< 1 Kings 16 >

1 Forsothe the word of the Lord was maad to Hieu, sone of Anany, ayens Baasa, and seide,
factus est autem sermo Domini ad Hieu filium Anani contra Baasa dicens
2 For that that Y reiside thee fro dust, and settide thee duyk on Israel, my puple; sotheli thou yedist in the weie of Jeroboam, and madist my puple Israel to do synne, that thou schuldist terre me to ire, in the synnes of hem; lo!
pro eo quod exaltavi te de pulvere et posui ducem super populum meum Israhel tu autem ambulasti in via Hieroboam et peccare fecisti populum meum Israhel ut me inritares in peccatis eorum
3 Y schal kitte awey the hyndrere thingis of Baasa, and the hyndrere thingis of `his hows, and Y schal make thin hows as the hows of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath.
ecce ego demetam posteriora Baasa et posteriora domus eius et faciam domum tuam sicut domum Hieroboam filii Nabath
4 Doggis schulen ete that man of Baasa, that schal be deed in citee, and briddis of the eyr schulen ete that man of Baasa, that schal die in the feeld.
qui mortuus fuerit de Baasa in civitate comedent eum canes et qui mortuus fuerit ex eo in regione comedent eum volucres caeli
5 Sotheli the residue of wordis of Baasa, and what euer thingis he dide, and hise batels, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kynges of Israel?
reliqua autem sermonum Baasa et quaecumque fecit et proelia eius nonne haec scripta sunt in libro verborum dierum regum Israhel
6 Therfor Baasa slepte with hise fadris, and he was biried in Thersa; and Hela, his sone, regnede for hym.
dormivit ergo Baasa cum patribus suis sepultusque est in Thersa et regnavit Hela filius eius pro eo
7 Forsothe whanne the word of the Lord was maad in the hond of Hieu, sone of Anany, ayens Baasa, and ayens his hows, and ayens al yuel which he dide bifor the Lord, to terre hym to ire in the werkis of hise hondis, that he schulde be as the hows of Jeroboam, for this cause he killide hym, that is, Hieu, the prophete, the sone of Anany.
cum autem in manu Hieu filii Anani prophetae verbum Domini factum esset contra Baasa et contra domum eius et contra omne malum quod fecerat coram Domino ad inritandum eum in operibus manuum suarum ut fieret sicut domus Hieroboam ob hanc causam occidit eum
8 In the sixe and twentithe yeer of Aza, kyng of Juda, Hela, the sone of Baasa, regnyde on Israel, in Thersa, twei yeer.
anno vicesimo sexto Asa regis Iuda regnavit Hela filius Baasa super Israhel in Thersa duobus annis
9 And Zamry, `his seruaunt, duyk of the half part of knyytis, rebellide ayens hym; sotheli Hela was in Thersa, and drank, and was drunkun in the hows of Arsa, prefect of Thersa.
et rebellavit contra eum servus suus Zamri dux mediae partis equitum erat autem Hela in Thersa bibens et temulentus in domo Arsa praefecti Thersa
10 Therfor Zamri felde in, and smoot, and killide hym, in the seuene and twentithe yeer of Asa, kyng of Juda; and regnede for hym.
inruens ergo Zamri percussit et occidit eum anno vicesimo septimo Asa regis Iuda et regnavit pro eo
11 And whanne he hadde regned, and hadde setun on his trone, he smoot al the hows of Baasa, and he lefte not therof a pissere to the wal, and hise kynnesmen, and frendis.
cumque regnasset et sedisset super solium eius percussit omnem domum Baasa et non dereliquit ex eo mingentem ad parietem et propinquos et amicos eius
12 And Zamri dide awey al the hows of Baasa, bi the word of the Lord, which he spak to Baasa, in the hond of Hieu, the prophete, for alle the synnes of Baasa,
delevitque Zamri omnem domum Baasa iuxta verbum Domini quod locutus fuerat ad Baasa in manu Hieu prophetae
13 and for the synnes of Hela, his sone, whiche synneden, and maden Israel to do synne, and wraththiden the Lord God of Israel in her vanytees.
propter universa peccata Baasa et peccata Hela filii eius qui peccaverunt et peccare fecerunt Israhel provocantes Dominum Deum Israhel in vanitatibus suis
14 Sotheli the residue of the wordis of Hela, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
reliqua autem sermonum Hela et omnia quae fecit nonne haec scripta sunt in libro verborum dierum regum Israhel
15 In the seuene and twentithe yeer of Aza, kyng of Juda, Zamri regnede seuene daies in Tharsa; forsothe the oost bisegide Gebethon, the citee of Philisteis.
anno vicesimo et septimo Asa regis Iuda regnavit Zamri septem diebus in Thersa porro exercitus obsidebat Gebbethon urbem Philisthinorum
16 And whanne it hadde herd, that Zamri hadde rebellid, and hadde slayn the kyng, al Israel made Amry kyng to hem, that was prince of the chyualrye, on Israel, in that dai, in `the castels.
cumque audisset rebellasse Zamri et occidisse regem fecit sibi regem omnis Israhel Amri qui erat princeps militiae super Israhel in die illa in castris
17 Therfor Amry stiede, and al Israel with hym, fro Gebethon, and bisegide Thersa.
ascendit ergo Amri et omnis Israhel cum eo de Gebbethon et obsidebant Thersa
18 Sothely Zamri siy, that the citee schulde be ouercomun, and he entride in to the palis, and brente hym silf with the kyngis hows;
videns autem Zamri quod expugnanda esset civitas ingressus est palatium et succendit secum domum regiam et mortuus est
19 and he was deed in hise synnes whiche he synnede, doynge yuel bifor the Lord, and goynge in the weie of Jeroboam, and in hise synnes, bi whiche he made Israel to do synne.
in peccatis suis quae peccaverat faciens malum coram Domino et ambulans in via Hieroboam et in peccato eius quo fecit peccare Israhel
20 Sotheli the residue of wordis of Zamri, and of his tresouns, and tyrauntrie, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
reliqua autem sermonum Zamri et insidiarum eius et tyrannidis nonne haec scripta sunt in libro verborum dierum regum Israhel
21 Thanne the puple of Israel was departid in to twei partis; the half part of the puple suede Thebny, sone of Geneth, to make hym kyng, and the half part suede Amry.
tunc divisus est populus Israhel in duas partes media pars populi sequebatur Thebni filium Gineth ut constitueret eum regem et media pars Amri
22 Sotheli the puple that was with Amry, hadde maystry ouer the puple that suede Thebny, the sone of Geneth; and Thebny was deed, and Amri regnede.
praevaluit autem populus qui erat cum Amri populo qui sequebatur Thebni filium Gineth mortuusque est Thebni et regnavit Amri
23 In the oon and thrittithe yeer of Aza, kyng of Juda, Amri regnede on Israel, twelue yeer; in Thersa he regnede sixe yeer.
anno tricesimo primo Asa regis Iuda regnavit Amri super Israhel duodecim annis in Thersa regnavit sex annis
24 And he bouyte of Soomeer, for twei talentis of siluer, the hil of Samarie, and `bildide that hil; and he clepide the name of the citee, which he hadde bildid, bi the name of Soomer, lord of the hil of Samarie.
emitque montem Samariae a Somer duobus talentis argenti et aedificavit eam et vocavit nomen civitatis quam extruxerat nomine Somer domini montis Samariae
25 Forsothe Amry dide yuel in the siyt of the Lord, and wrouyte weiwardli, ouer alle men that weren bifor hym.
fecit autem Amri malum in conspectu Domini et operatus est nequiter super omnes qui fuerant ante eum
26 And he yede in al the weie of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, and in hise synnes, bi whiche he made Israel to do synne, that he schulde terre to ire, in his vanytees, the Lord God of Israel.
ambulavitque in omni via Hieroboam filii Nabath et in peccatis eius quibus peccare fecerat Israhel ut inritaret Dominum Deum Israhel in vanitatibus suis
27 Forsothe the residue of wordis of Amry, and hise batels, which he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
reliqua autem sermonum Amri et proelia eius quae gessit nonne haec scripta sunt in libro verborum dierum regum Israhel
28 And Amry slepte with hise fadris, and was biried in Samarie; and Achab, his sone, regnede for hym.
et dormivit Amri cum patribus suis et sepultus est in Samaria regnavitque Ahab filius eius pro eo
29 Forsothe Achab, the sone of Amry, regnede on Israel, in the `eiyte and thrittithe yeer of Asa, kyng of Juda; and Achab, sone of Amry, regnede on Israel, in Samarie, two and twenti yeer.
Ahab vero filius Amri regnavit super Israhel anno tricesimo octavo Asa regis Iuda et regnavit Ahab filius Amri super Israhel in Samaria viginti et duobus annis
30 And Achab, sone of Amry, dide yuel in the siyte of the Lord, ouer alle men that weren bifor hym;
et fecit Ahab filius Amri malum in conspectu Domini super omnes qui fuerunt ante eum
31 and it suffiside not to hym that he yede in the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, ferthermore and he weddide a wijf, Jezabel, the douyter of Methaal, kyng of Sydoneis; and he yede, and seruyde Baal, and worschipide hym.
nec suffecit ei ut ambularet in peccatis Hieroboam filii Nabath insuper duxit uxorem Hiezabel filiam Ethbaal regis Sidoniorum et abiit et servivit Baal et adoravit eum
32 And he settide an auter to Baal in the temple of Baal, which he hadde bildid in Samarie, and he plauntide a wode;
et posuit aram Baal in templo Baal quod aedificaverat in Samaria
33 and Achab addide in his werk, and terride to ire the Lord God of Israel, more thanne alle kyngis of Israel that weren bifor hym.
et plantavit lucum et addidit Ahab in opere suo inritans Dominum Deum Israhel super omnes reges Israhel qui fuerant ante eum
34 Forsothe in hise daies Ahiel of Bethel bildide Jerico; in Abiram, his firste sone, he foundide it, in Segub, his laste sone, he settide yatis therof, bi the word of the Lord, which he hadde spoke in the hond of Josue, sone of Nun.
in diebus eius aedificavit Ahiel de Bethel Hiericho in Abiram primitivo suo fundavit eam et in Segub novissimo suo posuit portas eius iuxta verbum Domini quod locutus fuerat in manu Iosue filii Nun

< 1 Kings 16 >