< 1 Thessalonians 3 >

1 For which thing we suffriden no lengere, and it pleside to vs to dwelle aloone at Atenys;
Propter quod non sustinentes amplius, placuit nobis remanere Athenis, solis:
2 and we senten Tymothe, oure brother, and mynystre of God in the euangelie of Crist, to you to be confermyd, and to be tauyt for youre feith,
et misimus Timotheum fratrem nostrum, et ministrum Dei in Evangelio Christi, ad confirmandos vos, et exhortandos pro fide vestra:
3 that no man be mouyd in these tribulaciouns. For ye silf witen, that in this this thing we ben set.
ut nemo moveatur in tribulationibus istis: ipsi enim scitis quod in hoc positi sumus.
4 For whanne we weren at you, we biforseiden to you, that we schulden suffre tribulaciouns; as it is don, and ye witen.
Nam et cum apud vos essemus, prædicebamus vobis passuros nos tribulationes, sicut et factum est, et scitis.
5 Therfor Y Poul, no lenger abidinge, sente to knowe youre feith, lest perauenture he that temptith tempte you, and youre trauel be maad veyn.
Propterea et ego amplius non sustinens, misi ad cognoscendam fidem vestram: ne forte tentaverit vos is qui tentat, et inanis fiat labor noster.
6 But now, whanne Tymothe schal come to vs fro you, and telle to vs youre feith and charite, and that ye han good mynde of vs, euere desyringe to se vs, as we also you;
Nunc autem veniente Timotheo ad nos a vobis, et annuntiante nobis fidem et caritatem vestram, et quia memoriam nostri habetis bonam semper, desiderantes nos videre, sicut et nos quoque vos:
7 therfor, britheren, we ben coumfortid in you, in al oure nede and tribulacioun, bi youre feith.
ideo consolati sumus, fratres, in vobis in omni necessitate et tribulatione nostra, per fidem vestram,
8 For now we lyuen, if ye stonden in the Lord.
quoniam nunc vivimus, si vos statis in Domino.
9 For what doyng of thankingis moun we yelde to God for you, in al ioye, in which we ioyen for you bifor oure Lord?
Quam enim gratiarum actionem possumus Deo retribuere pro vobis in omni gaudio, quo gaudemus propter vos ante Deum nostrum,
10 nyyt and dai more plenteuousli preiynge, that we se youre face, and fulfille tho thingis that failen to youre feith.
nocte ac die abundantius orantes, ut videamus faciem vestram, et compleamus ea quæ desunt fidei vestræ?
11 But God hym silf and oure fadir, and the Lord Jhesu Crist, dresse oure weye to you.
Ipse autem Deus, et Pater noster, et Dominus noster Jesus Christus, dirigat viam nostram ad vos.
12 And the Lord multiplie you, and make youre charite to be plenteuouse of ech to othere, and in to alle men, as also we in you;
Vos autem Dominus multiplicet, et abundare faciat caritatem vestram in invicem, et in omnes, quemadmodum et nos in vobis:
13 that youre hertis ben confermyd with outen pleynt in holynesse, bifor God and oure fadir, in the comyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist with alle hise seyntis. Amen.
ad confirmanda corda vestra sine querela in sanctitate, ante Deum et Patrem nostrum, in adventu Domini nostri Jesu Christi cum omnibus sanctis ejus. Amen.

< 1 Thessalonians 3 >