< 1 Corinthians 5 >
1 In al maner fornycacioun is herd among you, and siche fornycacioun, which is not among hethene men, so that summan haue the wijf of his fadir.
aparaM yuShmAkaM madhye vyabhichAro vidyate sa cha vyabhichArastAdR^isho yad devapUjakAnAM madhye. api tattulyo na vidyate phalato yuShmAkameko jano vimAtR^igamanaM kR^iruta iti vArttA sarvvatra vyAptA|
2 And ye ben bolnyd with pride, and not more hadden weilyng, that he that dide this werk, be takun awei fro the myddil of you.
tathAcha yUyaM darpadhmAtA Adhbe, tat karmma yena kR^itaM sa yathA yuShmanmadhyAd dUrIkriyate tathA shoko yuShmAbhi rna kriyate kim etat?
3 And Y absent in bodi, but present in spirit, now haue demyd as present hym that hath thus wrouyt, whanne
avidyamAne madIyasharIre mamAtmA yuShmanmadhye vidyate ato. ahaM vidyamAna iva tatkarmmakAriNo vichAraM nishchitavAn,
4 ye ben gaderid togidere in the name of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, and my spirit, with the vertu of the Lord Jhesu,
asmatprabho ryIshukhrIShTasya nAmnA yuShmAkaM madIyAtmanashcha milane jAte. asmatprabho ryIshukhrIShTasya shakteH sAhAyyena
5 to take siche a man to Sathanas, in to the perischyng of fleisch, that the spirit be saaf in the dai of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
sa naraH sharIranAshArthamasmAbhiH shayatAno haste samarpayitavyastato. asmAkaM prabho ryIsho rdivase tasyAtmA rakShAM gantuM shakShyati|
6 Youre gloriyng is not good. Witen ye not, that a litil sourdow apeyrith al the gobet?
yuShmAkaM darpo na bhadrAya yUyaM kimetanna jAnItha, yathA, vikAraH kR^itsnashaktUnAM svalpakiNvena jAyate|
7 Clense ye out the old sourdow, that ye be new sprengyng togidere, as ye ben therf. For Crist offrid is oure pask.
yUyaM yat navInashaktusvarUpA bhaveta tadarthaM purAtanaM kiNvam avamArjjata yato yuShmAbhiH kiNvashUnyai rbhavitavyaM| aparam asmAkaM nistArotsavIyameShashAvako yaH khrIShTaH so. asmadarthaM balIkR^ito. abhavat|
8 Therfor ete we, not in eld sourdowy, nether in sourdowy of malice and weywardnesse, but in therf thingis of clernesse and of treuthe.
ataH purAtanakiNvenArthato duShTatAjighAMsArUpeNa kiNvena tannahi kintu sAralyasatyatvarUpayA kiNvashUnyatayAsmAbhirutsavaH karttavyaH|
9 I wroot to you in a pistle, that ye be not medlid with letchours,
vyAbhichAriNAM saMsargo yuShmAbhi rvihAtavya iti mayA patre likhitaM|
10 not with letchours of this world, ne coueitous men, ne raueynours, ne with men seruynge to mawmetis, ellis ye schulden haue go out of this world.
kintvaihikalokAnAM madhye ye vyabhichAriNo lobhina upadrAviNo devapUjakA vA teShAM saMsargaH sarvvathA vihAtavya iti nahi, vihAtavye sati yuShmAbhi rjagato nirgantavyameva|
11 But now Y wroot to you, that ye be not meynd. But if he that is named a brother among you, and is a letchour, or coueitouse, or seruynge to ydols, or cursere, or ful of drunkenesse, or raueynour, to take no mete with siche.
kintu bhrAtR^itvena vikhyAtaH kashchijjano yadi vyabhichArI lobhI devapUjako nindako madyapa upadrAvI vA bhavet tarhi tAdR^ishena mAnavena saha bhojanapAne. api yuShmAbhi rna karttavye ityadhunA mayA likhitaM|
12 For what is it to me to deme of hem that ben with oute forth? Whether ye demen not of thingis that ben with ynne forth?
samAjabahiHsthitAnAM lokAnAM vichArakaraNe mama ko. adhikAraH? kintu tadantargatAnAM vichAraNaM yuShmAbhiH kiM na karttavyaM bhavet?
13 For God schal deme hem that ben withouten forth. Do ye awei yuel fro you silf.
bahiHsthAnAM tu vichAra IshvareNa kAriShyate| ato yuShmAbhiH sa pAtakI svamadhyAd bahiShkriyatAM|