< 1 Samuel 22 >

1 Therfor Dauid yede fro thennus, and fledde in to the denne of Odollam; and whanne hise britheren, and al the hows of his fadir hadden herd this, thei camen doun thidur to hym.
David ode odande i skloni se u spilju Adulam. A kad su to čula njegova braća i sva njegova obitelj, dođoše onamo da mu se priključe.
2 And alle men that weren set in angwisch, and oppressid with othere mennus dette, and in bittir soule, camen togidere to hym; and he was maad the prince `of hem, and as foure hundrid men weren with hym.
Osim toga skupiše se oko njega svi koji bijahu u nevolji, svi zaduženi, svi nezadovoljni, i on im posta vođom. A bijaše ih oko njega do četiri stotine ljudi.
3 And Dauid yede forth fro thennus in to Masphat, which is of Moab; and he seide to the kyng of Moab, Y preye, dwelle my fadir and my modir with you, til Y wite what thing God schal do to me.
Odande ode David u Mispu u zemlji moapskoj i reče kralju moapskome: “Dopusti da se moj otac i moja mati sklonu kod vas dok ne vidim što će Bog učiniti sa mnom.”
4 And he lefte hem bifor the face of the kyng of Moab; and thei dwelliden at hym in alle daies, `in whiche Dauid was in `the forselet, ether stronghold.
I ostavi ih kod kralja moapskoga i oni ostadoše kod njega sve dok David bijaše u skrovištu.
5 And Gad, the profete, seide to Dauid, Nyle thou dwelle in `the forselet; go thou forth, and go in to the lond of Juda. And Dauid yede forth, and cam in to the forest of Areth.
Ali prorok Gad reče Davidu: “Nemoj ostati u svome skrovištu, nego idi i zađi u zemlju Judinu.” I David ode i zađe u Heretsku šumu.
6 And Saul herde, that Dauid apperide, and the men that weren with hym. Forsothe whanne Saul dwellide in Gabaa, and was in the wode which is in Rama, and `helde a spere in the hond, and alle hise seruauntis stoden aboute hym,
Šaul doznade da se pojavio David s ljudima koji bijahu s njim. Šaul je upravo bio u Gibei; sjedio je pod tamariskom na uzvišici, s kopljem u ruci, a oko njega stajali svi njegovi dvorani.
7 he seide to hise seruauntis that stoden nyy hym, The sones of Gemyny, here me now; whether the sone of Ysai schal yyue to alle you feeldis and vyneris, and schal make alle you tribunes and centuriouns?
I reče Šaul svojim dvoranima koji stajahu oko njega: “Poslušajte me, sinovi Benjaminovi! Hoće li vam i Jišajev sin svima darovati njive i vinograde? Hoće li vas sve postaviti za tisućnike i stotnike?
8 For alle ye han swore, ether conspirid, togidere ayens me, and noon is that tellith to me; moost sithen also my sone hath ioyned boond of pees with the sone of Ysai; noon is of you, that sorewith `for my stide, nether that tellith to me, for my sone hath reisid my seruaunt ayens me, settynge tresoun to me `til to dai.
A zašto ste se onda svi urotili protiv mene? Nema nikoga da mi dojavi kad moj sin sklapa savez s Jišajevim sinom, nema nikoga među vama da me požali i da mi otkrije kako je moj sin podjario moga slugu na me, kao što se događa danas.”
9 Sotheli Doech of Ydumye answeride, that stood nyy, and was the firste among `the seruauntis of Saul, and seide, Y siy `the sone of Ysai in Nobe, at Achymelech, preest, the sone of Achitob;
Tada progovori Doeg Edomac, koji je stajao među Šaulovim dvoranima, i reče: “Ja sam vidio Jišajeva sina kad je došao u Nob k Ahimeleku, Ahitubovu sinu.
10 which counseilide the Lord for Dauid, and yaf meetis `to hym, but also he yaf to Dauid the swerd of Goliath Filistei.
Ovaj je zatražio za njega savjet od Jahve i dao mu hrane i predao mu mač Filistejca Golijata.”
11 Therfor the kyng sente to clepe Achymelech, the preest, `the sone of Achitob, and al the hows of his fadir, of preestis that weren in Nobe; whiche alle camen to the kyng.
Šaul nato zapovjedi da pozovu svećenika Ahimeleka, Ahitubova sina, i svu njegovu obitelj, svećenike u Nobu. I dođoše svi pred kralja.
12 And Saul seide to Achymelech, Here, thou sone of Achitob.
Tada reče Šaul: “Čuj me, Ahitubov sine!” A on odgovori: “Evo me, gospodaru!”
13 Which answeride, Lord, Y am redi. And Saul seide to hym, Whi hast thou conspirid ayens me, thou, and the sone of Ysai, and yauest looues and a swerd to hym, and councelidist the Lord for hym, that he schulde rise ayens me, and he dwellith a tretour `til to dai?
A Šaul ga upita: “Zašto ste se urotili protiv mene, ti i Jišajev sin? Ti si mu dao kruha i mač i tražio si za njega savjet od Boga da se digne protiv mene kao neprijatelj, kao što se danas događa.”
14 And Achymelech answeride to the kyng, and seide, And who among alle thi seruauntis is as Dauid feithful, and the sone in lawe `of the kyng, and goynge at thi comaundement, and gloriouse in thin hows?
Ahimelek odgovori kralju: “A tko je među svim tvojim slugama ravan Davidu, tako vjeran, uz to kraljev zet, glavar tvoje tjelesne straže, čovjek koji je poštovan u tvojoj kući?
15 Whether Y bigan to dai to counsele the Lord for hym? Fer be this fro me; suppose not the kyng ayens his seruaunt `siche a thing in al `the hows of my fadir; for thi seruaunt knew not ony thing, ether litil ethir greet, of this cause.
Zar sam danas prvi put tražio za njega savjet od Boga? Daleko od mene svaka druga misao! Neka kralj ništa ne okrivljuje svoga sluge i sve njegove obitelji, jer sluga njegov nije znao od svega toga ništa!”
16 And the kyng seide, Achymelech, thou schalt die bi deeth, thou, and al the hows of thi fadir.
Ali kralj odvrati: “Ti ćeš umrijeti, Ahimeleče, ti i sva tvoja obitelj!”
17 And the kyng seide to men able to be sent out, that stoden aboute hym, Turne ye, and sle the preestis of the Lord, for the hond of hem is with Dauid; and thei wisten that he fledde, and thei schewiden not to me. Sotheli the seruauntis of the kyng nolden holde forth her hond in to the preestis of the Lord.
I kralj zapovjedi glasonošama koji stajahu oko njega: “Pristupite i pogubite svećenike Jahvine jer su i oni pomogli Davidu: znali su da je na bijegu, a nisu mi to dojavili.” Ali kraljevi stražari ne htjedoše dići ruke na Jahvine svećenike da ih smaknu.
18 And the kyng seide to Doech, Turne thou, and hurle in to the preestis of the Lord. And Doech of Ydumee turnede, and hurlide in to the preestis, and stranglide in that dai foure score and fyue men, clothid with `ephoth of lynnun cloth.
Tada kralj zapovjedi Doegu: “Pristupi ti i smakni svećenike!” Doeg Edomac pristupi i smaknu svećenike: on pogubi u onaj dan osamdeset i pet ljudi koji su nosili laneni oplećak.
19 Forsothe he smoot Nobe, the citee of preestis, by the scharpnesse of swerd, men and wymmen, litle children and soukynge, and oxe, and asse, and sheep, bi the scharpnesse of swerd.
I Nob, svećenički grad, pohara oštricom mača, pobivši muškarce i žene, djecu i dojenčad, goveda, magarce i ovce.
20 Forsothe o sone of Achymelech, sone of Achitob, ascapide, of which sone the name was Abiathar; and he fledde to Dauid,
Izbavio se samo jedan sin Ahimeleka, Ahitubova sina, po imenu Ebjatar i pobjegao k Davidu.
21 and telde to hym that Saul hadde slayn the preestis of the Lord.
Ebjatar javi Davidu da je Šaul poklao Jahvine svećenike.
22 And Dauid seide to Abiathar, Sotheli Y wiste, `that is, Y coniectide, ether dredde, in that dai, that whanne Doech of Ydumee was there, he wolde telle with out doute to Saul; Y am gilti of alle the lyues of thi fadir.
A David odvrati Ebjataru: “Ja sam već onoga dana kad ondje bijaše Doeg Edomac znao da će on zacijelo javiti to Šaulu! Ja sam kriv za živote tvoga očinskog doma.
23 Dwelle thou with me, drede thou not; if ony man sekith thi lijf, he schal seke also my lijf, and thou schalt be kept with me.
Ostani kod mene, ne boj se: tko bude tražio tvoj život, tražit će moj. Kod mene ćeš biti dobro čuvan.”

< 1 Samuel 22 >