< 2 Chronicles 7 >

1 And whanne Salomon schedynge preyeris hadde fillid, fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride brent sacrifices, and slayn sacrifices; and the maieste of the Lord fillide the hows.
Ke safla pre lal Tokosra Solomon, e se tuku inkusrao me ac esukak mwe kisa nukewa ma akoeyukla, ac sie kalem saromrom nwakla Tempul, in fahkak lah LEUM GOD El oasr we.
2 And preestis myyten not entre in to the temple of the Lord; for the maieste of the Lord hadde fillid the temple of the Lord.
Ke sripen Tempul nwanala ke kalem saromrom sac, mwet tol elos tia ku in utyak nu we.
3 But also alle the sones of Israel sien fier comynge doun, and the glorie of the Lord on the hows, and thei felden down lowe to the erthe on the pawment araied with stoon, and thei worschipiden, and preisiden the Lord, For he is good, for his merci is in to al the world.
Ke mwet Israel elos liye e se oatui inkusrao me ac kalem sac nwakla Tempul, elos faksufi nu fin falful uh ac alu nu sin LEUM GOD ac kaksakunul ke wolana lal ac lungse kawil lal.
4 Forsothe the kyng and al the puple offriden slayn sacrifices bifor the Lord.
Na Solomon ac mwet nukewa kisakin mwe kisa nu sin LEUM GOD.
5 Therfor king Salomon killide sacrifices of oxis two and twenti thousynd, of wetheris sixe score thousynde; and the kyng and al the puple halewiden the hows of God.
El kisakin cow longoul luo tausin, ac sheep siofok longoul tausin tuh in mwe kisa in akinsewowo. Ouinge el, ac mwet nukewa, kisaela Tempul sac.
6 Forsothe the preestis stoden in her offices, and dekenes in orguns of songis of the Lord, whiche kyng Dauid made to preise the Lord, For his merci is in to the world; and thei sungen the ympnes of Dauid bi her hondis; sotheli the prestis sungen with trumpis bifor hem, and al the puple of Israel stood.
Mwet tol elos tu yen ma akoeyukla nu selos, ac mwet Levi elos tu ngetang nu selos ac kaksakin LEUM GOD wi pusren mwe on ma Tokosra David el tuh sang nu selos, ac elos onkin on soko ma fahk mu “Lungse Lal Oan Ma Pahtpat,” oana ma David el sapkin tuh elos in oru. Mwet tol elos ukya mwe ukuk, ac mwet nukewa tuyak.
7 Therfor Salomon halewide the myddil of the large place bifor the temple of the Lord; for he hadde offrid there brent sacrifices, and the ynnere fatnesses of pesible sacrifices, for the brasun auter which he hadde maad myyte not susteyne the brent sacrifices, and sacrifices, and the innere fatnessis of pesible sacrifices.
Solomon el akmutalyela ipin acn se infulwa ke mutun Tempul, na el kisakin mwe kisa firir we, ac mwe kisa wheat, ac fact ke mwe kisa in akinsewowo. El oru ouinge mweyen loang bronze se el tuh orala tari, srikla nu ke mwe kisa inge nukewa.
8 Therfor Salomon made a solempnyte in that tyme in seuene dayes, and al Israel with hym, a ful greete chirche, fro the entryng of Emath `til to the stronde of Egipt.
Solomon ac mwet Israel nukewa elos akfulatye Kufwen Iwen Aktuktuk ke len itkosr. Oasr mwet na pukanten su tuku yen loessula, oe ke Innek In Utyak Nu Hamath epang, nwe ke masrol nu Egypt in acn eir.
9 And in the eiythe dai he made a gaderyng of money, `that is, for necessaries of the temple, for he hadde halewid the auter in seuene daies, and `hadde maad solempnytee in seuene daies.
Elos mutangla len itkosr in kisakin loang sac, ac sifilpa tafwela ke len itkosr nu ke kufwa ah. Ke len se safla elos oru akfulat safla.
10 Therfor in the thre and twentithe dai of the seuenthe monethe he lete the puplis go to her tabernaclis, ioiynge and gladynge on the good that God hadde do to Dauid, and to Salomon, and to his puple Israel.
Len se toko, ke len aklongoul tolu ke malem akitkosr, Solomon el supwalik mwet uh nu yen selos. Elos engan ke mwe insewowo nukewa su LEUM GOD El oru nu sel David, nu sel Solomon, ac nu sin mwet Israel mwet lal.
11 And Salomon parformyde the hows of the Lord, and the hows of the kyng, and alle thingis which he hadde disposid in his herte for to do in the hows of the Lord and in his owne hows; and he hadde prosperite.
Tukun Tokosra Solomon el aksafyela Tempul ac inkul fulat sin tokosra, ac ma nukewa orekla arulana wo, oana oakwuk lal nu kac,
12 Forsothe the Lord aperide to hym in the nyyt, and seide, Y haue herd thi preiere, and Y haue chose this place to me in to an hows of sacrifice.
na LEUM GOD El sikyang nu sel Solomon ke fong, ac fahk nu sel, “Nga lohng tari pre lom, ac nga insese tuh Tempul se inge in pa acn se mwet uh in orek kisa nu sik we.
13 If Y close heuene, and reyn cometh not doun, and if Y sende, and comaunde to a locuste, that he deuoure the lond, and if Y send pestilence in to my puple;
Kutena pacl nga sruokya in tia af, ku supwala locust in kunausla fokin ima, ku sang mas upa nu fin mwet luk,
14 forsothe if my puple is conuertid, on whiche my name is clepid, and if it bisechith me, and sekith my face, and doith penaunce of hise werste weies, Y schal here fro heuene, and Y schal be merciful to the synnes of hem, and Y schal heele the lond of hem.
elos fin pre nu sik ac auliyak ac forla liki ma koluk ma elos oru, na nga fah lohngolos inkusrao me, ac nunak munas nu selos, ac sifilpa akwoyela acn selos.
15 And myn iyen schulen be openyd, and myn eeren schulen be reisid to the preiere of hym, that preieth in this place;
Nga ac fah karinginna Tempul se inge, ac akola in lohng pre nukewa ma ac orek we,
16 for Y haue chose, and halewid this place, that my name be there with outen ende, and that myn iyen and myn herte dwelle there in alle daies.
mweyen nga sulela acn se inge, ac nga akmutalyela tuh in acn se mwet uh fah alu nu sik we ma pahtpat. Nga ac taran Tempul uh, ac karinganang pacl nukewa.
17 Also if thou gost bifore me, as Dauid thi fadir yede, and doist bi alle thingis whiche Y comaundide to thee, and kepist my riytwisnessis and domes, Y schal reise the trone of thi rewme,
Kom fin oaru in kulansapweyu oana David, papa tomom, el oru, ac akos ma sap luk ac oru ma nukewa nga sapkin nu sum,
18 as Y bihiyte to Dauid thi fadir, and seide, A man of thi generacioun schal not be takun awei, that schal be prince in Israel.
nga ac fah esamna wuleang nga tuh oru nu sel David, papa tomom, ke nga fahkang nu sel lah fita lal pa ac leum fin mwet Israel nwe tok.
19 But if ye turnen awey, and forsake my riytwisnessis and my comaundementis whiche Y settide forth to you, and ye goen, and seruen alien goddis, and worschipen hem,
Tusruktu kom, ac mwet lom, fin seakos ma sap luk ac ma nga sapkin nu suwos, ac alu nu sin god saya,
20 Y schal drawe you awey fro my lond, which Y yaf to you, and Y schal caste awey fro my face this hows which Y haue bildid to my name, and Y schal yyue it in to a parable, and in to ensaumple to alle puplis.
na nga ac fah siskowosla liki facl se su nga tuh sot nu suwos, ac nga fah som liki Tempul se inge su nga akmutalyela tuh in nien alu nu sik. Mwet in acn nukewa ac fah isrun ac akkolukye.
21 And this hows schal be in to a prouerbe to alle men passynge forth; and thei schulen seie, wondringe, Whi dide the Lord so to this lond, and to this hows?
“Tempul se inge arulana akfulatyeyuk inge, tusruktu in pacl sac, mwet nukewa su fahsr alukela ac fah lut ac siyuk, ‘Efu ku LEUM GOD El oru ouinge nu ke facl se inge ac Tempul se inge?’
22 And thei schulen answere, For thei forsoken the Lord God of her fadris, that ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt, and thei token alien goddis, and worschipiden, and herieden hem; therfor alle these yuelis camen on hem.
Na mwet uh fah topuk mu, ‘Mweyen elos sisla LEUM GOD lalos, su use mwet matu lalos liki acn Egypt. Elos tuh lulalfongi ke god saya, ac orekma nu selos oayapa alu nu selos. Pa inge sripa se sis LEUM GOD El use ongoiya inge nu faclos.’”

< 2 Chronicles 7 >