< 2 Corinthians 11 >
1 I wolde that ye wolden suffre a litil thing of myn vnwisdom, but also supporte ye me.
Ta guutha eeyatetha inte danda7ana mala ta ufayss oothoyssa hayana danda7ite.
2 For Y loue you bi the loue of God; for Y haue spousid you to oon hosebonde, to yelde a chast virgyn to Crist.
Issi gelontta geesha geela7oya ba geela7ottethan issi azinas giigiza mala taka intena Kiristoosas giigisida gishshi ta inte gishshi lo7o qofa qofayss.
3 But Y drede, lest as the serpent disseyuede Eue with his sutil fraude, so youre wittis ben corrupt, and fallen doun fro the symplenesse that is in Crist.
Shooshay ba genera Hiwano balethidayssatho oone erizay inte qofayka moorettin Kiristoosas diza suurene geesh gidida ammanetetha intena aggaagandeto gaada ta hirgayss.
4 For if he that cometh, prechith anothir Crist, whom we precheden not, or if ye taken another spirit, whom ye token not, or another gospel, which ye resseyueden not, riytli ye schulden suffre.
Issi uray inteko yiidi nu kase intes sabakidayssa gidontta hara Yesusa sabakiko woykko kase ekkida ayana gidontta hara ayana ekkiko woykko kase inte ekkida miishiracho qaala gidontta hara miishiracho qaala ekikko coo mela inte xoonettanayssako.
5 For Y wene that Y haue don no thing lesse than the grete apostlis.
Gidikokka tani hayta gita hawarettape aazanka ta guuxizazi taas miilatena.
6 For thouy Y be vnlerud in word, but not in kunnyng. For in alle thingis Y am open to you.
Hasa7an cincca gidontta aggikoka taas eray paccibeyna. Hessa nuni intes duma duma ogera qonccen ersidos.
7 Or whether Y haue don synne, mekynge my silf, that ye be enhaunsid, for freli Y prechide to you the gospel of God?
Tani intes Xoossa mishiracho qaala damosay bayinda sabakidayne intena dhoqu histtanas tani tana kawushidayss oonne erizay taas nagara gidi qoodettideshaa?
8 Y made nakid othere chirchis, and Y took sowde to youre seruyce.
Intes oothanas hankko woossa keethattape tani maado ekkidayssi isttafe shiisha ekkadakko.
9 And whanne Y was among you, and hadde nede, Y was chargeouse to no man; for britheren that camen fro Macedonye, fulfilliden that that failide to me. And in alle thingis Y haue kept, and schal kepe me with outen charge to you.
Tani intenara dishin tana mettin Maqedoniyape yida ishati taas kooshizazan tana maadida gishshi oonasika tooho gidabeyke. Hano gakkanaasika ay miishanka intes tooho gidabeyke. Sinthafeka ta intes tooho gidike.
10 The treuthe of Crist is in me; for this glorie schal not be brokun in me in the cuntreis of Acaie.
Kiristoosa tumatethi tanan diza gishshi tani ceeqetontta mala tana diggizay Akaya deren oonka baawa.
11 Whi? for Y loue not you?
Hessas gaasoy aazee? Tani intena siiqonta gishshee? Ta intena siiqizayssa Xoossi erees.
12 God woot. For that that Y do, and that Y schal do, is that Y kitte awei the occasioun of hem that wolen occasioun, that in the thing, in which thei glorien, thei be foundun as we.
Heyti wordo hawareti “Nuka isttatho oothosu” gishshe istti ceeqizayssa digganas ta ha7i oothizayssatho sinthafeka oothana.
13 For siche false apostlis ben trecherouse werk men, and transfiguren hem in to apostlis of Crist.
Heytantta mala asati Kiristoosa hawarista milatanas berka bena laamiza wordancha hawaristanne balethiza oothanchatakko.
14 And no wondur, for Sathanas hym silf transfigurith hym in to an aungel of light.
Hessika daro malalisizazi gidena. Xala7eyka bena po7o kiittancha milatisid laametees.
15 Therfor it is not greet, if hise mynystris ben transfigurid as the mynystris of riytwisnesse, whos ende schal be aftir her werkis.
Hessa gishshi heyti Xala7e oothanchati hanko xiillo oothanchata milatanas berkka benatetha laammiko aykoka malalisena. Wurisethan istti ba ootho waaga ekkana.
16 Eft Y seie, lest ony man gesse me to be vnwise; ellis take ye me as vnwise, that also Y haue glorie a litil what.
Oonasika tani eeya gididazi milatopo gaada qasseka yootadis. Ta isttas eeya milatikoka guutha wodes ta ceeqistana mala tana inte eeya mala qoodite.
17 That that Y speke, Y speke not aftir God, but as in vnwisdom, in this substaunce of glorie.
Tani hessaththo duuna kunththa hasa7izay Goda shene mala gidontta eeya ura mala gidadakko.
18 For many men glorien aftir the fleisch, and Y schal glorie.
Daroti ba asho qofan ceeqetizayssatho taka ceeqistana.
19 For ye suffren gladli vnwise men, whanne ye silf ben wise.
Inten qass yuushi qopizayta gidida mala hankko eeyata ufayssanas danda7ista.
20 For ye susteynen, if ony man dryueth you in to seruage, if ony man deuourith, if ony man takith, if ony man is enhaunsid, if ony man smytith you on the face.
Hessaththoka oonikka intena bessi aylesikkone oonikka intena bonqqiko, oonikka intenan go7ettiko, oonikka intena leqqiko, oonikka intes shagalan baqiko inte danda7eista.
21 Bi vnnoblei Y seie, as if we weren sike in this parti. In what thing ony man dar, in vnwisdom Y seie, and Y dar.
Izi tana yeelasizazi gidikkoka hayta ha hanota oothanas nuni mino gidonttayssa tani intes qonccisayss. Gido attin oonikka ceqeistanass xaaliiko taka izatho xaalada ceeqeistana. Tani hessa gizay ha7ika eeya gidadako.
22 Thei ben Ebrewis, and Y; thei ben Israelitis, and Y; thei ben the seed of Abraham, and Y;
Heytantti istti Ibirawe asatee? Taka Ibirawoko. Istti Isiraa7eele asatee? taka Isiraa7eele asako. Istti Abiraame zerethatee? taka Abirame zerethiko.
23 thei ben the mynystris of Crist, and Y. As lesse wise Y seie, Y more; in ful many trauelis, in prisouns more plenteuousli, in woundis aboue maner, in deethis ofte tymes.
Heytantti Kiristoosa oothanchatee? Tani qass isttafe bollara Kiristoosas oothizadekko. Ta hessaththo gizay goosha mala gidadakko; Tani isttafe daro wode oothon daaburadis, daro wode qashettadis, daro wode garafettadis, daro wode hayqos gakkadis,
24 Y resseyuede of the Jewis fyue sithis fourti strokis oon lesse;
Hedzdzu tammane uddufun xuuriqafe ichachu too Ayhudatan garafettadis.
25 thries Y was betun with yerdis, onys Y was stonyd, thries Y was at shipbreche, a nyyt and a dai Y was in the depnesse of the see;
Hedzdzu too durqan bukettadis, issi too shuchan cadettadis, hedzdzu too marikabe giddon ta bolla metoy gakkides, issi omarisine issi gallas abba gidon gammi7adis.
26 in weies ofte, in perelis of floodis, in perelis of theues, in perelis of kyn, in perelis of hethene men, in perelis in citee, in perelis in desert, in perelis in the see, in perelis among false britheren, in trauel and nedynesse,
Ta hamutha daro geedon haatha kixxayne di7oy, pangatape metoy tana gakkides. Ta qommo Ayhuda asapene hankko dere asape wayeyne metoy tana gakkides. Katamankka bazonkka abba bollanka tana metoy, hessathoka worido ammanizaytapeka metoy tana gakkides.
27 in many wakyngis, in hungur, in thirst, in many fastyngis, in coold and nakidnesse.
Daro ootha daburadis, Daro wode dhisikabeykke, Gafanine haatha saamon waayetadis, Daro wode miza kathi taasi dhaydes, meegoyne kaloteth tana gakkides.
28 Withouten tho thingis that ben withoutforth, myn ech daies trauelyng is the bisynesse of alle chirchis.
Tani hara miishi qopontta, gallas gallas tana qopisizay woossa keethata wuriso gishshi qopiza qofakko.
29 Who is sijk, and Y am not sijk? who is sclaundrid, and Y am not brent?
Issi uray daaburishin tani izara daaburontta ayde aggadinaa? Issi uray nagaran kundishin ta qasse iza hanqetontta ayde aadha erazinaa?
30 If it bihoueth to glorie, Y schal glorie in tho thingis that ben of myn infirmyte.
Ceeqistanas koshshizazi gidiko ta ceeqistanay ta daburancha gididayssa tana bessiza miishan ceeqistayss.
31 God and the fadir of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, that is blessid in to worldis, woot that Y lie not. (aiōn )
Medhinas galatetida Goda Yesus Kiristoosa Aawa Xoossi ta wordotonttayssa erees. (aiōn )
32 The preuost of Damask, of the kyng of the folk Arethe, kepte the citee of Damascenes to take me;
Tani Demasiqo kataman dishin kawo Arisixosiyossape garisara dere ayssizayss tana oykkanas koyid he katama pengeta zabetan naagissides.
33 and bi a wyndow in a leep Y was latun doun bi the wal, and so Y ascapide hise hondis.
Gidikoka asay tana keechen yeggidi he katama ginbbe masikotera duge wothi yeddin kessa ekka attadis. Si7il yaasifeligal.