< 1 Thessalonians 5 >

1 But, britheren, of tymes and momentis ye neden not that Y write to you.
Koro owetena, onge tiende ndikonu kuom ndalo kata sa ma gigo notimre,
2 For ye silf witen diligentli, that the dai of the Lord schal come, as a theef in the niyt.
nikech un uwegi ungʼeyo malongʼo ni chiengʼ Ruoth nobi apoya mana kaka jakuo poyo ji gotieno.
3 For whanne thei schulen seie pees is, and sikirnesse, thanne sudeyn deth schal come on hem, as sorewe to a womman that is with child, and thei schulen not scape.
E sa ma ji paro ni piny okwe kendo weche beyo, ema masira nopogie kadiemo wangʼ, mana kaka muoch poyo dhako man-gi ich, bende ok ginitony.
4 But, britheren, ye ben not in derknessis, that the ilke dai as a theef catche you.
To un, jowetena, ok un e mudho ma dimi odiechiengʼno pou mana kaka jakuo poyo ji.
5 For alle ye ben the sones of liyt, and sones of dai; we ben not of niyt, nether of derknessis.
Un duto un nyithind ler, kendo un nyithind odiechiengʼ. Ok wan jo-otieno kata jo-mudho.
6 Therfor slepe we not as othere; but wake we, and be we sobre.
Kuom mano, kik wachal gi ji mamoko ma nindo, to wabeduru motangʼ ka wan gi ritruok.
7 For thei that slepen, slepen in the niyt, and thei that ben drunkun, ben drunkun in the niyt.
Nikech joma nindo, nindo gotieno, kendo joma mer bende mer gotieno.
8 But we that ben of the dai, ben sobre, clothid in the haburioun of feith and of charite, and in the helme of hope of heelthe.
To nikech wan jo-odiechiengʼ, wabeduru gi ritruok ka warwakore gi yie kod hera kaka law akor mar lweny; kendo gi geno mar warruok kaka ogut lweny.
9 For God puttide not vs in to wraththe, but in to the purchasing of heelthe bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist, that was deed for vs;
Nikech Nyasaye ne ok oyierowa mondo wayud kum mar mirimbe mager, to noyierowa mondo wayud warruok kuom Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo.
10 that whether we waken, whether we slepen, we lyue togidere with him.
Nothonwa mondo kata ka wangima kata ka watho to wadag kode.
11 For which thing comforte ye togidere, and edefie ye ech other, as ye doon.
Kuom mano jiwreuru kendo gerreuru ngʼato gi ngʼato mana kaka utimono.
12 And, britheren, we preien you, that ye knowen hem that trauelen among you, and ben souereyns to you in the Lord, and techen you,
Koro wakwayou, jowetewa, mondo uchiw luor ni jogo matiyo tich Ruoth matek e dieru ma gin jotendu kendo jopuonju kuom Ruoth.
13 that ye han hem more aboundantli in charyte; and for the werk of hem, haue ye pees with hem.
Migiuru duongʼ ahinya kendo hergiuru moloyo nikech tich ma gitimo. Daguru gi kwe e kindu.
14 And, britheren, we preien you, repreue ye vnpesible men. Coumforte ye men of litil herte, resseyue ye sijke men, be ye pacient to alle men.
Bende wakwayou, jowetewa, mondo usiem joma budho abudha, kendo mondo ujiw joma luor, kendo ukony joma yomyom. Horeuru mos gi ji duto.
15 Se ye, that no man yelde yuel for yuel to ony man; but euere more sue ye that that is good, ech to othere and to alle men.
Neuru ni onge ngʼama chulo rach kuom rach motimne, to temuru mondo kinde duto utim maber ne joweteu kendo ne ji mamoko bende.
16 Euere more ioye ye; without ceessing preye ye;
Beduru mamor pile;
17 in alle thingis do ye thankyngis.
lemuru kinde duto;
18 For this is the wille of God in Crist Jhesu, in alle you.
gouru erokamano kata piny ber kata rach, nikech mano ema Nyasaye dwaro ni utim ei Kristo Yesu.
19 Nyle ye quenche the spirit;
Kik utam Roho Maler tiyo e dieru,
20 nyle ye dispise prophecies.
kendo kik ucha weche mokor moa kuom Nyasaye.
21 But preue ye alle thingis, and holde ye that thing that is good.
Temuru gik moko duto, kendo rituru weche mabeyo kuomgi.
22 Absteyne you fro al yuel spice.
Pogreuru gi timbe maricho duto.
23 And God hym silf of pees make you hooli bi alle thingis, that youre spirit be kept hool, and soule, and bodi, without pleynt, in the comyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
Nyasaye owuon, ma Wuon kwe mondo opwodhu mi udok maler chuth e yore duto. Mad orit ngimau gi chunyu gi ringreu duto mi ubed maonge ketho moro amora chiengʼ ma Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo noduogie.
24 God is trewe, that clepide you, which also schal do.
Jal maluongou biro chopo mano nikech en ja-adiera.
25 Britheren, preye ye for vs.
Jowetewa, lemnwauru.
26 Grete ye wel alle britheren in hooli cos.
Mosuru jowete duto gi yogruok mar jomaler.
27 Y coniure you bi the Lord, that this pistle be red to alle hooli britheren.
Achikou e nying Ruoth mondo une ni osom baruwani ne jowete duto.
28 The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with you. Amen.
Ngʼwono mar Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo obed kodu.

< 1 Thessalonians 5 >