< 1 Timothy 4 >
1 But the spirit seith opynli, that in the laste tymes summen schulen departe fro the feith, yyuynge tent to spiritis of errour, and to techingis of deuelis; that speken leesing in ipocrisie,
Zvino Mweya anoreva zvakajeka, kuti panguva dzekupedzisira vamwe vachatsauka parutendo, vachiteerera mweya inonyengera nedzidziso dzemadhimoni,
2 and haue her conscience corrupt,
paunyepedzeri hwevanoreva nhema, vakapiswa pahana dzavo pachavo nedare rinopisa,
3 forbedinge to be weddid, to absteyne fro metis, whiche God made to take with doyng of thankingis, to feithful men, and hem that han knowe the treuthe.
vachidzivisa kuwanana nekuraira kurega kudya Mwari kwaakasika kuti kugamuchirwe nekuvonga nevanotenda uye vanoziva chokwadi.
4 For ech creature of God is good, and no thing is to be cast awei, which is takun with doyng of thankyngis;
Nokuti chese chisikwa chaMwari chakanaka, uye hakuna chingafanira kuraswa kana chichigamuchirwa nekuvonga;
5 for it is halewid bi the word of God, and bi preyer.
nokuti chinoitwa chitsvene neshoko raMwari nemunyengetero.
6 Thou puttynge forth these thingis to britheren, schalt be a good mynystre of Crist Jhesu; nurschid with wordis of feith and of good doctryne, which thou hast gete.
Kana uchiraira hama zvinhu izvi, uchava mushumiri wakanaka waJesu Kristu, wakafundwa nemashoko erutendo needzidziso yakanaka, yaunonyatsotevera.
7 But eschewe thou vncouenable fablis, and elde wymmenus fablis; haunte thi silf to pitee.
Asi urambe ngano dzakaipa nedzechembere. Uzvirovedze pakunamata Mwari;
8 For bodili exercitation is profitable to litle thing; but pitee is profitable to alle thingis, that hath a biheest of lijf that now is, and that is to come.
nokuti kurovedza muviri kunobatsira zvishoma; asi kunamata Mwari kunobatsira pazvinhu zvese, zvahune chivimbiso cheupenyu hwazvino nehwunouya.
9 A trewe word, and worthi al acceptacioun.
Shoko iri rakatendeka uye rinofanirwa nekugamuchirwa kwese.
10 And in this thing we trauelen, and ben cursid, for we hopen in lyuyng God, that is sauyour of alle men, moost of feithful men.
Nokuti naizvozvo nesu tinoshanda nesimba, nekushorwa, nokuti tinovimba naMwari mupenyu, anova Muponesi wevanhu vese, zvikuru weavo vanotenda.
11 Comaunde thou this thing, and teche.
Raira zvinhu izvi udzidzise.
12 No man dispise thi yongthe, but be thou ensaumple of feithful men in word, in lyuyng, in charite, in feith, in chastite.
Kusava nemunhu anozvidza udiki hwako, asi uve muenzaniso wevanotenda pashoko, pamufambiro, parudo, pamweya, parutendo, nepautsvene.
13 Tyl Y come, take tent to redyng, to exortacioun and teching.
Kusvikira ndasvika, ngwarira pakuverenga, pakuraira, nepadzidziso.
14 Nyle thou litil charge the grace which is in thee, that is youun to thee bi profecie, with putting on of the hondis of preesthod.
Usashaya hanya nechipo chiri mauri, chawakapiwa kubudikidza nechiporofita pamwe nekuiswa maoko eutariri.
15 Thenke thou these thingis, in these be thou, that thi profiting be schewid to alle men.
Funganya pamusoro pezvinhu izvi, uve pazvinhu izvi, kuti kupfuurira mberi kwako kuonekwe kune vese.
16 Take tent to thi silf and to doctryn; be bisi in hem. For thou doynge these thingis, schalt `make bothe thi silf saaf, and hem that heren thee.
Uzvichenjerere iwe nedzidziso. Urambire pazviri, nokuti mukuita izvi, uchazviponesa iwe pamwe nevanokunzwa.