< 1 Corinthians 9 >
1 Whether Y am not fre? Am Y not apostle? Whether Y saiy not `Crist Jhesu, `oure Lord? Whether ye ben not my werk in the Lord?
Non sum liber? Non sum Apostolus? Nonne Christum Iesum Dominum nostrum vidi? Nonne opus meum vos estis in Domino?
2 And thouy to othere Y am not apostle, but netheles to you Y am; for ye ben the litle signe of myn apostlehed in the Lord.
Et si aliis non sum Apostolus, sed tamen vobis sum: nam signaculum Apostolatus mei vos estis in Domino.
3 My defense to hem that axen me, that is.
mea defensio apud eos, qui me interrogant, hæc est:
4 Whether we han not power to ete and drynke?
Numquid non habemus potestatem manducandi, et bibendi?
5 Whether we han not power to lede aboute a womman a sistir, as also othere apostlis, and britheren of the Lord, and Cefas?
Numquid non habemus potestatem mulierem sororem circumducendi sicut et ceteri Apostoli, et fratres Domini, et Cephas?
6 Or Y aloone and Barnabas han not power to worche these thingis?
Aut ego solus, et Barnabas, non habemus potestatem hoc operandi?
7 Who traueilith ony tyme with hise owne wagis? Who plauntith a vynyerd, and etith not of his fruyt? Who kepith a flok, and etith not of the mylk of the flok?
Quis militat suis stipendiis umquam? Quis plantat vineam, et de fructu eius non edit? Quis pascit gregem, et de lacte gregis non manducat?
8 Whether aftir man Y sey these thingis? whether also the lawe seith not these thingis?
Numquid secundum hominem hæc dico? An et lex hæc non dicit?
9 For it is writun in the lawe of Moises, Thou schalt not bynde the mouth of the ox threischynge. Whethir of oxun is charge to God?
Scriptum est enim in lege Moysi: Non alligabis os bovi trituranti. Numquid de bobus cura est Deo?
10 Whether for vs he seith these thingis? For whi tho ben writun for vs; for he that erith, owith to ere in hope, and he that threischith, in hope to take fruytis.
An propter nos utique hoc dicit? Nam propter nos scripta sunt. quoniam debet in spe qui arat, arare: et qui triturat, in spe fructus percipiendi.
11 If we sowen spiritual thingis to you, is it grete, if we repen youre fleischli thingis?
Si nos vobis spiritualia seminavimus, magnum est si nos carnalia vestra metamus?
12 If othere ben parteneris of youre power, whi not rathere we? But we vsen not this power, but we suffren alle thingis, that we yyuen no lettyng to the euangelie of Crist.
Si alii potestatis vestræ participes sunt, quare non potius nos? Sed non usi sumus hac potestate: sed omnia sustinemus, ne quod offendiculum demus Evangelio Christi.
13 Witen ye not, that thei that worchen in the temple, eten tho thingis that ben of the temple, and thei that seruen to the auter, ben partyneris of the auter?
Nescitis quoniam qui in sacrario operantur, quæ de sacrario sunt, edunt: et qui altari deserviunt, cum altari participant?
14 So the Lord ordeynede to hem that tellen the gospel, to lyue of the gospel.
Ita et Dominus ordinavit iis, qui Evangelium annunciant, de Evangelio vivere.
15 But Y vside noon of these thingis; sotheli Y wroot not these thingis, that tho be don so in me; for it is good `to me rather to die, than that ony man `auoyde my glorie.
Ego autem nullo horum usus sum. Non autem scripsi hæc ut ita fiant in me: bonum est enim mihi magis mori, quam ut gloriam meam quis evacuet.
16 For if Y preche the gospel, glorie is not to me, for nedelich Y mot don it; for wo to me, if Y preche not the gospel.
Nam si evangelizavero, non est mihi gloria: necessitas enim mihi incumbit: væ enim mihi est, si non evangelizavero.
17 But if Y do this thing wilfuli, Y haue mede; but if ayens my wille, dispending is bitakun to me.
Si enim volens hoc ago, mercedem habeo: si autem invitus, dispensatio mihi credita est.
18 What thanne is my mede? That Y prechynge the gospel, putte the gospel with outen otheris cost, that Y vse not my power in the gospel.
Quæ est ergo merces mea? Ut Evangelium prædicans, sine sumptu ponam Evangelium, ut non abutar potestate mea in Evangelio.
19 Forwhi whanne Y was fre of alle men, Y made me seruaunt of alle men, to wynne the mo men.
Nam cum liber essem ex omnibus, omnium me servum feci, ut plures lucrifacerem.
20 And to Jewis Y am maad as a Jew, to wynne the Jewis; to hem that ben vndur the lawe,
Et factus sum Iudæis tamquam Iudæus, ut Iudæos lucrarer.
21 as Y were vndur the lawe, whanne Y was not vndur the lawe, to wynne hem that weren vndur the lawe; to hem that weren with out lawe, as Y were with out lawe, whanne Y was not with out the lawe of God, but Y was in the lawe of Crist, to wynne hem that weren with out lawe.
iis qui sub lege sunt, quasi sub lege essem (cum ipse non essem sub lege) ut eos, qui sub lege erant, lucrifacerem. iis, qui sine lege erant, tamquam sine lege essem (cum sine lege Dei non essem: sed in lege essem Christi) ut lucrifacerem eos, qui sine lege erant.
22 Y am maad sijk to sike men, to wynne sike men; to alle men Y am maad alle thingis, to make alle men saaf.
Factus sum infirmis infirmus, ut infirmos lucrifacerem. Omnibus omnia factus sum, ut omnes facerem salvos.
23 But Y do alle thingis for the gospel, that Y be maad partener of it.
Omnia autem facio propter Evangelium: ut particeps eius efficiar.
24 Witen ye not, that thei that rennen in a furlong, alle rennen, but oon takith the prijs? So renne ye, that ye catche.
Nescitis quod ii, qui in stadio currunt, omnes quidem currunt, sed unus accipit bravium? Sic currite ut comprehendatis.
25 Ech man that stryueth in fiyt, absteyneth hym fro alle thingis; and thei, that thei take a corruptible coroun, but we an vncorrupt.
Omnis autem, qui in agone contendit, ab omnibus se abstinet, et illi quidem ut corruptibilem coronam accipiant: nos autem incorruptam.
26 Therfor Y renne so, not as `in to vncerteyn thing; thus Y fiyte, not as betynge the eir;
Ego igitur sic curro, non quasi in incertum: sic pugno, non quasi aerem verberans:
27 but Y chastise my bodi, and bryng it in to seruage; lest perauenture whanne Y preche to othere, Y my silf be maad repreuable.
sed castigo corpus meum, et in servitutem redigo: ne forte cum aliis prædicaverim, ipse reprobus efficiar.