< 1 Timothy 6 >

1 What euere seruauntis ben vndur yok, deme thei her lordis worthi al onour, lest the name of the Lord and the doctryn be blasfemyd.
Ji duto manie tich mar misumba onego omi jotendgi luor mowinjore kodgi mondo nying Nyasaye kod puonj mwapuonjo kik yany.
2 And thei that han feithful lordis, dispise hem not, for thei ben britheren; but more serue thei, for thei ben feithful and louyd, whiche ben parceneris of benefice. Teche thou these thingis, and moneste thou these thingis.
Jogo man-gi ruodhi moyie kuom Kristo kik nyisgi achaya moro amora nikech gin jowete kuom Kristo. Kar timo kamano to owinjore gitinegi maber moloyo, nikech jogo mayudo ohala e tichgi gin owete kuom Kristo ma gihero. Magi e gik manyaka ipuonj ji kijiwogi matek.
3 If ony man techith othere wise, and acordith not to the hoolsum wordis of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, and to that teching that is bi pitee,
Ka ngʼato opuonjo gima opogore ma ok owinjore gi puonj ma adier mag Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo kendo mamiyo ji luoro Nyasaye,
4 he is proud, and kan no thing, but langwischith aboute questiouns and stryuyng of wordis, of the whiche ben brouyt forth enuyes, stryues, blasfemyes, yuele suspiciouns, fiytingis of men,
to ngʼeuru ni ngʼat ma kamano wuondore kende owuon bende onge gima ongʼeyo. Ngʼat ma kamano kasore gi mino wach kendo gigoyo mbaka manono makelo nyiego, gi dhawo, gi kuoth, kod chich maricho;
5 that ben corrupt in soule, and that ben pryued fro treuthe, that demen wynnyng to be pitee.
kod miero ma ok rum e kind joma pachgi osekethore kendo ma adiera oselalnigi. Giparo ni lamo Nyasaye en yor yudo mwandu.
6 But a greet wynnyng is pitee, with sufficience.
To geno Nyasaye gi chuny modhil en ohala maduongʼ.
7 For we brouyten in no thing in to this world, and no doute, that we moun not bere `awey ony thing.
Nimar onge gima ne wakelo e pinyni kendo onge gima wabiro kawo wadhigo.
8 But we hauynge foodis, and with what thingus we schulen be hilid, be we paied with these thingis.
Omiyo ka wan gi chiemo kod lewni to mago mondo oromwa.
9 For thei that wolen be maad riche, fallen in to temptacioun, and `in to snare of the deuel, and in to many vnprofitable desiris and noyous, whiche drenchen men in to deth and perdicioun.
Joma gombo mondo obed gi mwandu nwangʼo tem kendo gimoko e obadho kuom gik mofuwo mangʼeny kod gombo mathoth kendo gombo ma kamano kelo kethruok kendo miyo ji lal.
10 For the rote of alle yuelis is coueytise, which summen coueitinge erriden fro the feith, and bisettiden hem with many sorewis.
Nikech hero pesa e chakruok mar kit richo duto. Jomoko ma chunygi osegedo e yore mag yudo pesa oseweyo yie mi gichwowo chunygi giwegi gi masiche mathoth.
11 But, thou, man of God, fle these thingis; but sue thou riytwisnesse, pite, feith, charite, pacience, myldenesse.
To in, ngʼat Nyasaye, pogri gi mago duto kiketo chunyi kuom ngima makare kod luoro Nyasaye gi yie kod hera kendo kitimo kinda kod muolo.
12 Stryue thou a good strijf of feith, catche euerlastinge lijf, in to which thou art clepid, and hast knoulechid a good knouleching bifor many witnessis. (aiōnios g166)
Ked lweny maber mar yie, kendo mak matek wach ngima mochwere mane oluongine chiengʼ mane itimo neno maber e nyim joneno mathoth. (aiōnios g166)
13 I comaunde to thee bifor God, that quikeneth alle thingis, and bifor Crist Jhesu, that yeldide a witnessing vnder Pilat of Pounce, a good confessioun,
E nyim Nyasaye mamiyo gik moko duto ngima, kendo e nyim Kristo Yesu ma notimo neno maber kane owuoyo e nyim Pontio Pilato, achiki ni
14 that thou kepe the comaundement with out wem, with out repreef, in to the comyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist;
mondo irit Chikni ma ok iketho bende ma ok irem nyaka chop Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo fwenyre
15 whom the blessid and aloone miyti king of kyngis and Lord of lordis schal schewe in his tymes.
ma Nyasaye nokel e kinde mochano owuon; Nyasaye mipako, ma en wuon Loch makende, kendo ma en Jaloch mar joloch kendo Ruoth mar ruodhi;
16 Which aloone hath vndeedlynesse, and dwellith in liyt, to which no man may come; whom no man say, nether may se; to whom glorie, and honour, and empire be with out ende. Amen. (aiōnios g166)
Jal ma ok tho kendo modak e ler ma dhano ok nyal ngʼiyo tir; kendo Jal maonge ngʼama oseneno kata manyalo neno. Duongʼ gi loch duto odogne nyaka chiengʼ. Amin. (aiōnios g166)
17 Comaunde thou to the riche men of this world, that thei vndurstonde not hiyli, nether that thei hope in vncerteynte of richessis, but in the lyuynge God, that yyueth to vs alle thingis plenteuously to vse; (aiōn g165)
Nyis joma nigi mwandu e pinyni mondo kik gibed jongʼayi bende kik giket genogi kuom mwandu mabiro leny nono to giket genogi kuom Nyasaye mamiyowa gik moko duto mabup mondo wabedgo mamor. (aiōn g165)
18 to do wel, to be maad riche in good werkis, liytli to yyue, to comyne,
Chikgi mondo gitim maber, ka gipongʼ gi mwandu mag timbe mabeyo kendo gibed mangʼwon ka giikore pogo mwandugi ne ji mochando gik ma gin-go.
19 to tresoure to hem silf a good foundement in to tyme to comynge, that thei catche euerlastinge lijf.
Ka gitimo kamano to gibiro kano mwandu ne gin giwegi, kendo mano nodognegi mise motegno e ndalo mabiro, mondo omi gibed gi ngima madiera man-gi tiende.
20 Thou Tymothe, kepe the thing bitakun to thee, eschewynge cursid noueltees of voicis, and opynyouns of fals name of kunnyng;
To in Timotheo, rit maber gima oseketi e lweti maber mondo iriti. Pogri gi mbekni manono mag piny gi gwenyo wach ma ji okawo ni rieko to ok gin rieko.
21 which summen bihetinge, aboute the feith fellen doun. The grace of God be with thee. Amen.
Jomoko mawacho ni gin gi rieko ma kamano osebayo yo moweyo yie. Ngʼwono obed kodu un duto.

< 1 Timothy 6 >