1 The eldere man, to the chosun ladi, and to her children, whiche Y loue in treuthe; and not Y aloone, but also alle men that knowen treuthe;
ANCIANOAC andre elegituari, eta haren haourrey, cein nic eguiaz maite baititut, eta ez nic neurorrec solament, baina eguiá eçagutu vkan duten guciéc-ere:
2 for the treuthe that dwellith in you, and with you schal be with outen ende. (aiōn )
Gutan dagoen eta seculacotz gurequin içanen den eguiaren causaz: (aiōn )
3 Grace be with you, merci, and pees of God the fadir, and of Jhesu Crist, the sone of the fadir, in treuthe and charite.
Gratia, misericordia, baquea dela çuequin Iainco Aitaganic, eta Aitaren Seme Iesus Christ Iaunaganic, eguiarequin eta charitaterequin.
4 I ioiede ful myche, for Y foond of thi sones goynge in treuthe, as we resseyueden maundement of the fadir.
Alegueratu içan naun haguitz, ceren eriden dudan hire haourretaric eguián dabiltzala, manamendu recebitu vkan dugun beçala Aitaganic.
5 And now Y preye thee, ladi, not as writinge a newe maundement to thee, but that that we hadden fro the bigynnyng, that we loue ech other.
Eta orain othoitz eguiten draunat, andreá, ez manamendu berriric scribatzen banaraun beçala, baina hatseandanic vkan duguna, elkarri on daritzogun.
6 And this is charite, that we walke after his maundementis. For this is the comaundement, that as ye herden at the bigynnyng, walke ye in hym.
Eta haur da charitatea, ebil gaitecen haren manamenduén araura: haur da manamendua hatseandanic ençun vkan duçuen beçala, hartan ebil çaitezten.
7 For many disseyueris wenten out in to the world, which knoulechen not that Jhesu Crist hath come in fleisch; this is a disseyuere and antecrist.
Ecen anhitz abusari sarthu içan da mundura, ceinéc ezpaitute confessatzen Iesus Christ haraguitan ethorri içan dela: halacoa abusari da eta Antechrist.
8 Se ye you silf, lest ye lesen the thingis that ye han wrouyt, that ye resseyue ful mede;
Gogoauçue çuen buruètara, gal eztitzaguncát eguin ditugun gauçác, baina sari bethea recebi deçagunçát.
9 witynge that ech man that goith bifore, and dwellith not in the teching of Crist, hath not God. He that dwellith in the teching, hath bothe the sone and the fadir.
Norc-ere iragaiten baitu, eta ezpaita egoiten Christen doctrinán, Iaincoa eztu: Christen doctrinán egoiten denac Aita eta Semea baditu.
10 If ony man cometh to you, and bryngith not this teching, nyle ye resseyue hym in to hous, nether seie ye to hym, Heil.
Baldin cembeit ethorten bada çuetara, eta doctrina haur ezpaitu ekarten, hura ezteçaçuela recebi etchera, ezeta saluta.
11 For he that seith to hym, Heil, comyneth with hise yuel werkis. Lo! Y biforseide to you, that ye be not confoundid in the dai of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
Ecen hura salutatzen duenac communicatzen du haren obra gaichtoequin.
12 Y haue mo thingis to write to you, and Y wolde not bi parchemyn and enke; for Y hope that Y schal come to you, and speke mouth to mouth, that your ioye be ful.
Anhitz gauça banuen-ere çuey scribatzecoric, eztitut paperez eta tintaz scribatu nahi vkan, baina sperança dut ethorriren naicela çuetara eta ahoz aho minçaturen, gure bozcarioa complitua dençát.
13 The sones of thi chosun sistir greten thee wel. The grace of God be with thee. Amen.
Hire ahizpa elegituaren haourréc salutatzen auté.