< 1 Chronicles 29 >

1 And kyng Dauid spak to al the chirche, God hath chose Salomon, my sone, yit a child and tendre; forsothe the werk is greet, and a dwellyng is not maad redi to man but to God.
Ipapo Mambo Dhavhidhi akati kuungano yose, “Mwanakomana wangu Soromoni uyo asarudzwa naMwari mudiki uye haasati ava kunyatsogona. Basa iri iguru kwazvo nokuti muzinda uyu hausi womunhu asi ndowaJehovha Mwari.
2 Sotheli Y in alle my myytis haue maad redi the costis of the hows of my God; gold to goldun vessels, siluer in to siluerne vessels, bras in to brasun vessels, irun in to irun vessels, tre in to trenun vessels, onychyn stonys, and stonys as of the colour of wymmens oynement, and ech precious stoon of dyuerse colouris, and marbil of dyuerse colouris, most plenteuously.
Nokuwana kwangu kwose ndapa kutemberi yaMwari wangu goridhe pabasa regoridhe, sirivha pabasa resirivha, ndarira pabasa rendarira, simbi pabasa resimbi uye matanda pabasa ramatanda, pamwe chete neonikisi, namabwe okuisa mukati namatombo amavara akasiyana-siyana, namamwe mabwe akaurungana amarudzi ose namamwe machena, zvose izvi zvakawanda kwazvo.
3 And ouer these thingis Y yyue gold and siluer in to the temple of my God, whiche Y offride of my propir catel in to the hows of my God, outakun these thingis whiche Y made redi in to the hooli hows,
Pamusoro pezvo mukuzvipira kwangu kutemberi yaMwari wangu zvino ndava kupa upfumi hwangu pachangu hwegoridhe nesirivha kutemberi yaMwari wangu, ndichiwedzera pamusoro pezvose zvandakapa kutemberi iyi tsvene zvinoti:
4 thre thousynde talentis of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and seuene thousynde of talentis of siluer most preuyd, to ouergilde the wallis of the temple;
Matarenda zviuru zvitatu egoridhe (goridhe reOfiri) namatarenda zviuru zvinomwe esirivha yakanatswa yokufukidza madziro edzimba,
5 and werkis be maad bi the hondis of crafti men, where euere gold is nedeful, of gold, and where euere siluer is nedeful, of siluer; and if ony man offrith bi his fre wille, fille he his hond to dai, and offre he that that he wole to the Lord.
kuitira basa regoridhe, nebasa resirivha uye kuti basa rose riitwe navarume voumhizha. Zvino ndiani anoda kuzvitsaurira kuna Jehovha nhasi!”
6 Therfor the princes of meynees, and the duykis of the lynagis of Israel, and the tribunes, and the centuriouns, and the princes of the possessiouns of the kyng, bihiyten;
Ipapo vatungamiri vemhuri, vakuru vamarudzi eIsraeri, vatungamiri vezviuru, vatungamiri vamazana namachinda aitungamirira basa ramambo vakapa nomwoyo unoda.
7 and thei yauen in to the werkis of the hows of the Lord, fyue thousynde talentis of gold, and ten thousynde schyllyngis; ten thousynde talentis of siluer, and eiytene thousynde talentis of bras, and an hundrid thousynde of talentis of irun.
Vakapa kubasa rapatemberi matarenda zviuru zvishanu namadhariki zviuru gumi egoridhe, matarenda zviuru gumi esirivha, matarenda zviuru gumi nezvisere endarira, namatarenda zviuru zana esimbi.
8 And at whom euere stoonys were foundun, thei yauen in to the tresour of the hows of the Lord, bi the hond of Jehiel Gersonyte.
Ani naani akanga ane matombo anokosha akapa ose kuimba yokuchengeta pfuma yetemberi yaJehovha zvichichengetwa naJehieri muGerishoni.
9 And the puple was glad, whanne thei bihiyten avowis bi her fre wille, for with al the herte thei offriden tho to the Lord. But also kyng Dauid was glad with greet ioye, and blesside the Lord bifor al the multitude,
Vanhu vakapembera nomufaro pavakaona kuti vatungamiri vavo vakanga vapa nomwoyo unoda, nokuti vakanga vapa kuna Jehovha vakasununguka uye nomwoyo wose. Mambo Dhavhidhi akafarawo zvikuru.
10 and seide, Lord God of Israel, oure fadir, thou art blessid fro with outen bigynnyng in to with outen ende;
Dhavhidhi akarumbidza Jehovha pamberi peungano yose achiti, “Rumbidzwai imi Jehovha, Mwari wababa vedu Israeri, kubva kusingaperi kusvika kusingaperi.
11 Lord, worthi doyng is thin, and power, and glorie, and victorie, and heriyng is to thee; for alle thingis that ben in heuene and in erthe ben thine; Lord, the rewme is thin, and thou art ouer alle princes; ritchessis ben thin, and glorie is thin;
Ukuru nesimba ndezvenyu, imi Jehovha, kukudzwa noushe nokubwinya, nokuti zvose zviri kudenga napasi ndezvenyu. Umambo ndohwenyu, imi Jehovha munokudzwa somusoro wezvose.
12 thou art Lord of alle; in thin hond is vertu, and power, and in thin hond is greetnesse, and lordschipe of alle.
Upfumi nokuremekedzwa zvinobva kwamuri; ndimi mutongi wezvinhu zvose. Mumaoko enyu mune simba noushe kuti musimudzire uye musimbise vanhu vose.
13 Now therfor, oure God, we knoulechen to thee, and we herien thi noble name.
Zvino, Mwari wedu, tinokuvongai, uye tinorumbidza zita renyu rakanakisa.
14 Who am Y, and who is my puple, that we moun bihete alle these thingis to thee? Alle thingis ben thine, and we han youe to thee tho thingis, whiche we token of thin hond.
“Asi ini ndini aniko, uye vanhu vangu ndivanaaniko kuti tingakwanisa kupa zvakawanda kudai? Zvose zvinobva kwamuri, uye tangokupai chete zvinobva mumaoko enyu.
15 For we ben pilgrimes and comelyngis bifor thee, as alle oure fadris; oure daies ben as schadewe on the erthe, and `no dwellyng is.
Tiri vatorwa navapfuuri pamberi penyu, sezvakanga zvakaita madzibaba edu ose. Mazuva edu panyika akaita somumvuri, asina tariro.
16 Oure Lord God, al this plentee which we han maad redi, that an hows schulde be byldid to thin hooli name, is of thin hond; and alle thingis ben thin.
Imi Jehovha, Mwari wedu, izvi zvose zvakawanda kudai zvatapa kuti temberi yenyu ivakwe nokuda kweZita renyu Dzvene zvinobva muruoko rwenyu uye zvose ndezvenyu.
17 My God, Y woot, that thou preuest hertis, and louest symplenesse of herte; wherfor and Y, in the symplenesse of myn herte, haue offrid gladli alle these thingis; and Y siy with greet ioye thi puple, which is foundun here, offre yiftis to thee.
Ndinoziva, Mwari wangu, kuti munoedza mwoyo uye munofadzwa nokururama. Zvinhu zvose izvi ndakupai ndichida uye nomwoyo wakatendeka. Uye zvino ndaona ndikafadzwa namapiro aita vanhu venyu vari pano kwamuri nomwoyo unoda.
18 Lord God of Abraham, and of Ysaac, and of Israel, oure fadris, kepe thou with outen ende this wille of her hertis; and this mynde dwelle euere in to the worschipyng of thee.
Imi Jehovha, Mwari wamadzibaba edu Abhurahama, Isaka, naIsraeri, chengetedzai kudokwairira kwakadai mumwoyo yavanhu venyu nokusingaperi, uye muite kuti mwoyo yavo irambe yakazvipira kwamuri.
19 Also yyue thou to Salomon, my sone, a perfit herte, that he kepe thin heestis, and witnessyngis, and thi ceremonyes; and do alle thingis, and that he bilde the hows, whose costis Y haue maad redi.
Uye ipai mwanakomana wangu Soromoni mwoyo wakaperera kuti achengete mirayiro yenyu, zvose zvamunoda nemitemo yenyu uye kuti aite zvose kuti avake muzinda wandagadzirira zvose izvi.”
20 Forsothe Dauid comaundide to al the chirche, Blesse ye `oure Lord God. And al the chirche blesside the Lord God of her fadris, and thei bowiden hem silf, and worschipiden God, aftirward the kyng.
Ipapo Dhavhidhi akati kuungano yose, “Rumbidzai Jehovha Mwari wenyu.” Saka vose vakarumbidza Jehovha, Mwari wamadzibaba avo; vakakotamira pasi vakawira pasi nezviso pamberi paJehovha naMambo.
21 And thei offriden slayn sacrifices to the Lord, and thei offriden brent sacrifices in the dai suynge; a thousynde boolis, and a thousynde rammes, and a thousynde lambren, with her fletynge sacrifices, and al the custom, most plenteuously, in to al Israel.
Zuva raitevera vakapa zvipiriso kuna Jehovha vakapa zvipiriso zvinopiswa kwaari zvinoti: hando chiuru, makondobwe chiuru, namakwayana makono chiuru, pamwe chete nezvipiriso zvavo zvokunwa, nezvimwe zvibayiro zvakawanda zveIsraeri.
22 And thei eten and drunken bifor the Lord in that dai, with greet gladnesse. And thei anoyntiden the secounde tyme Salomon, the sone of Dauid; and thei anoyntiden hym in to prince to the Lord, and Sadoch in to bischop.
Vakadya uye vakanwa nomufaro mukuru pamberi paJehovha zuva iroro. Ipapo vakazogamuchira Soromoni mwanakomana waDhavhidhi samambo kechipiri, vakamuzodza pamberi paJehovha kuti ave mutongi, uye Zadhoki ave muprista.
23 And Salomon sat on the trone of the Lord in to kyng, for Dauid, his fadir; and it pleside alle men, and al Israel obeiede to hym.
Saka Soromoni akagara pachigaro choushe chaJehovha samambo panzvimbo yababa vake Dhavhidhi. Akabudirira uye Israeri yose yakamuteerera.
24 But also alle princes, and myyti men, and alle the sones of kyng Dauid, yauen hond, and weren suget to `Salomon the kyng.
Vatungamiri vose pamwe chete navarume voumhare, pamwe chete navanakomana vose vaMambo vaDhavhidhi vakavimbisa kuzviisa pasi paMambo Soromoni.
25 Therfor the Lord magnefiede Salomon on al Israel, and yaue to hym glorie of the rewme, what maner glorie no kyng of Israel hadde bifor hym.
Jehovha akasimudzira Soromoni kwazvo pamberi peIsraeri yose akaisa paari kukudzwa kwoumambo kusina kumbopiwa mumwe mambo weIsraeri akamutangira.
26 Therfor Dauid, the sone of Ysai, regnede on al Israel;
Dhavhidhi mwanakomana waJese aiva mambo pamusoro peIsraeri yose.
27 and the daies in whiche he regnede on Israel weren fourti yeer; in Ebron he regnede seuene yeer, and in Jerusalem thre and thretti yeer.
Akatonga Israeri kwamakore makumi mana, manomwe muHebhuroni uye makumi matatu namatatu muJerusarema.
28 And he diede in good eelde, and was ful of daies, and richessis, and glorie; and Salomon, his sone, regnede for hym.
Akafa akwegura zvikuru ararama upenyu hurefu, hune upfumi nokukudzwa. Mwanakomana wake Soromoni akamutevera paumambo.
29 Forsothe the formere and the laste dedis of Dauid ben writun in the book of Samuel, the prophete, and in the book of Nathan, prophete, and in the book of Gad, the prophete;
Kana zviri zvinhu zvakaitika panguva yokutonga kwaMambo Dhavhidhi kubva pakutanga kusvika kumagumo, zvakanyorwa muzvinyorwa zvaSamueri muoni, zvinyorwa zvaNatani muprofita, uye nomuzvinyorwa zvaGadhi muoni,
30 and of al his rewme, and strengthe, and tymes, that passiden vndur hym, ethir in Israel, ethir in alle rewmes of londis.
pamwe chete nenhoroondo dzokutonga kwake, uye nesimba, nezvinhu zvakaitika kwaari iye neIsraeri noumambo hwedzimwe nyika dzose.

< 1 Chronicles 29 >