< 1 Timothy 1 >

1 Poul, apostle `of Jhesu Crist, bi the comaundement of God oure sauyour, and of Jhesu Crist oure hope,
Paulus Apostolus Jesu Christi secundum imperium Dei Salvatoris nostri, et Christi Jesu spei nostræ,
2 to Tymothe, bilouyd sone in the feith, grace and merci and pees, of God the fadir, and of Jhesu Crist, oure Lord.
Timotheo dilecto filio in fide. Gratia, misericordia, et pax a Deo Patre, et Christo Jesu Domino nostro.
3 As Y preyede thee, that thou schuldist dwelle at Effesi, whanne Y wente into Macedonye, that thou schuldist denounce to summe men, that thei schulden not teche othere weie,
Sicut rogavi te ut remaneres Ephesi cum irem in Macedoniam, ut denuntiares quibusdam ne aliter docerent,
4 nether yyue tent to fablis and genologies that ben vncerteyn, whiche yyuen questiouns, more than edificacioun of God, that is in the feith.
neque intenderent fabulis, et genealogiis interminatis: quæ quæstiones præstant magis quam ædificationem Dei, quæ est in fide.
5 For the ende of comaundement is charite of clene herte, and good conscience, and of feith not feyned.
Finis autem præcepti est caritas de corde puro, et conscientia bona, et fide non ficta.
6 Fro whiche thingis sum men han errid, and ben turned in to veyn speche;
A quibus quidam aberrantes, conversi sunt in vaniloquium,
7 and willith to be techeris of the lawe, and vndurstonden not what thingis thei speken, nether of what thingis thei affermen.
volentes esse legis doctores, non intelligentes neque quæ loquuntur, neque de quibus affirmant.
8 And we witen that the lawe is good, if ony man vse it lawefulli;
Scimus autem quia bona est lex si quis ea legitime utatur:
9 and witinge this thing, that the lawe is not set to a iust man, but to vniust men and not suget, to wickid men and to synneris, to cursid men and defoulid, to sleeris of fadir, and sleeris of modir, to `men sleeris and lechouris,
sciens hoc quia lex justo non est posita, sed injustis, et non subditis, impiis, et peccatoribus, sceleratis, et contaminatis, parricidis, et matricidis, homicidis,
10 to hem that don letcherie with men, lesingmongeris and forsworun, and if ony othere thing is contrarie to the hoolsum teching,
fornicariis, masculorum concubitoribus, plagiariis, mendacibus, et perjuris, et si quid aliud sanæ doctrinæ adversatur,
11 that is aftir the euangelie of the glorie of blessid God, which is bitakun to me.
quæ est secundum Evangelium gloriæ beati Dei, quod creditum est mihi.
12 Y do thankingis to hym, that coumfortide me in Crist Jhesu oure Lord, for he gesside me feithful, and putte me in mynystrie,
Gratias ago ei, qui me confortavit, Christo Jesu Domino nostro, quia fidelem me existimavit, ponens in ministerio:
13 that first was a blasfeme, and a pursuere, and ful of wrongis. But Y haue getun the merci of God, for Y vnknowinge dide in vnbileue.
qui prius blasphemus fui, et persecutor, et contumeliosus: sed misericordiam Dei consecutus sum, quia ignorans feci in incredulitate.
14 But the grace of oure Lord ouer aboundide, with feith and loue that is in Crist Jhesu.
Superabundavit autem gratia Domini nostri cum fide, et dilectione, quæ est in Christo Jesu.
15 A trewe word and worthi al resseyuyng, for Crist Jhesu cam in to this world to make synful men saaf, of whiche Y am the firste.
Fidelis sermo, et omni acceptione dignus: quod Christus Jesus venit in hunc mundum peccatores salvos facere, quorum primus ego sum.
16 But therfor Y haue getun merci, that Crist Jhesu schulde schewe in me first al pacience, to the enfourmyng of hem that schulen bileue to hym in to euerlastinge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
Sed ideo misericordiam consecutus sum: ut in me primo ostenderet Christus Jesus omnem patientiam ad informationem eorum, qui credituri sunt illi, in vitam æternam. (aiōnios g166)
17 And to the king of worldis, vndeedli and vnvysible God aloone, be onour and glorie in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Regi autem sæculorum immortali, invisibili, soli Deo honor et gloria in sæcula sæculorum. Amen. (aiōn g165)
18 I bitake this comaundement to thee, thou sone Timothe, after the prophecies that han be hertofore in thee, that thou traueile in hem a good trauel,
Hoc præceptum commendo tibi, fili Timothee, secundum præcedentes in te prophetias, ut milites in illis bonam militiam,
19 hauynge feith and good conscience, which summen casten awei, and perischiden aboute the feith.
habens fidem, et bonam conscientiam, quam quidam repellentes, circa fidem naufragaverunt:
20 Of whiche is Ymeneus and Alisaundre, which Y bitook to Sathanas, that thei lerne `to not blasfeme.
ex quibus est Hymenæus, et Alexander: quos tradidi Satanæ, ut discant non blasphemare.

< 1 Timothy 1 >