< 1 Thessalonians 4 >

1 Therfor, britheren, fro hennus forward we preien you, and bisechen in the Lord Jhesu, that as ye han resseyued of vs, hou it bihoueth you to go and to plese God, so walke ye, that ye abounde the more.
de cetero ergo fratres rogamus vos et obsecramus in Domino Iesu ut quemadmodum accepistis a nobis quomodo vos oporteat ambulare et placere Deo sicut et ambulatis ut abundetis magis
2 For ye witen what comaundementis Y haue youun to you bi the Lord Jhesu.
scitis enim quae praecepta dederimus vobis per Dominum Iesum
3 For this is the wille of God, youre holynesse, that ye absteyne you fro fornycacioun.
haec est enim voluntas Dei sanctificatio vestra
4 That ech of you kunne welde his vessel in holynesse, and onour;
ut abstineatis vos a fornicatione ut sciat unusquisque vestrum suum vas possidere in sanctificatione et honore
5 not in passioun of lust, as hethene men that knowen not God.
non in passione desiderii sicut et gentes quae ignorant Deum
6 And that no man ouergo, nethir disseyue his brothir in chaffaring. For the Lord is venger of alle these thingis, as we biforseiden to you, and han witnessid.
ut ne quis supergrediatur neque circumveniat in negotio fratrem suum quoniam vindex est Dominus de his omnibus sicut et praediximus vobis et testificati sumus
7 For God clepide not vs in to vnclennesse, but in to holynesse.
non enim vocavit nos Deus in inmunditia sed in sanctificatione
8 Therfor he that dispisith these thingis, dispisith not man, but God, that also yaf his holi spirit in vs.
itaque qui spernit non hominem spernit sed Deum qui etiam dedit Spiritum suum Sanctum in vobis
9 But of the charite of britherhed we hadden no nede to write to you; ye silf han lerud of God, that ye loue togidere;
de caritate autem fraternitatis non necesse habemus scribere vobis ipsi enim vos a Deo didicistis ut diligatis invicem
10 for ye don that in to alle britheren in al Macedonye. And, britheren, we preyen you, that ye abounde more; and taken kepe, that ye be quyet;
etenim facitis illud in omnes fratres in universa Macedonia rogamus autem vos fratres ut abundetis magis
11 and that ye do youre nede, and `ye worche with youre hoondis, as we han comaundid to you;
et operam detis ut quieti sitis et ut vestrum negotium agatis et operemini manibus vestris sicut praecepimus vobis
12 and that ye wandre onestli to hem that ben with outforth, and that of no mannus ye desir ony thing.
et ut honeste ambuletis ad eos qui foris sunt et nullius aliquid desideretis
13 For, britheren, we wolen not, that ye vnknowe of men that dien, that ye be not soreuful, as othere that han not hope.
nolumus autem vos ignorare fratres de dormientibus ut non contristemini sicut et ceteri qui spem non habent
14 For if we bileuen, that Jhesu was deed, and roos ayen, so God schal lede with hym hem that ben deed bi Jhesu.
si enim credimus quod Iesus mortuus est et resurrexit ita et Deus eos qui dormierunt per Iesum adducet cum eo
15 And we seien this thing to you in the word of the Lord, that we that lyuen, that ben left in the comyng of the Lord, schulen not come bifor hem that ben deed.
hoc enim vobis dicimus in verbo Domini quia nos qui vivimus qui residui sumus in adventum Domini non praeveniemus eos qui dormierunt
16 For the Lord hym silf schal come doun fro heuene, in the comaundement, and in the vois of an archaungel, and in the trumpe of God; and the deed men that ben in Crist, schulen rise ayen first.
quoniam ipse Dominus in iussu et in voce archangeli et in tuba Dei descendet de caelo et mortui qui in Christo sunt resurgent primi
17 Afterward we that lyuen, that ben left, schulen be rauyschid togidere with hem in cloudis, metinge Crist `in to the eir; and so euere more we schulen be with the Lord.
deinde nos qui vivimus qui relinquimur simul rapiemur cum illis in nubibus obviam Domino in aera et sic semper cum Domino erimus
18 Therfor be ye coumfortid togidere in these wordis.
itaque consolamini invicem in verbis istis

< 1 Thessalonians 4 >