< 2 Chronicles 4 >

1 Also he made a brasun auter of twenti cubitis of lengthe, and of twenti cubitis of breede, and of ten cubitis of heiythe;
Akavaka aritari yendarira yakanga yakareba makubhiti makumi maviri, uye upamhi hwayo hwaiva makubhiti makumi maviri uye yakareba makubhiti gumi kuenda mudenga.
2 he made also a yotun see of ten cubitis fro brynke til to brynke, round bi cumpas; it hadde fyue cubitis of heiythe; and a coorde of thritti cubitis cumpasside the cumpas therof.
Akaita Gungwa resimbi, rakatenderera pakuvakwa kwaro, rakareba makubhiti gumi pamuromo waro kubva kune rumwe rutivi kusvika kune rumwe rutivi uye makubhiti mashanu kuenda mudenga. Zvaida tambo yakareba makubhiti makumi matatu kuti ikwanise kupoteredza gungwa iri.
3 And the licnesse of oxis was vndur it, and bi ten cubitis summe grauyngis with outforth cumpassiden the brynke of the see as with tweyne ordris; sotheli the oxis weren yotun.
Pazasi pomuromo, zvifananidzo zvehando zvairipoteredza, zviri gumi pakubhiti rimwe chete. Hando idzi dzakanga dzakaiswa mumitsara miviri dziri chinhu chimwe chete neGungwa.
4 And thilke see was set on twelue oxis, of whiche oxis thre bihelden to the north, and othere thre to the west, sotheli thre othere bihelden the south, and thre `that weren residue bihelden the eest, and hadden the see set aboue; but the hyndrere partis of the oxis weren with ynne vndur the see.
Gungwa rakanga rakamira pamusoro pehando gumi nembiri, nhatu dzakatarisa kumusoro, nhatu dzakatarisa kumavirira, nhatu dzakatarisa zasi, uye nhatu dzakatarisa kumabvazuva. Gungwa rakanga rakagara pamusoro padzo uye shure kwadzo kwakanga kwakatarisa pakati.
5 Sotheli the thicknesse therof hadde the mesure of a pawm of the hond, and the brynke therof was as the brynke of a cuppe, ethir of a lilie crokid ayen, and it took thre thousynde metretis of mesure.
Ukobvu hwaro hwakanga hwakaita sokufara kwechanza uye muromo waro wakanga wakaita somuromo womukombe, seruva rehapa. Raizara namabhati zviuru zvitatu.
6 Also he made ten holowe vessels, and settide fyue at the riytside, and fyue at the leftside, that thei schulden waische in tho alle thingis, whiche thei schulden offre in to brent sacrifice; sotheli the preestis weren waischun in the see.
Akagadzirazve madhishi okusukira gumi akaisa mashanu kudivi rezasi, uye mashanu kudivi rokumusoro. Zvinhu zvose zvaizoshandiswa pazvipiriso zvinopiswa zvaisukirwamo, asi Gungwa raizoshandiswa navaprista pakushamba.
7 Sotheli he made ten goldun candilstikis bi the licknesse which he hadde comaundid to be maad, and he settide tho in the temple, fyue at the riytside and fyue at the leftsid.
Akagadzira zvigadziko zvemwenje gumi zvegoridhe, sokurayirwa kwazvakanga zvaitwa akazviisa mutemberi, zvishanu akaisa zasi zvishanu kumusoro.
8 And he made also ten boordis, and settide tho in the temple, fyue at the riytside and fyue at the leftside.
Akagadzira tafura gumi akadziisa mutemberi, shanu zasi uye shanu kumusoro. Akagadzirawo mbiya dzegoridhe zana dzokusasa.
9 Also he made an hundrid goldun viols. `Also he made a large place of preestis, and a greet hows, and doris in the greet hows, which he hilide with bras.
Akagadzira chivanze chavaprista, nechivanze chikuru nemikova yechivanze uye akafukidza mikova nendarira.
10 Forsothe he settide the see in the riytsyde ayens the eest at the south.
Akaisa Gungwa kudivi rezasi, pakona yezasi yakadziva kumabvazuva.
11 Also Iram made cawdruns, and fleischokis, and viols, and he fillide al the werk of the kyng in the hows of God,
Akagadzirazve hari nefoshoro nembiya dzokusasa. Saka Hurami akapedza basa raakaitira mambo Soromoni mutemberi yaMwari sezvinotevera:
12 that is, twei pilers, and pomels, and heedis, and as summe nettis, that hiliden the heedis aboue the pomels;
mbiru mbiri; misoro miviri yakanga yakaumbwa sembiya pamusoro pembiru; mimbure miviri yakanga yakashongedza misoro miviri yakanga yakaumbwa pamusoro pembiru;
13 also he made fourti pumgarnadis, and twei werkis lijk nettis, so that two ordris of pumgarnadis weren ioyned to ech werk like nettis, which hiliden the pomels, and heedis of the pilers.
Matamba mazana mana emimbure miviri nemimwe yakanga yakashongedza misoro yakanga yakaumbwa sembiya pamisoro yembiru;
14 He made also foundementis, and holow vessels, whiche he settide on the foundementis;
zvigadziko namadhishi azvo;
15 he made o see, and twelue oxis vndur the see,
Gungwa nehando gumi nembiri pasi paro;
16 and caudruns, and fleischookis, and viols. Iram, the fadir of Salomon, made to hym alle vessels in the hows of the Lord of clennest bras.
hari, foshoro, forogo dzenyama, nemimwe midziyo yose. Zvinhu zvose zvakagadzirwa naHurami-Abhi zvamambo Soromoni zvetemberi yaJehovha zvaiva zvendarira inobwinya.
17 The kyng yetide tho in the cuntrey of Jordan, in cleiy lond bitwixe Socoth and Saredata.
Mambo akaita kuti zviumbwe nevhu mubani reJorodhani pakati peSukoti neZaretani.
18 Forsothe the multitude of vessels was vnnoumbrable, so that the weiyte of bras was not knowun.
Zvinhu izvi zvose zvakagadzirwa naSoromoni zvakanga zvakawanda kwazvo zvokuti uremu hwendarira yakashandiswa hwakanga husingaverengeki.
19 And Salomon made alle the vessels of Goddis hows, the goldun auter, `and bordis, and loouys of settyng forth on tho;
Soromoni akagadzirazve midziyo yose yakanga iri mutemberi yaMwari yaiti: aritari yegoridhe; tafura dzaiva nechingwa choKuratidza;
20 and candilstikis of purest gold, with her lanternes, that tho schulden schyne bifor Goddis answering place bi the custom;
zvigadziko zvemwenje zvegoridhe nemwenje yazvo kuti ipfute pamberi penzvimbo tsvene yomukati sezvakarayirwa;
21 and he made summe werkis lijk flouris, and lanternes, and goldun tongis; alle thingis weren maad of clennest gold;
maruva egoridhe nemwenje nembato (dzaiva dzegoridhe chairo);
22 also he made pannes for colis to brenne encense, and censeris, and viols, and morters, of pureste gold. And he grauyde doris of the ynnere temple, that is, in the hooli of hooli thingis, and the goldun doris of the temple with out forth; and so al the werk was fillid that Salomon made in the hows of the Lord.
zvidzimiso zvemwenje, mbiya dzokusasa, madhishi nezvaenga zvomoto zvegoridhe yakaisvonaka namakonhi egoridhe, etemberi: makonhi omukati yapaNzvimbo Tsvene-tsvene namakonhi eimba huru.

< 2 Chronicles 4 >