< 1 Samuel 7 >

1 Therfor men of Cariathiarym camen, and ledden ayen the arke of the Lord, and brouyten it in to the hows of Amynadab in Gabaa. Sotheli thei halewiden Eleazar his sone, that he schulde kepe the ark of the Lord.
venerunt ergo viri Cariathiarim et duxerunt arcam Domini et intulerunt eam in domum Abinadab in Gabaa Eleazarum autem filium eius sanctificaverunt ut custodiret arcam Domini
2 And it was doon, fro which dai `the arke of the Lord dwellide in Caryathiarym, daies weren multiplied; for the twentithe yeer was now, after that Samuel bigan to teche the puple; and al Israel restide aftir the Lord.
et factum est ex qua die mansit arca in Cariathiarim multiplicati sunt dies erat quippe iam annus vicesimus et requievit omnis domus Israhel post Dominum
3 Forsothe Samuel spak to al the hows of Israel, and seide, If in al youre herte ye turnen ayen to the Lord, do ye awei alien goddis, Balym and Astaroth, fro the myddis of you; and make ye redi youre hertis to the Lord, and serue ye hym aloone; and he schal delyuere you fro the hond of Filisteis.
ait autem Samuhel ad universam domum Israhel dicens si in toto corde vestro revertimini ad Dominum auferte deos alienos de medio vestrum et Astharoth et praeparate corda vestra Domino et servite ei soli et eruet vos de manu Philisthim
4 Therfor the sones of Israel diden awey Baalym and Astoroth, and serueden the Lord aloone.
abstulerunt ergo filii Israhel Baalim et Astharoth et servierunt Domino soli
5 Forsothe Samuel seide, Gadere ye al Israel in to Masphat, that Y preie the Lord for you.
dixit autem Samuhel congregate universum Israhel in Masphat ut orem pro vobis Dominum
6 And thei camen togidere in to Masphat, and thei drowen watir, and shedden out in the `siyt of the Lord; and thei fastiden in that day, and seiden, Lord, we synneden to thee. And Samuel demyde the sones of Israel in Masphat.
et convenerunt in Masphat hauseruntque aquam et effuderunt in conspectu Domini et ieiunaverunt in die illa et dixerunt ibi peccavimus Domino iudicavitque Samuhel filios Israhel in Masphat
7 And Filisteis herden that the sones of Israel weren gaderid in Masphat; and the princes of Filisteis stieden to Israel. And whanne the sones of Israel hadden herd this, thei dredden of the face of Filisteis.
et audierunt Philisthim quod congregati essent filii Israhel in Masphat et ascenderunt satrapae Philisthinorum ad Israhel quod cum audissent filii Israhel timuerunt a facie Philisthinorum
8 And `thei seiden to Samuel, Ceesse thou not to crye for vs to oure Lord God, that he saue vs fro the `hoond of Filisteis.
dixeruntque ad Samuhel ne cesses pro nobis clamare ad Dominum Deum nostrum ut salvet nos de manu Philisthinorum
9 Forsothe Samuel took o soukynge lomb, and offride that hool in to brent sacrifice to the Lord. And Samuel criede to the Lord for Israel; and the Lord herde hym.
tulit autem Samuhel agnum lactantem unum et obtulit illum holocaustum integrum Domino et clamavit Samuhel ad Dominum pro Israhel et exaudivit eum Dominus
10 Forsothe it was doon, whanne Samuel offryde brent sacrifice, that Filisteis bigunnen batel ayens Israel. Sotheli the Lord thundride with greet thundur in that dai on Filisteis, and made hem aferd; and thei weren slayn of the sones of Israel.
factum est ergo cum Samuhel offerret holocaustum Philistheos inire proelium contra Israhel intonuit autem Dominus fragore magno in die illa super Philisthim et exterruit eos et caesi sunt a filiis Israhel
11 And the sones of Israel yeden out of Masphat, and pursueden Filisteis, and smytiden hem `til to the place that was vndur Bethachar.
egressique viri Israhel de Masphat persecuti sunt Philistheos et percusserunt eos usque ad locum qui erat subter Bethchar
12 Forsothe Samuel took o stoon, and puttide it bitwixe Masphat, and bitwixe Sen; and he clepide the name of that place The stoon of help. And he seide, Hidir to the Lord helpide vs.
tulit autem Samuhel lapidem unum et posuit eum inter Masphat et inter Sen et vocavit nomen eius lapis Adiutorii dixitque hucusque auxiliatus est nobis Dominus
13 And Filisteis weren maad low, and addiden no more to come in to the termes of Israel. And so the `hond of the Lord was maad on Filisteis in alle the daies of Samuel.
et humiliati sunt Philisthim nec adposuerunt ultra ut venirent in terminos Israhel facta est itaque manus Domini super Philistheos cunctis diebus Samuhel
14 And the citees whiche the Filisteis token fro Israel, weren yoldun to Israel, fro Accaron `til to Geth and `hise termes; and the Lord delyuerede Israel fro the hond of Filisteis; and pees was bitwixe Israel and Ammorrey.
et redditae sunt urbes quas tulerant Philisthim ab Israhel Israheli ab Accaron usque Geth et terminos suos liberavit Israhel de manu Philisthinorum eratque pax inter Israhel et Amorreum
15 Also Samuel demyde Israel in alle the daies of his lijf, that is, `til to the ordeynyng `and confermyng of Saul;
iudicabat quoque Samuhel Israhel cunctis diebus vitae suae
16 and he yede bi `alle yeeris, and cumpasside Bethel, and Galgal, and Masphat, and he demyde Israel in the forseid places.
et ibat per singulos annos circumiens Bethel et Galgal et Masphat et iudicabat Israhelem in supradictis locis
17 And he turnede ayen in to Ramatha, for his hows was there; and he demyde Israel there, and he bildide there also an auter to the Lord.
revertebaturque in Ramatha ibi enim erat domus eius et ibi iudicabat Israhelem aedificavit etiam ibi altare Domino

< 1 Samuel 7 >