< 1 Samuel 6 >

1 Therfor the arke of the Lord was in the cuntrei of Filisteis bi seuene monethis;
Fuit ergo arca Domini in regione Philisthinorum septem mensibus.
2 and aftir these thingis Filisteis clepiden preestis and false dyuynours, and seiden, What schulen we do of the arke of God? Shewe ye to vs, hou we schulen sende it in to his place.
Et vocaverunt Philisthiim sacerdotes et divinos, dicentes: Quid faciemus de arca Domini? indicate nobis quomodo remittamus eam in locum suum. Qui dixerunt:
3 Whiche seiden, If ye senden ayen the arke of God of Israel, nyle ye delyuere it voide, but yelde ye to hym that, that ye owen for synne; and thanne ye schulen be heelid, and ye schulen wite, whi `his hond goith not awei fro you.
Si remittitis arcam Dei Israel, nolite dimittere eam vacuam, sed quod debetis, reddite ei pro peccato, et tunc curabimini: et scietis quare non recedat manus eius a vobis.
4 And thei seiden, What is it, that we owen to yelde to hym for trespas?
Qui dixerunt: Quid est quod pro delicto reddere debeamus ei? Responderuntque illi:
5 And thei answeriden to hem, Bi the noumbre of prouynces of Filisteis ye schulen make fyue goldun ersis, and fyue goldun myis; for o veniaunce was to alle you and to youre `wise men, ether princes. And ye schulen make the licnesse of youre ersis, and the licnesse of myis that distriede youre lond; and ye schulen yyue glorie to God of Israel, if in hap he withdrawe his hond fro you, and fro youre goddis, and fro youre lond.
Iuxta numerum provinciarum Philisthinorum quinque anos aureos facietis, et quinque mures aureos: quia plaga una fuit omnibus vobis, et satrapis vestris. Facietisque similitudines anorum vestrorum, et similitudines murium, qui demoliti sunt terram. et dabitis Deo Israel gloriam: si forte relevet manum suam a vobis, et a diis vestris, et a terra vestra.
6 Whi maken ye heuy youre hertis, as Egipt, and Farao `made heuy his herte? Whether not after that he was smytun, thanne he delyuerede hem, and thei yeden forth?
Quare aggravatis corda vestra, sicut aggravavit Aegyptus, et Pharao cor suum? nonne postquam percussus est, tunc dimisit eos, et abierunt?
7 Now therfor take ye, and make o newe wayn, and ioyne ye twei kien hauynge caluys, on whiche kyen no yok was put; and close ye her calues at hoome.
Nunc ergo arripite et facite plaustrum novum unum: et duas vaccas foetas, quibus non est impositum iugum, iungite in plaustro, et recludite vitulos earum domi.
8 And ye schulen take the arke of the Lord, and ye schulen sette in the wayn; and ye schulen put in a panyere at the side therof the goldun vessels, whiche ye payeden to hym for trespas; and delyuere ye the arke, that it go.
Tolletisque arcam Domini, et ponetis in plaustro, et vasa aurea, quae exolvistis ei pro delicto, ponetis in capsellam ad latus eius: et dimittite eam ut vadat.
9 And ye schulen biholde, and sotheli if it stieth ayens Bethsames bi the weie of `hise coostis, `he dide to you this greet yuel; but if nay, we schulen wite `for his hond touchide not vs, but `if it bifelde bi hap.
Et aspicietis: et si quidem per viam finium suorum ascenderit contra Bethsames, ipse fecit nobis hoc malum grande: si autem, minime: sciemus quia nequaquam manus eius tetigit nos, sed casu accidit.
10 Therfor thei diden in this manere; and thei token twei kien that yauen mylk to caluys, and ioyneden to the wayn; and thei closiden her caluys at hoome.
Fecerunt ergo illi hoc modo: et tollentes duas vaccas, quae lactabant vitulos, iunxerunt ad plaustrum, vitulosque earum concluserunt domi.
11 And thei puttiden the arke of God on the wayn, and `thei puttiden the panyere, that hadde the goldun myis, and the licnesse of ersis `on the wayn.
Et posuerunt arcam Dei super plaustrum, et capsellam, quae habebat mures aureos et similitudines anorum.
12 Sotheli the kien yeden streiytli bi the weie that ledith to Bethsames; and tho yeden in o weie goynge and lowynge, and bowiden not nether to the riyt side nether to the left side; but also the wise men of Filisteis sueden `til to the termes of Bethsames.
Ibant autem in directum vaccae per viam, quae ducit Bethsames, et itinere uno gradiebantur, pergentes et mugientes: et non declinabant neque ad dextram neque ad sinistram: sed et satrapae Philisthiim sequebantur usque ad terminos Bethsames.
13 Forsothe men of Bethsames repiden whete in the valey, and thei reisiden the iyen, and sien the arke, and thei weren ioyful, whanne thei hadden sien `the arke.
Porro Bethsamitae metebant triticum in valle: et elevantes oculos suos, viderunt arcam, et gavisi sunt cum vidissent.
14 And the wayn cam in to the feelde of Josue of Bethsames, and stood there. Forsothe a greet stoon was there; and thei kittiden `the trees of the wayn, and puttiden the kien `on tho trees, a brent sacrifice to the Lord.
Et plaustrum venit in agrum Iosue Bethsamitae, et stetit ibi. Erat autem ibi lapis magnus, et conciderunt ligna plaustri, vaccasque imposuerunt super ea holocaustum Domino.
15 Sotheli dekenes token doun the arke of God, and the panyere, that was bisidis it, where ynne the goldun vessels weren; and thei settiden on the greet stoon. Forsothe the men of Bethsames offriden brent sacrifices, and offriden slayn sacrifices in that dai `to the Lord.
Levitae autem deposuerunt arcam Dei, et capsellam, quae erat iuxta eam, in qua erant vasa aurea, et posuerunt super lapidem grandem. Viri autem Bethsamitae obtulerunt holocausta, et immolaverunt victimas in die illa Domino.
16 And fyue princes of Filisteis sien, and turneden ayen in to Accoron in that dai.
Et quinque satrapae Philisthinorum viderunt, et reversi sunt in Accaron in die illa.
17 Sotheli these ben the goldun ersis, whiche the Filisteis yeldiden to the Lord for trespas; Azotus yeldide oon; Gaza yeldide oon; Ascolon yeldide oon; Geth yeldide oon; Accaron yeldide oon;
Hi sunt autem ani aurei, quos reddiderunt Philisthiim pro delicto, Domino: Azotus unum, Gaza unum, Ascalon unum, Geth unum, Accaron unum:
18 and Filisteis yeldiden golden myis bi the noumbre of `citees of Filisteis of fyue prouynces, fro a wallid citee `til to `a town that was with out wal, and `til to the greet Abel, `on which thei puttiden the arke of the Lord, that was there `til in that dai in the feeld of Josue of Bethsames.
et mures aureos secundum numerum urbium Philisthiim, quinque provinciarum, ab urbe murata, usque ad villam, quae erat absque muro, et usque ad Abelmagnum, super quem posuerunt arcam Domini, quae erat usque in illum diem in agro Iosue Bethsamitis.
19 Forsothe the Lord smoot of the men of Bethsames, for thei hadden seyn the arke of the Lord, and he smoot of the puple seuenti men, and fifty thousynde of the porail. And the puple morenyde, for the Lord hadde smyte `the puple with greet veniaunce.
Percussit autem de viris Bethsamitibus, eo quod vidissent arcam Domini: et percussit de populo septuaginta viros, et quinquaginta millia plebis. Luxitque populus, eo quod Dominus percussisset plebem plaga magna.
20 And men of Bethsames seiden, Who schal now stonde in the siyt of the Lord God of this hooli thing, and to whom schal it stie fro vs?
Et dixerunt viri Bethsamitae: Quis poterit stare in conspectu Domini Dei sancti huius? et ad quem ascendet a nobis?
21 And thei senten messangeris to the dwelleris of Cariathiarym, and seiden, Filisteis han brouyt ayen the arke of the Lord; come ye doun, and lede it ayen to you.
Miseruntque nuncios ad habitatores Cariathiarim, dicentes: Reduxerunt Philisthiim arcam Domini, descendite, et reducite eam ad vos.

< 1 Samuel 6 >