< 1 Kings 17 >

1 And Elie `of Thesbi, of the dwelleris of Galaad, seide to Achab, The Lord God of Israel lyueth, in whos siyt Y stonde, deeu and reyn schal not be in these yeeris, no but bi the wordis of my mouth.
Et dixit Elias Thesbites de habitatoribus Galaad ad Achab: Vivit Dominus Deus Israel, in cuius conspectu sto, si erit annis his ros et pluvia, nisi iuxta oris mei verba.
2 And the word of the Lord was maad to hym, and seide,
Et factum est verbum Domini ad eum, dicens:
3 Go thou awey fro hennus, and go ayens the eest, and be thou hid in the stronde of Carith, which is ayens Jordan,
Recede hinc, et vade contra Orientem, et abscondere in Torrente carith, qui est contra Iordanem,
4 and there thou schalt drynke of the stronde; and Y comaundide to crowis, that thei feede thee there.
et ibi de torrente bibes: corvisque praecepi ut pascant te ibi.
5 Therfor he yede, and dide bi the word of the Lord; and whanne he hadde go, he sat in the stronde of Carith, which is ayens Jordan.
Abiit ergo, et fecit iuxta verbum Domini: cumque abiisset, sedit in Torrente carith, qui est contra Iordanem.
6 And crowis baren to hym breed and fleisch eerli; in lijk maner in the euentid; and he drank of the stronde.
Corvi quoque deferebant ei panem et carnes mane, similiter panem et carnes vesperi, et bibebat de torrente.
7 Forsothe after summe daies the stronde was dried; for it hadde not reynede on the erthe.
Post dies autem siccatus est torrens: non enim pluerat super terram.
8 Therfor the word of the Lord was maad to hym, and seide,
Factus est ergo sermo Domini ad eum, dicens:
9 Rise thou, and go in to Serepta of Sydoneis, and thou schalt dwelle there; for Y comaundide to a womman, widewe there, that sche feede thee.
Surge, et vade in Sarephta Sidoniorum, et manebis ibi: praecepi enim ibi mulieri viduae ut pascat te.
10 He roos, and yede in to Sarepta of Sidoneis; and whanne he hadde come to the yate of the citee, a womman widewe gaderynge stickis apperide to hym; and he clepide hir, and seide to hir, Yyue thou to me a litil of water in a vessel, that Y drynke.
Surrexit, et abiit in Sarephta. Cumque venisset ad portam civitatis, apparuit ei mulier vidua colligens ligna, et vocavit eam, dixitque ei: Da mihi paululum aquae in vase, ut bibam.
11 And whanne sche yede to bringe, he criede bihynde hir bac, and seide, Y biseche, bringe thou to me also a mussel of breed in thin hond.
Cumque illa pergeret ut afferret, clamavit post tergum eius, dicens: Affer mihi, obsecro, et buccellam panis in manu tua.
12 And sche answeride, Thi Lord God lyueth, for Y haue no breed, no but as myche of mele in a pot, as a fist may take, and a litil of oile in a vessel; lo! Y gadere twei stickis, that Y entre, and make it to me, and to my sone, that we ete and die.
Quae respondit: Vivit Dominus Deus tuus, quia non habeo panem, nisi quantum pugillus capere potest farinae in hydria, et paululum olei in lecytho: en colligo duo ligna ut ingrediar et faciam illum mihi et filio meo, ut comedamus, et moriamur.
13 And Elie seide to hir, Nyle thou drede, but go, and make as thou seidist; netheles make thou firste to me of that litil mele a litil loof, bakun vndur the aischis, and brynge thou to me; sotheli thou schalt make afterward to thee and to thi sone.
Ad quam Elias ait: Noli timere, sed vade, et fac sicut dixisti: verumtamen mihi primum fac de ipsa farinula subcinericium panem parvulum, et affer ad me: tibi autem et filio tuo facies postea.
14 Forsothe the Lord God of Israel seith thes thingis, The pot of mele schal not faile, and the vessel of oile schal not be abatid, til to the dai in which the Lord schal yyue reyn on the face of erthe.
Haec autem dicit Dominus Deus Israel: Hydria farinae non deficiet, nec lecythus olei minuetur usque ad diem, in qua Dominus daturus est pluviam super faciem terrae.
15 And sche yede, and dide bi the word of Elie; and he eet, and sche, and hir hows.
Quae abiit, et fecit iuxta verbum Eliae: et comedit ipse, et illa, et domus eius: et ex illa die
16 And fro that dai the pot of mele failide not, and the vessel of oile was not abatid, bi the word of the Lord, which he hadde spoke in the hond of Elie.
hydria farinae non defecit, et lecythus olei non est imminutus, iuxta verbum Domini, quod locutus fuerat in manu Eliae.
17 Forsothe it was doon aftir these wordis, the sone of a womman hosewijf was sijk, and the sijknesse was moost strong, so that breeth dwellide not in hym.
Factum est autem post haec, aegrotavit filius mulieris matris familias, et erat languor fortissimus ita ut non remaneret in eo halitus.
18 Therfor sche seide to Elie, What to me and to thee, thou man of God? Entridist thou to me, that my wickidnessis schulden be remembrid, and that thou schuldist sle my sone?
Dixit ergo ad Eliam: Quid mihi et tibi vir Dei? ingressus es ad me, ut rememorarentur iniquitates meae, et interficeres filium meum?
19 And Elie seide to hir, Yyue thi sone to me. And he took `that sone fro hir bosum, and bar in to the soler, where he dwellide; and he puttide hym on his bed.
Et ait ad eam Elias: Da mihi filium tuum. Tulitque eum de sinu eius, et portavit in caenaculum ubi ipse manebat, et posuit super lectulum suum.
20 And he criede to the Lord, and seide, My Lord God, whether thou hast turmentid also the widewe, at whom Y am susteyned in al maner, that thou killidist hir sone?
Et clamavit ad Dominum, et dixit: Domine Deus meus, etiam ne viduam, apud quam ego utcumque sustentor, afflixisti ut interficeres filium eius?
21 He sprad abrood hym silf, and mat on the child bi thre tymes; and he cryede to the Lord, and seide, My Lord God, Y biseche, the soule of this child turne ayen in to the entrailis of hym.
Et expandit se, atque mensus est super puerum tribus vicibus, et clamavit ad Dominum, et ait: Domine Deus meus, revertatur obsecro anima pueri huius in viscera eius.
22 The Lord herde the vois of Elie, and the soule of the child turnede ayen with ynne hym, and he lyuede ayen.
Et exaudivit Dominus vocem Eliae: et reversa est anima pueri intra eum, et revixit.
23 And Elie took the child, and puttide hym doun of the soler in to the lower hows, and bitook him to his modir; and he seide to hir, Lo! thi sone lyueth.
Tulitque Elias puerum, et deposuit eum de caenaculo in inferiorem domum, et tradidit matri suae, et ait illi: En vivit filius tuus.
24 And the womman seide to Elie, Now in this Y haue knowe, that thou art the man of God, and the word of God is soth in thi mouth.
Dixitque mulier ad Eliam: Nunc, in isto cognovi quoniam vir Dei es tu, et verbum Domini in ore tuo verum est.

< 1 Kings 17 >