< 1 Kings 10 >
1 But also the queen of Saba, whanne the fame of Salomon was herd, cam in the name of the Lord to tempte hym in derk and douti questiouns.
Sed et regina Saba, audita fama Salomonis in nomine Domini, venit tentare eum in ænigmatibus.
2 And sche entride with myche felouschipe and richessis in to Jerusalem, and with camels berynge swete smellynge thingis, and gold greetli with out noumbre, and preciouse stoonys; and sche cam to king Salomon, and spak to hym alle thingis whiche sche hadde in hir herte.
Et ingressa Jerusalem multo cum comitatu et divitiis, camelis portantibus aromata, et aurum infinitum nimis, et gemmas pretiosas, venit ad regem Salomonem, et locuta est ei universa quæ habebat in corde suo.
3 And Salomon tauyte hir alle wordis whiche sche hadde put forth; no word was, that myyte be hid fro the kyng, and which he answeryde not to hir.
Et docuit eam Salomon omnia verba quæ proposuerat: non fuit sermo qui regem posset latere, et non responderet ei.
4 Forsothe the queen of Saba siy al the wisdom of Salomon, and the hows which he hadde bildid,
Videns autem regina Saba omnem sapientiam Salomonis, et domum quam ædificaverat,
5 and the metis of his table, and the dwellyng places of hise seruauntis, and the ordris of mynystris, and the clothis of hem, and the boteleris, and the brent sacrifices whiche he offride in the hows of the Lord; and sche hadde no more spirite.
et cibos mensæ ejus, et habitacula servorum, et ordines ministrantium, vestesque eorum, et pincernas, et holocausta quæ offerebat in domo Domini: non habebat ultra spiritum.
6 And sche seide to the kyng, The word is trewe, which Y herde in my lond, of thi wordis, and of thi wisdom;
Dixitque ad regem: Verus est sermo quem audivi in terra mea
7 and Y bileuyde not to men tellynge to me, til Y my silf cam, and siy with myn iyen, and preuede that the half part was not teld to me; thi wisdom is more and thi werkis, than the tale which Y herde.
super sermonibus tuis, et super sapientia tua: et non credebam narrantibus mihi, donec ipsa veni, et vidi oculis meis, et probavi quod media pars mihi nuntiata non fuerit: major est sapientia et opera tua, quam rumor quem audivi.
8 Thi men ben blessid, and thi seruauntis ben blessid, these that stonden bifor thee euere, and heren thi wisdom.
Beati viri tui, et beati servi tui, qui stant coram te semper, et audiunt sapientiam tuam.
9 Blessid be thi Lord God, whom thou plesedist, and hath set thee on the trone of Israel; for the Lord louyde Israel with outen ende, and hath ordeynyd thee kyng, that thou schuldist do doom and riytfulnesse.
Sit Dominus Deus tuus benedictus, cui complacuisti, et posuit te super thronum Israël, eo quod dilexerit Dominus Israël in sempiternum, et constituit te regem ut faceres judicium et justitiam.
10 Therfor sche yaf to the kyng sixe score talentis of gold, and ful many swete smellynge thingis, and precious stoonus; so many swete smellynge thingis weren no more brouyt, as tho which the queen of Saba yaf to kyng Salomon.
Dedit ergo regi centum viginti talenta auri, et aromata multa nimis, et gemmas pretiosas: non sunt allata ultra aromata tam multa, quam ea quæ dedit regina Saba regi Salomoni.
11 But also the schip of Hiram, that brouyte gold fro Ophir, brouyte fro Ophir ful many trees of tyme, and preciouse stoonys.
(Sed et classis Hiram, quæ portabat aurum de Ophir, attulit ex Ophir ligna thyina multa nimis, et gemmas pretiosas.
12 And kyng Salomon made of the trees of tyme vndir settyngis of the hows of the Lord, and of the kyngis hows, and harpis, and sitols to syngeris; siche trees of tyme weren not brouyt nether seyn, til in to present dai.
Fecitque rex de lignis thyinis fulcra domus Domini et domus regiæ, et citharas lyrasque cantoribus: non sunt allata hujuscemodi ligna thyina, neque visa usque in præsentem diem.)
13 Sotheli kyng Salomon yaf to the queen of Saba alle thingis whiche sche wolde, and axide of hym, outakun these thingis whiche he hadde youe to hir bi the kyngis yifte wilfuli; and sche turnede ayen, and yede in to hir lond with hir seruauntis.
Rex autem Salomon dedit reginæ Saba omnia quæ voluit et petivit ab eo, exceptis his quæ ultro obtulerat ei munere regio. Quæ reversa est, et abiit in terram suam cum servis suis.
14 Forsothe the weyte of gold, that was offrid to Salomon bi ech yeer, was of sixe hundrid and sixe and sixti talentis of gold,
Erat autem pondus auri quod afferebatur Salomoni per annos singulos, sexcentorum sexaginta sex talentorum auri,
15 outakun that which men that weren on the talagis, `that is, rentis for thingis borun aboute in the lond, and marchauntis, and alle men sillynge scheeldys, and alle the kyngis of Arabie, and dukis of erthe yauen.
excepto eo quod afferebant viri qui super vectigalia erant, et negotiatores, universique scruta vendentes, et omnes reges Arabiæ, ducesque terræ.
16 And kyng Salomon made two hundrid scheeldis of pureste gold; he yaf sixe hundrid siclis of gold in to the platis of oo scheeld;
Fecit quoque rex Salomon ducenta scuta de auro purissimo: sexcentos auri siclos dedit in laminas scuti unius.
17 and he made thre hundrid of bokeleris of preued gold; thre hundrid talentis of gold clothiden o bokeler. And the kyng puttide tho in the hows of the forest of Lyban.
Et trecentas peltas ex auro probato: trecentæ minæ auri unam peltam vestiebant: posuitque eas rex in domo saltus Libani.
18 Also kyng Salomon made a greet trone of yuer, and clothide it with ful fyn gold;
Fecit etiam rex Salomon thronum de ebore grandem: et vestivit eum auro fulvo nimis,
19 which trone hadde sixe grees; and the hiynesse of the trone was round in the hynderere part; and tweine hondis on this side and on that side, holdynge the seete, and twei lyouns stoden bisidis ech hond;
qui habebat sex gradus: et summitas throni rotunda erat in parte posteriori: et duæ manus hinc atque inde tenentes sedile: et duo leones stabant juxta manus singulas.
20 and twelue litil liouns stondynge on sixe grees on this side and on that side; siche a werk was not maad in alle rewmes.
Et duodecim leunculi stantes super sex gradus hinc atque inde: non est factum tale opus in universis regnis.
21 But also alle the vessels, of which kyng Salomon drank, weren of gold, and alle the purtenaunce of the hows of the forest of Liban was of pureste gold; siluer was not, nether it was arettid of ony prijs in the daies of Salomon.
Sed et omnia vasa quibus potabat rex Salomon, erant aurea: et universa supellex domus saltus Libani de auro purissimo: non erat argentum, nec alicujus pretii putabatur in diebus Salomonis,
22 For the schip of `the kyng wente onys bi thre yeer with the schip of Hiram in to Tharsis, and brouyte fro thennus gold, and siluer, and teeth of olifauntis, and apis, and pokokis.
quia classis regis per mare cum classe Hiram semel per tres annos ibat in Tharsis, deferens inde aurum, et argentum, et dentes elephantorum, et simias, et pavos.
23 Therfor kyng Salomon was magnified aboue alle kyngis of erthe in richessis and wisdom.
Magnificatus est ergo rex Salomon super omnes reges terræ divitiis et sapientia.
24 And al erthe desiride to se the cheer of Salomon, to here the wisdom of him, which wisdom God hadde youe in his herte.
Et universa terra desiderabat vultum Salomonis, ut audiret sapientiam ejus, quam dederat Deus in corde ejus.
25 And alle men brouyten yiftis to hym, vessels of gold, and of siluer, clothis, and armeris of batel, and swete smellynge thingis, and horsis, and mulis, bi ech yeer.
Et singuli deferebant ei munera, vasa argentea et aurea, vestes et arma bellica, aromata quoque, et equos et mulos per annos singulos.
26 And Salomon gaderide togidere charis, and knyytis; and a thousinde and foure hundrid charis weren maad to hym, and twelue thousynde `of knyytis; and he disposide hem bi strengthid citees, and with the kyng in Jerusalem.
Congregavitque Salomon currus et equites, et facti sunt ei mille quadringenti currus, et duodecim millia equitum: et disposuit eos per civitates munitas, et cum rege in Jerusalem.
27 And he made, that so greet aboundaunce of siluer was in Jerusalem, how greet was also of stoonys; and he yaf the multitude of cedris as sicomoris, that growen in feeldy places.
Fecitque ut tanta esset abundantia argenti in Jerusalem, quanta et lapidum: et cedrorum præbuit multitudinem quasi sycomoros quæ nascuntur in campestribus.
28 And the horsis of Salomon weren led out of Egipt, and of Coa; for the marchauntis of the kyng bouyten of Coa, and brouyten for prijs ordeyned.
Et educebantur equi Salomoni de Ægypto, et de Coa. Negotiatores enim regis emebant de Coa, et statuto pretio perducebant.
29 Forsothe a chare yede out of Egipt for sixe hundrid siclis of siluer, and an hors for an hundrid and fifti siclis; and bi this maner alle the kyngis of Etheis and of Sirye seelden horsis.
Egrediebatur autem quadriga ex Ægypto sexcentis siclis argenti, et equus centum quinquaginta. Atque in hunc modum cuncti reges Hethæorum et Syriæ equos venundabant.