< 1 Corinthians 3 >

1 And Y, britheren, myyte not speke to you as to spiritual men, but as to fleischli men;
Et ego, fratres, non potui vobis loqui quasi spiritualibus, sed quasi carnalibus. Tamquam parvulis in Christo,
2 as to litle children in Crist, Y yaf to you mylk drynke, not mete; for ye myyten not yit, nether ye moun now, for yit ye ben fleischli.
lac vobis potum dedi, non escam: nondum enim poteratis: sed nec nunc quidem potestis: adhuc enim carnales estis.
3 For while strijf is among you, whether ye ben not fleischli, and ye gon aftir man?
Cum enim sit inter vos zelus, et contentio: nonne carnales estis, et secundum hominem ambulatis?
4 For whanne summe seith, Y am of Poul, another, But Y am of Apollo, whethir ye ben not men? What therfor is Apollo, and what Poul?
Cum enim quis dicat: Ego quidem sum Pauli. Alius autem: Ego Apollo: nonne homines estis? Quid igitur est Apollo? quid vero Paulus?
5 Thei ben mynystris of hym, to whom ye han bileuyd; and to ech man as God hath youun.
Ministri eius, cui credidistis, ut unicuique sicut Dominus dedit.
6 Y plauntide, Apollo moystide, but God yaf encreessyng.
Ego plantavi, Apollo rigavit: sed Deus incrementum dedit.
7 Therfor nether he that plauntith is ony thing, nethir he that moistith, but God that yiueth encreessyng.
Itaque neque qui plantat est aliquid, neque qui rigat: sed, qui incrementum dat, Deus.
8 And he that plauntith, and he that moistith, ben oon; and ech schal take his owne mede, aftir his trauel.
Qui autem plantat, et qui rigat, unum sunt. Unusquisque autem propriam mercedem accipiet secundum suum laborem.
9 For we ben the helperis of God; ye ben the erthetiliyng of God, ye ben the bildyng of God.
Dei enim sumus adiutores: Dei agricultura estis, Dei aedificatio estis.
10 Aftir the grace `of God that is youun to me, as a wise maistir carpenter Y settide the foundement; and another bildith aboue. But ech man se, hou he bildith aboue.
Secundum gratiam Dei, quae data est mihi, ut sapiens architectus fundamentum posui: alius autem superaedificat. Unusquisque autem videat quomodo superaedificet.
11 For no man may sette another foundement, outtakun that that is sett, which is Crist Jhesus.
Fundamentum enim aliud nemo potest ponere praeter id, quod positum est, quod est Christus Iesus.
12 For if ony bildith ouer this foundement, gold, siluer, preciouse stoonys, stickis, hey, or stobil, euery mannus werk schal be open;
Si quis autem superaedificat super fundamentum hoc, aurum, argentum, lapides pretiosos, ligna, foenum, stipulam,
13 for the dai of the Lord schal declare, for it schal be schewid in fier; the fier schal preue the werk of ech man, what maner werk it is.
uniuscuiusque opus manifestum erit: dies enim Domini declarabit, quia in igne revelabitur: et uniuscuiusque opus quale sit, ignis probabit.
14 If the werk of ony man dwelle stille, which he bildide aboue, he schal resseyue mede.
Si cuius opus manserit quod superaedificavit, mercedem accipiet.
15 If ony mannus werk brenne, he schal suffre harm; but he schal be saaf, so netheles as bi fier.
Si cuius opus arserit, detrimentum patietur: ipse autem salvus erit: sic tamen quasi per ignem.
16 Witen ye not, that ye ben the temple of God, and the spirit of God dwellith in you?
Nescitis quia templum Dei estis, et Spiritus Dei habitat in vobis?
17 And if ony defoulith the temple of God, God schal leese hym; for the temple of God is hooli, which ye ben.
Si quis autem templum Dei violaverit, disperdet illum Deus. Templum enim Dei sanctum est, quod estis vos.
18 No man disseyue hym silf. If ony man among you is seyn to be wiys in this world, be he maad a fool, that he be wijs. (aiōn g165)
Nemo se seducat: si quis videtur inter vos sapiens esse in hoc saeculo, stultus fiat ut sit sapiens. (aiōn g165)
19 For the wisdom of this world is foli anentis God; for it is writun, Y schal catche wise men in her fel wisdom;
Sapientia enim huius mundi, stultitia est apud Deum. Scriptum est enim: Comprehendam sapientes in astutia eorum.
20 and eft, The Lord knowith the thouytis of wise men, for tho ben veyn.
Et iterum: Dominus novit cogitationes sapientium quoniam vanae sunt.
21 Therfor no man haue glorie in men.
Nemo itaque glorietur in hominibus.
22 For alle thingis ben youre, ethir Poul, ether Apollo, ether Cefas, ether the world, ether lijf, ether deth, ether thingis present, ethir thingis to comynge; for alle thingis ben youre,
Omnia enim vestra sunt, sive Paulus, sive Apollo, sive Cephas, sive mundus, sive vita, sive mors, sive praesentia, sive futura: omnia enim vestra sunt:
23 and ye ben of Crist, and Crist is of God.
vos autem Christi: Christus autem Dei.

< 1 Corinthians 3 >