< 1 Kings 15 >

1 Therfor in the eiytenthe yeer of the rewme of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, Abia regnede on Juda.
Mugore regumi namasere roumambo hwaJerobhoamu mwanakomana waNebhati, Abhija akagadzwa samambo weJudha.
2 Thre yeer he regnede in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Maacha, douyter of Abessalon.
Akatonga muJerusarema kwamakore matatu. Zita ramai vake rainzi Maaka mwanasikana waAbhisharomu.
3 And he yede in alle the synnes of his fadir, which he dide bifor hym; and his herte was not perfit with his Lord God, as the herte of Dauid, his fadir, `was perfit.
Akaita zvivi zvose zvakanga zvaitwa nababa vake asati ava mambo; mwoyo wake wakanga usina kuzvipira zvizere kuna Jehovha Mwari wake sezvakanga zvakaita mwoyo watateguru wake Dhavhidhi.
4 But for Dauid his Lord God yaf to hym a lanterne in Jerusalem, that he schulde reise his sone after hym, and that he schulde stonde in Jerusalem;
Zvisinei, nokuda kwaDhavhidhi, Jehovha Mwari wake akamupa mwenje muJerusarema nokumutsa mwanakomana kuti amutevere paumambo uye nokusimbisa Jerusarema.
5 for Dauid hadde do riytfulnesse in the iyen of the Lord, and hadde not bowid fro alle thingis whiche the Lord hadde comaundid to him, in alle the daies of his lijf, outakun the word of Urie Ethei.
Nokuti Dhavhidhi akanga aita zvakanga zvakarurama pamberi paJehovha uye akanga asina kutadza kuchengeta kana ipi zvayo yemirayiro yaJehovha mumazuva ose oupenyu hwake, kunze kwenyaya yaUria muHiti.
6 Netheles batel was bitwix Abia and Jeroboam, in al the tyme of his lijf.
Paiva nehondo pakati paRehobhoamu naJerobhoamu muupenyu hwose hwaAbhija.
7 Sotheli the residue of wordis of Abia, and alle thinges whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngys of Juda? And batel was bitwixe Abia and Jeroboam.
Kana zviri zvimwe zvinhu zvakaitika panguva yokutonga kwaAbhija, nazvose zvaakaita, hazvina kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo dzegore negore dzamadzimambo aJudha? Pakati paAbhija naJerobhoamu pakanga pane hondo.
8 And Abia slepte with his fadris; and thei birieden hym in the citee of Dauid; and Asa, his sone, regnede for hym.
Abhija akazorora namadzibaba ake akavigwa muguta raDhavhidhi. Asa, mwanakomana wake, akamutevera paumambo.
9 Sotheli Asa, king of Jude, regnede in the twentithe yeer of Jeroboam, kyng of Israel;
Mugore ramakumi maviri raJerobhoamu mambo weIsraeri, Asa akava mambo weJudha,
10 and Asa regnede oon and fourti yeer in Jerusalem. The name of his modir was Maacha, douyter of Abessalon.
uye akatonga muJerusarema kwamakore makumi mana negore rimwe chete. Zita rambuya vake rainzi Maaka, mwanasikana waAbhisharomu.
11 And Asa dide riytfulnesse in the siyt of the Lord, as Dauid, his fadir, dide;
Asa akaita zvakarurama pamberi paJehovha, sezvakanga zvaitwa nababa vake Dhavhidhi.
12 and he took awey fro the loond men of wymmens condiciouns, and he purgide alle the filthis of idols, whiche his fadris maden.
Akabvisa varume vaizviita zvifeve zvavamwe varume panzvimbo dzokupira munyika uye akabvisa zvifananidzo zvose zvakanga zvaitwa namadzibaba ake.
13 Ferthermore and he remouyde Maacha, his modir, that sche schulde not be princesse in the solempne thingis of Priapus, and in his wode which sche hadde halewid; and he distriede the denne of hym, and he brak the foulest symylacre, and brente in the stronde of Cedron;
Akabvisawo mbuya vake Maaka pachinzvimbo chavo samai vamambo, nokuti vakanga vagadzira danda rinonyangadza raAshera. Asa akatema danda iri akaripisa muMupata weKidhironi.
14 sotheli he dide not awei hiy thingis; netheles the herte of Asa was perfit with hys Lord God, in alle hise daies.
Kunyange asina kubvisa nzvimbo dzakakwirira, mwoyo waAsa wakanga wakazvipira zvizere kuna Jehovha muupenyu hwake hwose.
15 And he brouyte in to the hous of the Lord tho thingis, whiche his fadir hadde halewid and auowid, siluer, and gold, and vessel.
Akauyisa mutemberi yaJehovha sirivha negoridhe nezvinhu zvaakanga akumikidza iye nababa vake.
16 Forsothe batel was bitwixe Asa and Baasa, kyng of Israel, in alle the daies of hem.
Pakanga pane hondo pakati paAsa naBhaasha, mambo weIsraeri munguva yose yavakanga vachitonga.
17 And Baasa, kyng of Israel, stiede in to Juda, and bildide Rama, that no man of the part of Aza, kyng of Juda, myyte go out, ether go yn.
Bhaasha, mambo weIsraeri, akaenda kundorwa neJudha, akasimbisa Rama kuti adzivise ani naani zvake kubuda kana kupinda munyika yaAsa mambo weJudha.
18 Therfor Asa took al the siluer and gold, that lefte in the tresouris of the hows of the Lord, and in the tresouris of the kyngis hows, and yaf it in to the hondis of hise seruauntis; and sente to Benadab, sone of Tabrennon, sone of Ozion, the kyng of Sirie, that dwellide in Damask, and seide,
Ipapo Asa akatora sirivha yose negoridhe rose rakanga rasara mumatura epfuma yetemberi yaJehovha nezvose zvaiva mumuzinda wake. Akazvipa kumachinda ake akazvitumira kuna Bheni-Hadhadhi, mwanakomana waTabhirimoni, mwanakomana waHezioni, mambo weAramu, akanga achitonga muDhamasiko.
19 Boond of pees is bitwixe me and thee, and bitwixe my fadir and thi fadir, and therfor Y sente to thee yiftis, gold, and siluer; and Y axe, that thou come, and make voide the boond of pees, which thou hast with Baasa, kyng of Israel, and that he go awey fro me.
Akati, “Ngatinyoreranei chibvumirano imi neni, sezvazvakanga zvakaita pakati pababa vangu nababa venyu. Tarirai, ndakutumirai chipo chesirivha negoridhe. Zvino imi chiputsai chibvumirano chenyu naBhaasha mambo weIsraeri kuitira kuti abve kuno kwandiri.”
20 Benadab assentide to kyng Asa, and sente the princes of his oost in to the citees of Israel; and thei smytiden Ahion, and Dan, and Abel, the hows of Maacha, and al Cenoroth, that is, al the lond of Neptalym.
Bheni-Hadhadhi akabvumirana naMambo Asa akatumira vatungamiri vamauto ake kuti vandorwisa maguta eIsraeri. Akakunda Ijoni, Dhani, Abheri Bheti Maaka neKinereti yose pamwe chete neNafutari.
21 And whanne Baasa hadde herd this thing, he lefte to bilde Rama, and turnede ayen in to Thersa.
Bhaasha paakanzwa izvi akaregera kuvaka Rama akadzokera kuTiza.
22 Forsothe kyng Asa sente message in to al Juda, and seide, No man be excusid. And thei token the stoonys of Rama, and the trees therof, bi whiche Baasa hadde bildid; and kyng Asa bildide of the same `stoonys and trees Gabaa of Beniamyn, and Maspha.
Ipapo Mambo Asa akarayira Judha yose, hapana akasiyiwa, ivo vakatora kubva kuRama matombo namatanda akanga achishandiswa naBhaasha ikoko. Mambo Asa akaashandisa kuvaka Gebha muBhenjamini, neMizipawo.
23 Sotheli the residue of alle wordis of Asa, and of al his strengthe, and alle thingis whiche he dide, and the citees whiche he bildide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of kingis of Juda? Netheles Asa hadde ache in feet, in the tyme of his eelde.
Kana zviri zvimwe zvose zvakaitika panguva yokutonga kwaAsa, zvose zvaakaita, namaguta aakavaka, hazvina kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo dzegore negore dzamadzimambo eJudha? Zvisinei, panguva yokukwegura kwake, tsoka dzake dzakabatwa nechirwere.
24 And Asa slepte with hise fadris, and he was biried with hem in the citee of Dauid, his fader; and Josophat, his sone, regnede for him.
Ipapo Asa akazorora namadzibaba ake akavigwa pamwe chete navo muguta rababa vake Dhavhidhi. Zvino mwanakomana wake Jehoshafati akamutevera paumambo.
25 Forsothe Nadab, the sone of Jeroboam, regnede on Israel, in the secunde yeer of Asa, king of Juda; and he regnede on Israel two yeer.
Nadhabhi, mwanakomana waJerobhoamu akava mambo weIsraeri mugore rechipiri raAsa mambo weJudha, uye akatonga Israeri kwamakore maviri.
26 And he dide that, that was yuel in the siyt of the Lord, and he yede in the weies of his fadir, and in the synnes of hym, in whiche he made Israel to do synne.
Akaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha, achifamba munzira dzababa vake nomuchivi chavo, icho chaakaita kuti Israeri iite.
27 Forsothe Baasa, the sone of Ahia, of the hows of Ysachar, settide tresoun to hym, and smoot him in Gebethon, which is a citee of Filisteis; sothely Nadab and al Israel bisegiden Gebethon.
Bhaasha, mwanakomana waAhija, weimba yaIsakari, akamumukira, akamuuraya paGibhetoni guta romuFiristia, panguva yarakanga rakombwa naNadhabhi navaIsraeri vose.
28 Therfor Baasa killide hym, in the thridde yeer of Asa, king of Juda, and regnede for hym.
Bhaasha akauraya Nadhabhi mugore rechitatu raAsa, mambo weJudha, uye akamutevera paumambo.
29 And whanne he hadde regnede, he smoot al the hows of Jeroboam; he lefte not sotheli not o man of his seed, til he dide awei hym, bi the word of the Lord, which he spak in the hond of his seruaunt, Ahia of Silo, a profete,
Achingoti tangei kutonga, akabva auraya mhuri yose yaJerobhoamu. Haana kusiyira Jerobhoamu mumwe chete achifema, asi akavaparadza vose sezvazvakarehwa naJehovha kubudikidza nomuranda wake Ahija muShiro,
30 for the synnes of Jeroboam whiche he synnede, and in whiche he made Israel to do synne, and for the trespas, bi which he wraththide the Lord God of Israel.
nokuda kwezvivi zvakanga zvaitwa naJerobhoamu nezvaakaita kuti Israeri iite, uye nokuti akaita kuti Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, atsamwe.
31 Sotheli the residue of wordis of Nadab, and alle thingis whiche he wrouyte, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
Kana zviri zvimwe zvakaitika panguva yokutonga kwaNadhabhi, nezvose zvaakaita, hazvina kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo dzegore negore dzamadzimambo eIsraeri?
32 And batel was bitwixe Asa and Baasa, kyng of Israel, in al the daies of hem.
Pakati paAsa naBhaasha, mambo weIsraeri, pakanga pane hondo panguva yose yokutonga kwavo.
33 In the thridde yeer of Asa, kyng of Juda, Baasa, sone of Ahia, regnede on al Israel, in Thersa, foure and twenti yeer.
Mugore rechitatu raAsa mambo weJudha, Bhaasha, mwanakomana waAhija, akava mambo weIsraeri yose muTiza, uye akatonga kwamakore makumi maviri namana.
34 And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, and he yede in the weies of Jeroboam, and in hise synnes, bi whiche he made Israel to do synne.
Akaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha, achifamba munzira dzaJerobhoamu nomuchivi chake, chaakaita kuti Israeri iite.

< 1 Kings 15 >