< 1 Samuel 28 >

1 Forsothe it was doon in tho daies, Filisteis gaderiden her cumpenyes, that thei schulden be maad redi ayens Israel to batel. And Achis seide to Dauid, Thou witynge `wite now, for thou schalt go out with me in castels, thou and thi men.
factum est autem in diebus illis congregaverunt Philisthim agmina sua ut praepararentur ad bellum contra Israhel dixitque Achis ad David sciens nunc scito quoniam mecum egredieris in castris tu et viri tui
2 And Dauid seide to Achis, Now thou schalt wyte what thingis thi seruaunt schal do. And Achis seide to Dauid, And Y schal sette thee kepere of myn heed in alle dayes.
dixitque David ad Achis nunc scies quae facturus est servus tuus et ait Achis ad David et ego custodem capitis mei ponam te cunctis diebus
3 Forsothe Samuel was deed, and al Israel biweilide hym, and thei birieden hym in Ramatha, his citee. And Saul dide awey fro the lond witchis and fals dyuynours, `and he slouy hem that hadden `charmers of deuelis `in her wombe.
Samuhel autem mortuus est planxitque eum omnis Israhel et sepelierunt eum in Rama urbe sua et Saul abstulit magos et ariolos de terra
4 And Filisteis weren gaderid, and camen, and settiden tentis in Sunam; sotheli and Saul gaderide al Israel, and cam in to Gelboe.
congregatique sunt Philisthim et venerunt et castrametati sunt in Sunam congregavit autem et Saul universum Israhel et venit in Gelboe
5 And Saul siy the castels of Filisteis, and he dredde, and his herte dredde greetli.
et vidit Saul castra Philisthim et timuit et expavit cor eius nimis
6 And he counselide the Lord; and the Lord answeride not to hym, nether bi preestis, nether bi dremes, nether bi profetis.
consuluitque Dominum et non respondit ei neque per somnia neque per sacerdotes neque per prophetas
7 And Saul seide to hise seruauntis, Seke ye to me a womman hauynge a feend spekynge in the wombe; and Y schal go to hir, and Y schal axe bi hir. And hise seruauntis seiden to hym, A womman hauynge a feend spekynge in the wombe is in Endor.
dixitque Saul servis suis quaerite mihi mulierem habentem pythonem et vadam ad eam et sciscitabor per illam et dixerunt servi eius ad eum est mulier habens pythonem in Aendor
8 Therfor Saul chaungide his clothing, and he was clothid with othere clothis; and he yede, and twei men with hym; and thei camen to the womman in the nyyt. And he seyde, Dyuyne thou to me in a fend spekynge in the wombe, and reise thou to me whom Y schal seie to thee.
mutavit ergo habitum suum vestitusque est aliis vestimentis abiit ipse et duo viri cum eo veneruntque ad mulierem nocte et ait divina mihi in pythone et suscita mihi quem dixero tibi
9 And the womman seide to hym, Lo! thou woost hou grete thingis Saul hath do, and hou he dide awei fro the lond witchis, and fals dyuynours; whi therfor settist thou tresoun to my lijf, that Y be slayn?
et ait mulier ad eum ecce tu nosti quanta fecerit Saul et quomodo eraserit magos et ariolos de terra quare ergo insidiaris animae meae ut occidar
10 And Saul swoor to hir in the Lord, and seide, The Lord lyueth; for no thing of yuel schal come to thee for this thing.
et iuravit ei Saul in Domino dicens vivit Dominus quia non veniet tibi quicquam mali propter hanc rem
11 And the womman seide to hym, Whom schal Y reise to thee? And he seide, Reise thou Samuel to me.
dixitque ei mulier quem suscitabo tibi qui ait Samuhelem suscita mihi
12 Sotheli whanne the womman hadde seyn Samuel, sche criede with greet vois, and seide to Saul, Whi hast thou disseyued me? for thou art Saul.
cum autem vidisset mulier Samuhelem exclamavit voce magna et dixit ad Saul quare inposuisti mihi tu es enim Saul
13 And the kyng seide to hir, Nyl thou drede; what hast thou seyn? And the womman seide to Saul, Y siy goddis stiynge fro erthe.
dixitque ei rex noli timere quid vidisti et ait mulier ad Saul deos vidi ascendentes de terra
14 And Saul seide to hir, What maner forme is of hym? And sche seide, An eld man stieth, and he is clothid with a mentil. And Saul vndirstood that it was Samuel; and Saul bowide hym silf on his face to the erthe, and worschipide.
dixitque ei qualis est forma eius quae ait vir senex ascendit et ipse amictus est pallio intellexit Saul quod Samuhel esset et inclinavit se super faciem suam in terra et adoravit
15 Sotheli Samuel seide to Saul, Whi hast thou disesid me, that Y schulde be reisid? And Saul seide, Y am constreyned greetli; for Filisteis fiyten ayens me, and God yede awei fro me, and he nolde here me, nether bi the hond of profetis, nether bi dremes; therfor Y clepide thee, that thou schuldist schewe to me what Y schal do.
dixit autem Samuhel ad Saul quare inquietasti me ut suscitarer et ait Saul coartor nimis siquidem Philisthim pugnant adversum me et Deus recessit a me et exaudire me noluit neque in manu prophetarum neque per somnia vocavi ergo te ut ostenderes mihi quid faciam
16 And Samuel seide, What axist thou me, whanne God hath go awei fro thee, and passide to thin enemy?
et ait Samuhel quid interrogas me cum Dominus recesserit a te et transierit ad aemulum tuum
17 For the Lord schal do to thee as he spak in myn hond, and he schal kitte awey thi rewme fro thin hond, and he schal yyue it to Dauid, thi neiybore;
faciet enim Dominus tibi sicut locutus est in manu mea et scindet regnum de manu tua et dabit illud proximo tuo David
18 for thou obeiedist not to the vois of the Lord, nether didist the `ire of hys strong veniaunce in Amalech. Therfor the Lord hath do to thee to day that that thou suffrist;
quia non oboedisti voci Domini neque fecisti iram furoris eius in Amalech idcirco quod pateris fecit tibi Dominus hodie
19 and the Lord schal yyue also Israel with thee in the hond of Filisteis. Forsothe to morewe thou and thi sones schulen be with me; but also the Lord schal bitake the castels of Israel in the hond of Filistiym.
et dabit Dominus etiam Israhel tecum in manu Philisthim cras autem tu et filii tui mecum eritis sed et castra Israhel tradet Dominus in manu Philisthim
20 And anoon Saul felde stretchid forth to erthe; for he dredde the wordis of Samuel, and strengthe was not in hym, for he hadde not ete breed in al that dai and al nyyt.
statimque Saul cecidit porrectus in terram extimuerat enim verba Samuhel et robur non erat in eo quia non comederat panem tota die illa
21 Therfor thilke womman entride to Saul, and seide; for he was disturblid greetli; and sche seide to hym, Lo! thin handmayde obeiede to thi vois, and Y haue put my lijf in myn hond, and Y herde thi wordis, whiche thou spakist to me.
ingressa est itaque mulier ad Saul et ait conturbatus enim erat valde dixitque ad eum ecce oboedivit ancilla tua voci tuae et posui animam meam in manu mea et audivi sermones tuos quos locutus es ad me
22 Now therfor and thou here the vois of thin handmaide, and Y schal sette a mussel of breed bifor thee, and that thou etynge wexe strong, and maist do the iourney.
nunc igitur audi et tu vocem ancillae tuae ut ponam coram te buccellam panis et comedens convalescas ut possis iter facere
23 And he forsook, and seide, Y schal not ete. Sothely hise seruauntis and the womman compelliden hym; and at the laste, whanne the vois of hem was herd, he roos fro the erthe, and sat on the bed.
qui rennuit et ait non comedam coegerunt autem eum servi sui et mulier et tandem audita voce eorum surrexit de terra et sedit super lectum
24 Sotheli thilke womman hadde a fat calf in the hows, and `sche hastide, and killide hym; and sche took mele, and meddlide it, and made therf breed;
mulier autem illa habebat vitulum pascualem in domo et festinavit et occidit eum tollensque farinam miscuit eam et coxit azyma
25 and settide bifor Saul and bifor hise seruauntis, and whanne thei hadden ete, thei risiden, and walkiden bi al that nyyt.
et posuit ante Saul et ante servos eius qui cum comedissent surrexerunt et ambulaverunt per totam noctem illam

< 1 Samuel 28 >