< 2 Chronicles 9 >
1 Also the queen of Saba, whanne sche hadde herd the fame of Salomon, cam to tempte hym in derk figuris `in to Jerusalem, with grete ritchessis, and camels, that baren swete smellynge spices, and ful myche of gold, and preciouse iemmes, `ether peerlis. And whanne sche was comun to Salomon, sche spak to hym what euer thingis weren in hir herte.
Mambokadzi weShebha paakanzwa mbiri yaSoromoni, akauya kuJerusarema kuti amuedze nemibvunzo yakaoma kwazvo. Akasvika navanhu vazhinji kwazvo nengamera akatakura zvinonhuhwira, goridhe rakawanda, namatombo anokosha, akauya kuna Soromoni akataura naye zvose zvaiva mupfungwa dzake.
2 And Salomon expownede to hir alle thingis whiche sche hadde put forth, and no thing was, which he made not opyn to hir.
Soromoni akamupindura mibvunzo yake yose, hapana chakanga chakanyanya kumuomera kuti amutsanangurire.
3 And aftir that sche siy these thingis, that is, the wisdom of Salomon, and the hows which he hadde bildid,
Mambokadzi weShebha paakaona uchenjeri hwaSoromoni, nomuzinda waakanga avaka,
4 also and the metis of his boord, and the dwellyng places of seruauntis, and the offices of hise mynystris, and the clothis of hem, and the boteleris, and her clothis, and the sacrifices whiche he offride in the hows of the Lord, spirit was no more in hir for wondryng.
zvokudya zvaiva patafura yake, magariro amakurukota ake, varanda vake vari muzvipfeko zvavo, vadiri vezvokunwa vari muzvipfeko zvavo nezvipiriso zvinopiswa zvaaiita patemberi yaJehovha akapererwa.
5 And sche seide to the kyng, The word `is trewe, which Y herde in my lond, of thi vertues and wisdom;
Akati kuna Mambo, “Zvandakanzwa munyika yangu pamusoro pezvamakaita nouchenjeri hwenyu ndezvechokwadi.
6 Y bileuyde not to telleris, til Y my silf hadde come, and myn yyen hadden seyn, and Y hadde preued that vnnethis the half of thi wisdom was teld to me; thou hast ouercome the fame bi thi vertues.
Asi handina kutenda zvaitaurwa kusvikira ndauya kuzozvionera nameso angu. Chokwadi, handina kutongonzwa kunyange hafu yokukura kwouchenjeri hwenyu, mapfuura nokure zvandakanzwa.
7 Blessid ben thi men, and blessid ben thi seruauntis, these that stonden bifor thee in al tyme, and heren thi wisdom.
Mufaro wakawanda sei unofanira kungova una vanhu venyu! Anofara sei machinda enyu anoramba amire pamberi penyu achinzwa uchenjeri hwenyu.
8 Blessid be `thi Lord God, that wolde ordeyne thee on his trone kyng of the puple of `thi Lord God; treuli for God loueth Israel, and wole saue hym with outen ende, therfor he hath set thee kyng on hym, that thou do domes and riytfulnesse.
Ngaarumbidzwe Jehovha Mwari wenyu akafadzwa nemi akakuisai pachigaro chake samambo kuti mutongere Jehovha Mwari wenyu. Nokuda kwerudo rwaMwari wenyu kuIsraeri nokudokwairira kwake kuvasimudzira nokusingaperi, akakuitai mambo pamusoro pavo kuti muchengetedze kururamisira nokururama.”
9 Forsothe sche yaf to the kyng sixe scoore talentis of gold, and ful many swete smellynge spices, and moost preciouse iemmes; ther weren not siche swete smellynge spices, as these whiche the queen of Saba yaf `to kyng Salomon.
Ipapo akapa mambo matarenda zana namakumi maviri egoridhe, zvinonhuhwira zvakawanda kwazvo namatombo anokosha. Hakuna kunge kwambova nezvinonhuhwira zvakaita sezvakapiwa mambo Soromoni namambokadzi weShebha.
10 But also the seruauntis of Iram with the seruauntis of Salomon brouyten gold fro Ophir, and trees of thyne, and most preciouse iemmes; of whiche,
(Vanhu vaHiramu navanhu vaSoromoni vakauya negoridhe kubva kuOfiri; vakauyazve namatanda emiarigumi namatombo anokosha.
11 that is, of the trees of thyne, the kyng made grees in the hows of the Lord, and in the hows of the kyng, `harpis also, and sautrees to syngeris; siche trees weren neuere seyn in the lond of Juda.
Mambo akashandisa matanda emiarigumi kugadzira zvikwiriso zvetemberi yaJehovha nezvemuzinda wamambo, uye kugadzirisa mbira nemitengeranwa yavaimbi. Hapana zvakaita sezvizvi zvakanga zvatomboonekwa muJudha).
12 Forsothe Salomon yaf to the queen of Saba alle thingis whiche sche wolde, and whiche sche axide, many moo than sche hadde brouyt to hym. And sche turnede ayen, and yede in to hir lond with hir seruauntis.
Mambo Soromoni akapa mambokadzi weShebha zvose zvaaida nezvaakakumbira; akamupa zvakawanda kupfuura zvaakauya nazvo kwaari. Ipapo akabva adzokera navaranda vake kunyika yake.
13 Forsothe the weiyt of gold, that was brouyt to Salomon bi ech yeer, was sixe hundrid and sixe and sixti talentis of gold,
Uremu hwegoridhe raipiwa Soromoni hwaisvika matarenda mazana matanhatu namakumi matanhatu ane matanhatu pagore roga roga,
14 outakun that summe whiche the legatis of dyuerse folkis, and marchauntis weren wont to brynge, and alle the kyngis of Arabie, and the princes of londis, that brouyten togidere gold and siluer to Salomon.
tisingaverengi mitero yaiuyiswa navatengesi navashambadziri. Uye madzimambo ose eArabhia navabati venyika vaiuyisa goridhe nesirivha kuna Soromoni.
15 Therfor kyng Salomon made two hundrid goldun speris of the summe of sixe hundrid `floreyns, ether peesis of gold, that weren spendid in ech spere;
Mambo Soromoni akagadzira mazana maviri enhoo huru dzegoridhe rakapambadzirwa mazana matanhatu amashekeri egoridhe akapambadzirwa aipinda munhoo imwe neimwe.
16 and he made thre hundrid goldun scheeldis of thre hundrid floreyns, with whiche ech scheeld was hilid; and the kyng puttide tho in the armure place, that was set in the wode.
Akagadzirazve nhoo diki dzaisvika mazana matatu negoridhe rakapambadzirwa, namashekeri mazana matatu egoridhe munhoo imwe neimwe. Mambo akaaisa muMuzinda weSango reRebhanoni.
17 Also the kyng made a greet seete of yuer, and clothide it with clennest gold;
Ipapo mambo akagadzira chigaro chikuru choushe nenyanga dzenzou uye akachifukidza negoridhe rakaisvonaka.
18 and he made sixe grees, bi whiche me stiede to the seete, and a goldun stool, and tweyne armes, oon ayens `the tother, and twei liouns stondynge bisidis the armes;
Chigaro ichi chakanga chine zvikwiriso zvitanhatu nechitsiko chetsoka chegoridhe chakanga chakabatana nechigaro ichi. Kumativi ose echigaro kwaiva nezvitsigiro zvamaoko, neshumba yakamira parutivi pechimwe nechimwe chazvo.
19 but also he made twelue othere litle liouns stondynge on sixe grees on euer either side. Siche a seete was not in alle rewmes.
Shumba gumi nembiri dzakanga dzakamira pazvikwiriso zvitanhatu, imwe chete kumucheto kwechikwiriso chimwe nechimwe. Hakuna zvakaita seizvi zvakanga zvambogadzirirwa humwe umambo.
20 And alle the vessels of the feeste of the kyng weren of gold, and the vessels of the hows of the forest of the Liban weren of pureste gold; for siluer in tho daies was arettid for nouyt.
Mikombe yose yokunwa nayo yaMambo Soromoni yaiva yegoridhe, uye zvose zvomumba zvaiva muMuzinda weSango reRebhanoni zvaiva zvegoridhe rakaisvonaka. Hapana chakanga chakagadzirwa nesirivha, nokuti pamazuva aSoromoni sirivha yaionekwa seisina basa.
21 For also the schippis of the kyng yeden in to Tharsis with the seruauntis of Iram onys in thre yeer, and brouyten fro thennus gold, and siluer, and yuer, and apis, and pokokis.
Mambo aiva nezvikepe zvokushambadzira zvaienda kunzvimbo dzakasiyana-siyana zvaifambiswa navanhu vaHiramu. Kamwe chete mumakore matatu zvaidzoka zviine goridhe, sirivha, nyanga dzenzou netsoko namakudo.
22 Therfor kyng Salomon was magnyfied ouer alle kyngis of erthe for richessis and glorie.
Mambo Soromoni akanga ari mukuru kwazvo muupfumi nouchenjeri kupfuura madzimambo ose enyika.
23 And alle the kyngis of londis desireden to se the face of Salomon, for to here the wisdom which God hadde youe in his herte; and thei brouyten to hym yiftis,
Madzimambo ose aitsvaga kutaura naSoromoni kuti vanzwe uchenjeri hwakanga hwaiswa naMwari mumwoyo make.
24 vessels of siluer and of gold, clothis and armuris, and swete smellynge spices, horsis and mulis, bi ech yeer.
Gore negore vose vaiuya nezvipo midziyo yesirivha nezvegoridhe, nenguo, zvombo zvokurwa nazvo nezvinonhuhwira, namabhiza nembongoro.
25 Also Salomon hadde fourti thousynde of horsis in stablis, and twelue thousynde of charis and of knyytis; and `he ordeynede hem in the citees of charis, and where the kyng was in Jerusalem.
Soromoni akanga ane zvidyiro zvamabhiza nengoro, zviuru zvina, namabhiza zviuru gumi nezviviri zvaaichengetera mumaguta engoro nemuJerusarema maaiva.
26 Forsothe he vside power on alle the kyngis, fro the flood Eufrates `til to the lond of Filisteis, and `til to the termes of Egipt.
Aitonga madzimambo ose kubva kuRwizi kusvika kunyika yavaFiristia kusvikira kumuganhu neIjipiti.
27 And he yaf so greet plente of siluer in Jerusalem, as of stoonys, and so greet multitude of cedris, as of sycomoris that growen in feeldi places.
Mambo akaita kuti sirivha iwanikwe pose pose samatombo muJerusarema uye kuti misidhari iwande semionde yemisikamo mujinga mamakomo.
28 Forsothe horsis weren brouyt fro Egipt, and fro alle cuntreis.
Mabhiza aSoromoni akanga atengwa kubva kuIjipiti nokubva kune dzimwe nyika.
29 Sotheli the residue of the formere werkis and the laste of Salomon ben writun in the wordis of Nathan, the prophete, and in the wordis of Achie of Silo, and in the visioun, `ether prophesie, of Addo, the prophete, ayens Jeroboam, sone of Nabath.
Mamwe mabasa okutonga kwaSoromoni kubva kwokutanga kusvika kwokupedzisira, haana kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo yomuprofita Natani, mashoko akaprofitwa naAhija muShironi nomuzviratidzo zvaIdho muoni pamusoro paJerobhoamu mwanakomana waNebhati?
30 Sotheli Salomon regnede in Jerusalem on al Israel fourti yeer,
Soromoni akatonga muJerusarema pamusoro peIsraeri yose kwamakore makumi mana.
31 and he slepte with his fadris; and thei birieden hym in the citee of Dauid, and Roboam, his sone, regnyde for hym.
Ipapo akazorora namadzibaba ake uye akavigwa muguta raDhavhidhi baba vake. Uye Rehobhoamu mwanakomana wake akamutevera paumambo.