< 1 Kings 7 >

1 Forsothe Salomon bildide his owne hows in thrittene yeer, and brouyte it til to perfeccioun.
Zvisinei, zvakatorera Soromoni makore gumi namatatu kuti apedze kuvaka muzinda wake.
2 He bildide an hows of the forest of Liban, of an hundrid cubitis of lengthe, and of fifti cubitis of breede, and of thretti cubitis of hiythe; and he bildide foure aleis bitwixe the pilers of cedre; for he hadde hewe doun trees of cedres in to pilers.
Akavaka Muzinda weSango reRebhanoni wakanga wakareba makubhiti zana, upamhi hwawo huri makubhiti makumi mashanu, namakubhiti makumi matatu pakukwirira kwawo mudenga, akaivaka pamusoro pemitsara mina yembiru dzemisidhari namatanda emisidhari akavezwa pamusoro pembiru.
3 And he clothide al the chaumbir with wallis of cedris; which chaumbir was susteyned with fyue and fourti pileris. Sotheli oon ordre hadde fiftene pileris, set ayens hem silf togidere,
Wakanga une denga remisidhari rakanga riri pamusoro pamatanda akanga akagadzikwa pamusoro pembiru yamatanda makumi mana namashanu, gumi namashanu mumutsara mumwe chete.
4 and biholdynge hem silf euene ayens, bi euene space bitwixe the pilers;
Mawindo awo akanga ari pamusoro, ari matatu, akatarisana.
5 and on the pilers weren foure square trees, euene in alle thingis.
Makonhi ose namagwatidziro zvaiva namativi mana; akanga ari nechemberi ari matatu matatu, akatarisana.
6 And he made a porche of pilers of fifti cubitis of lengthe, and of thritti cubitis of breede; and `he made an other porche in the face of the gretter porche; and he made pileris, and pomels on the pileris.
Akaita imba yembiru yakanga yakareba makubhiti makumi mashanu iine upamhi hwamakubhiti makumi matatu. Pamberi payo paiva nebiravira, pamberi parowo paine mbiru nedenga rakarembera.
7 Also he maad a porche of the kyngis seete, in which the seete of doom was; and he hilide with trees of cedre, fro the pawment `til to the hiynesse.
Akavakawo imba yechigaro chokutonga, Imba Yokururamisira, umo maaizotongera nyaya, uye akaifukidza nemisidhari kubva pasi kusvikira kumusoro.
8 And a litil hows, in which he sat to deme, was in the myddil porche, bi lijk werk. Also Salomon made an hows to the douyter of Farao, whom he hadde weddid, bi sich werk, bi what maner werk he made and this porche.
Muzinda wake waaizogara necheseri, wakanga wakavakwa zvimwe chetezvo. Soromoni akavakirawo mwanasikana waFaro, uyo waakanga awana, muzinda wakafanana nouyu.
9 He made alle thingis of preciouse stoonys, that weren sawid at sum reule and mesure, bothe with ynne and with outforth, fro the foundement `til to the hiynesse of wallis, and with ynne and `til to the gretter street, ethir court.
Dzimba dzose idzi, kubva kunze kusvikira kuchivanze chikuru, nokubva pahwaro kusvikira paberevere, dzakanga dziri dzamatombo anokosha, akavezwa zvakaenzanirana, uye akachekwa nejeko kunze nomukati.
10 Sotheli the foundementis weren of preciouse stoonys, grete stoonys of ten, ethir of eiyte cubitis;
Hwaro hwakanga hwakavakwa namatombo makuru anokosha, mamwe akareba makubhiti gumi, mamwe makubhiti masere.
11 and preciouse stoonys hewun of euene mesure weren aboue; in lijk maner and of cedre.
Pamusoro paiva namatombo anokosha, akavezwa zvakaenzanirana, namatanda emisidhari.
12 And the gretter court, `ethir voide space, was round, of thre ordris of hewun stonus, and of oon ordre of hewun cedre; also and in the ynnere large strete of the hows of the Lord, and in the porche of the hows of the Lord.
Chivanze chikuru chaiva chakapoteredzwa norusvingo rwakanga rune mitsara mitatu yamatombo akavezwa nomutsara mumwe chete wamatanda omusidhari akanyatsovezwa, zvimwe chetezvo zvakanga zvakaita chivanze chomukati chetemberi yaJehovha nebiravira rayo.
13 Also kyng Salomon sente, and brouyte fro Tire Hiram, the sone of a womman widewe,
Zvino Mambo Soromoni akatuma vanhu kundotora Hiramu kuTire.
14 of the lynage of Neptalym, of the fadir a man of Tyre, Hiram, a crafty man of brasse, and ful of wisdom, and vndirstondynge, and doctryn, to make al werk of bras. And whanne he hadde come to kyng Salomon, he made al hys werk.
Hiramu aiva mwanakomana wechirikadzi yorudzi rwaNafutari, baba vake vari veTire, mupfuri wendarira. Hiramu akanga azere nounyanzvi, uye aino ruzivo rwezvamabasa ose endarira. Akauya kuna Mambo Soromoni akaita basa rose raakapiwa.
15 And he made twey pilers of bras, o piler of eiytene cubitis of hiythe; and a lyne of twelue cubitis cumpasside euer either piler.
Akavaka mbiru mbiri dzendarira, imwe neimwe yakanga yakareba makubhiti gumi namasere, uye yaipoteredzwa netambo yakareba makubhiti gumi namaviri pakuyera.
16 Also he made twei pomels, yotun of bras, that weren set on the heedis of the pilers; o pomel of fyue cubitis of hiythe, and the tothir pomel of fyue cubitis of heiythe; and bi the maner of a net,
Akaitawo misoro yembiru yendarira yakanyungurutswa miviri, yokugadzika pamusoro pembiru, musoro mumwe nomumwe wakanga wakareba makubhiti mashanu pakukwirira kwawo.
17 and of chaynes knyt to gidere to hem, bi wonderful werk. Euer either pomel of the pilers was yotun; seuen werkis lijk nettis of orders weren in o pomel, and seuen werkis lijk nettis weren in the tother pomel.
Mimbure yengetani dzakarukwa yaiva yakashongedza misoro yaiva pamusoro pembiru, minomwe pamusoro pomumwe nomumwe.
18 And he made perfitli the pilers, and twei ordris `bi cumpas of alle werkis lijk nettis, that tho schulden hile the pomels, that weren on the hiynesse of pumgarnadis; in the same maner he dide also to the secounde pomel.
Akaitawo matamba mumitsara miviri yakapoteredza mumbure mumwe nomumwe kuti ishongedze misoro yaiva pamusoro pembiru. Akaita zvimwe chetezvo pamusoro pomumwe nomumwe.
19 Sotheli the pomels, that weren on the heedis of the pilers in the porche, weren maad as bi the werk of lilye, of foure cubitis;
Misoro yaiva pamusoro pembiru pabiravira yakanga yakaumbwa samaruva amahapa, yakareba makubhiti mana pakukwirira kwayo.
20 and eft othere pomels in the hiynesse of pilers aboue, bi the mesure of the piler, ayens the werkis lijk nettis; forsothe twey hundrid ordris of pumgarnadis weren in the cumpas of the secounde pomel.
Pamusoro pemisoro yembiru mbiri idzi, nechapamusoro pedumbu rakanga riri parutivi pomumbure, paiva namatamba mazana maviri mumitsara yakapoteredza.
21 And he settide the twey pilers in the porche of the temple; and whanne he hadde set the riythalf pilere, he clepide it bi name Jachym; in lijk maner he reiside the secounde pilere, and he clepide the name therof Booz.
Akamisa mbiru pabiravira retemberi. Mbiru yezasi akaitumidza zita rokuti Jakini uye yokumusoro akaitumidza kuti Bhoazi.
22 And he settide on the heedis of the pilers a werk bi the maner of a lilie; and the werk of the pilers was maad perfit.
Pamusoro pembiru paiva nezvishongo zvakafanana namaruva amahapa. Saizvozvo basa rapambiru rakapera.
23 Also he made a yotun see, that is, a waisching vessel for preestis, round in cumpas, of ten cubitis fro brynke til to the brinke; the heiynesse therof was of fyue cubitis; and a corde of thretti cubitis yede aboute it bi cumpas.
Akaita Gungwa reNdarira yakanyauswa, redenderedzwa rakanga rine upamhi hwamakubhiti gumi pamuromo, uye rakareba makubhiti mashanu pakukwirira kwaro. Zvaitora tambo yakareba makubhiti makumi matatu kuti iripoteredze pakuyera.
24 And grauyng vndir the brynke cumpasside it, and cumpasside the see bi ten cubitis; tweyne ordris of grauyngis conteynynge summe stories weren yotun, and stoden on twelue oxis;
Pasi pomuromo waro pakanga pane mapfundo akapoteredza, ari gumi pakubhiti, achipoteredza gungwa. Mapfundo aya akaumbwa akanga ari mumitsara miviri, pamwe chete neGungwa.
25 of whiche oxis thre bihelden to the north, and thre to the west, and thre to the south, and three to the eest; and the see was aboue on tho oxis, of whiche alle the hyndere thingis weren hid `with ynne.
Gungwa rakanga rimire pahando gumi nembiri, nhatu dzakatarisa kumusoro, nhatu kumadokero, nhatu zasi nenhatu kumabvazuva. Gungwa rakanga rigere pamusoro padzo, uye shure kwadzo kwakanga kwakatarisa pakati.
26 Sotheli the thicknesse of the see was of thre ounces, and the brynke therof was as the brynke of a cuppe, and as the leef of a lilie crokid ayen; the see took twei thousynde bathus, thre thousynde metretis.
Ukobvu hwaro hwaikwana upamhi hwechanza chomunhu, uye muromo waro wakanga wakafanana nomuromo wekapu, seruva ramahapa. Mukati maro maikwana mabhati zviuru zviviri.
27 And he made ten brasun foundementes, ech foundement of foure cubites of lengthe, and of foure cubitis of brede, and of thre cubitis of hiynes.
Akaitawo zvigadziko gumi zvendarira zvaiva namavhiri endarira gumi; chimwe nechimwe chakanga chakareba makubhiti mana, upamhi huri makubhiti mana nokukwirira kwacho kuri makubhiti matatu.
28 And thilke werk of foundementis was rasid bitwixe; and grauyngis weren bitwixe the ioynturis.
Zvigadziko izvi zvakanga zvakaitwa seizvi: pakati pembiru dzezvigadziko paiva namagwatidziro mumativi.
29 And bitwixe the litil corouns and serclis weren liouns, oxis, and cherubyns; and in the ioynturis in lijk maner aboue; and vndir the lyouns and oxis weren as reynes of bridels of bras hangynge doun.
Pamagwatidziro aya pakati pembiru paiva neshumba, hando namakerubhi, uyewo napambiru. Pamusoro napasi peshumba nehando paiva nezvishongo zvamaruva zvendarira.
30 And bi ech foundement weren foure wheelis, and brasun extrees; and bi foure partis weren as litle schuldryngis vndir the waischyng vessel, `the schuldryngis yotun, and biholdynge ayens hemsilf togidere.
Chigadziko chimwe nechimwe chaiva namavhiri mana endarira ane maekesero endarira, uye imwe neimwe yaiva nedhishi rakanga riri pamusoro pezvitsigiro zvina, zvakaumbwa zviine zvishongo zvamaruva kurutivi rumwe norumwe.
31 And the mouth of the waischyng vessel with ynne was in the hiynesse of the heed, and that, that apperide with outforth, was of o cubit, and it was al round, and hadde togidere o cubit and an half; sotheli dyuerse grauyngis weren in the corneris of pilers, and the mydil piler bitwixe was square, not round.
Nechomukati mechigadziko maiva negomba rakanga riri redenderedzwa rakadzika zvinosvika kubhiti rimwe chete. Gomba iri rakanga riri redenderedzwa, uye nechigadziko charo raikwana kubhiti nehafu. Pamuromo paro paiva nezvinyorwa. Magwatidziro akanga ane mativi akaenzana, asiri edenderedzwa.
32 And the foure wheelis, that weren bi foure corneris of the foundement, cleuyden togidere to hem silf vndir the foundement; o wheele hadde o cubit and an half of hiythe.
Mavhiri mana aiva pasi pamagwatidziro, uye maekesero amavhiri aiva akabatana netafura. Vhiri rimwe nerimwe raiva noupamhi hwekubhiti rimwe chete nehafu.
33 Sotheli the wheelis weren siche, whiche maner wheelis ben wont to be maad in a chare; and the extrees, and the `naue stockis, and the spokis, and dowlis of tho wheelis, alle thingis weren yotun.
Mavhiri akanga akagadzirwa sokugadzirwa kwamavhiri engoro dzamabhiza; maekesero, marimu, zvipokisi namahabhu zvose zvaiva zvakagadzirwa nendarira.
34 For also the foure litle schuldryngis, bi alle the corners of o foundement, weren ioyned to gidere, and yotun of that foundement.
Chigadziko chimwe nechimwe chaiva nemibato mina, pakona imwe neimwe, uye yaibudikira kubva pachigadziko.
35 Sotheli in the hiynesse of the foundement was sum roundenesse, of o cubite and an half, so maad craftili, that the waischyng vessel myyte be set aboue, hauynge his purtreiyngis, and dyuerse grauyngis of it silf.
Pamusoro pechigadziko paiva nechitenderere chakanga chakadzika zvinosvika hafu yekubhiti. Zvitsigiro namagwatidziro zvakanga zvakanamatidzwa pamusoro pechigadziko.
36 Also he grauyde in tho wallis, that weren of bras, and in the corneris, cherubyns, and liouns, and palmes, as bi the licnesse of a man stondynge, that tho semeden not grauun, but put to bi cumpas.
Akaveza makerubhi, shumba nemiti yemichindwe pazvitsigiro namagwatidziro, napose paigona kuvezwa, nezvishongo zvamaruva kumativi ose.
37 Bi this maner he made ten foundementis, bi o yetyng and mesure, and lijk grauyng.
Aya ndiwo magadziriro aakaita zvigadziko gumi. Zvose zvakanga zvakafanana pakuumbwa kwazvo, zvakaenzana pakukura napamaumbirwo.
38 Also he made ten waischyng vessels of bras; o waischyng vessel took fourti bathus, and it was of foure cubitis; and he puttide ech waischyng vessel bi it silf bi ech foundement bi it silf, that is, ten.
Ipapo akaita madhishi endarira gumi, rimwe nerimwe richipinda mabhati makumi mana uye rakafara makubhiti mana, dhishi rimwe chete richizoiswa pachigadziko chimwe nechimwe chezvigadziko gumi.
39 And he made ten foundementis, fyue at the riyt half of the temple, and fyue at the left half; sotheli he settide the see at the riyt half of the temple, ayens the eest, at the south.
Akaisa zvigadziko zvishanu zasi kwetemberi, zvishanu kumusoro. Akaisa Gungwa kurutivi rwezasi, zasi kwakadziva kumabvazuva kwetemberi.
40 Also Hiram made cawdrouns, and pannes, and wyn vessels; and he made perfitli al the werk of kyng Salomon in the temple of the Lord.
Hiramu akaitawo poto, foshoro namadhishi. Saka Hiramu akapedza basa rose raakaitira Mambo Soromoni mutemberi yaJehovha:
41 He made twey pilers, and twei cordis of pomels on the pomels of pilers, and twei werkis lijk nettis, that tho schulden hile twey cordis, that weren on the heedis of pileris.
mbiru mbiri; misoro miviri yedenderedzwa pamusoro pembiru; mimbure miviri yakarukwa yaishongedza misoro miviri yedenderedzwa yaiva pamusoro pembiru;
42 And `he made pumgarnadis foure hundrid in twey werkis lijk nettis; `he made tweyne ordris of pumgarnadis in ech werk lijk a net, to hile the cordis of the pomels, that weren on the heedis of pilers.
matamba mazana mana emimbure miviri (mitsara miviri yamatamba pamumbure mumwe chete, kuti ishongedze misoro yedenderedzwa yaiva pamusoro pembiru);
43 And he made ten foundementis, and ten waischyng vessels on the foundementis;
zvigadziko gumi namadhishi azvo gumi;
44 and o se, `that is, a waischyng vessel for preestis, and twelue oxis vndur the see;
Gungwa nehando gumi nembiri pasi paro;
45 and `he made cawdruns, and pannys, and wyn vessels. Alle vessels, whiche Hiram made to kyng Salomon in the hows of the Lord, weren of latoun.
poto, foshoro namadhishi. Zvinhu zvose izvi zvakaitirwa Mambo Soromoni mutemberi maJehovha naHiramu zvaiva zvendarira yakabwinyiswa.
46 And the kyng yetide tho vessels in the feeldi cuntrey of Jordan, in cleyi lond, bitwixe Sochot and Sarcham.
Mambo akaita kuti zviumbwe nevhu rokuumba pabani reJorodhani pakati peSukoti neZaretani.
47 And Salomon settide alle the vessels; forsothe for greet multitude no weiyte was of bras, `that is, it passide al comyn weiyte.
Soromoni haana kuyera zvinhu zvose izvi nokuti zvakanga zvakawanda kwazvo; uremu hwendarira hahuna kuzivikanwa.
48 And Salomon made alle vessels in the hows of the Lord; sotheli he made the golden auter, `that is, the auter of encense, that was with ynne the temple, and the goldun boord, on whych the loouys of settynge forth weren set;
Soromoni akaitawo midziyo yose yaiva mutemberi maJehovha: aritari yegoridhe; tafura yegoridhe yaiva nechingwa choKuratidza, pamusoro payo;
49 and he made goldun candilstikis, fyue at the riyt half, and fyue at the left half, ayens Goddis answerynge place, `of purest gold; and he made as the flouris of a lilie, and goldun lanterns aboue, and goldun tongis; and pottis,
zvigadziko zvemwenje zvegoridhe rakaisvonaka (zvishanu kurudyi nezvishanu kuruboshwe pamberi penzvimbo tsvene yomukati); maruva, mwenje nembato, zvegoridhe;
50 and hokis, and violis, and morteris, and censeris of pureste gold; and the herris, ether heengis, of the doris of the ynnere hows of the hooli of hooli thingis, and of the doris of the hows of the temple weren of gold.
makapu, zvidzimiso zvemwenje, madhishi, madhishi ezvinonhuhwira nezvaenga zvomoto, zvegoridhe rakaisvonaka; zvibato zvamakonhi ekamuri yomukatikati memba, Nzvimbo Tsvene-tsvene, namakonhi eimba huru, zvakanga zviri zvegoridhe.
51 And Salomon performyde al the werk, which he made in the hows of the Lord; and he brouyte ynne the thingis, whiche Dauid, his fadir, hadde halewid; siluer, and gold, and vessels; and he kepte in the tresours of the hows of the Lord.
Zvino basa rose rakaitwa naMambo Soromoni patemberi yaJehovha parakapera, Soromoni akauyisa zvinhu zvakanga zvakumikidzwa nababa vake Dhavhidhi, midziyo yesirivha negoridhe, akazvichengeta mumatura epfuma yetemberi yaJehovha.

< 1 Kings 7 >