< 1 Chronicles 28 >

1 Therfor Dauid clepide togidere alle the princes of Israel, the duykis of lynagis, and the souereyns of cumpenyes, that `mynystriden to the kyng, also the tribunes, and centuriouns, and hem that weren souereyns ouer the catel and possessiouns of the kyng, and hise sones, with `nurchis, and techeris, and alle the myyti and strongeste men in the oost of Jerusalem.
Daudi akakusanya waamuzi wote wa Israeli Yerusalemu: waamuzi wa makabila, maafisa wa vitengo walio mtumikia mfalme katika kazi walizo pangiwa, wakuu wa maelfu na mamia, wasimamizi wa mali zote za mfalme na mwanae, na maafisa na wanaume wa mapambano, ukijumuisha wale wenye ujuzi sana.
2 And whanne the kyng hadde rise, and `hadde stonde, he seide, My britheren and my puple, here ye me. Y thouyte for to bilde an hows, wherynne the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, and the stool of the feet of oure God schulde reste; and Y made redi alle thingis to bilde.
Daudi mfalme akainuka kwa miguu yake na kusema, “Sikilizeni mimi, kaka zangu na watu wangu. Ilikuwa dhumuni langu kujenga hekalu kwa ajili ya sanduku la agano la Yahweh; stuli ya miguu kwa ajili ya Mungu wetu, na nimefanya maandalizi kuijenga.
3 But God seide to me, Thou schalt not bilde an hows to my name, for thou art a man werriour, and hast sched blood.
Lakini Mungu akaniambia, 'Hautajenga hekalu kwa ajili ya jina la langu, kwasababu wewe ni mwanaume wa vita na umemwaga damu.'
4 But the Lord God of Israel chees me of al the hows of my fadir, that Y schulde be kyng on Israel with outen ende; for of Juda he chees princes, sotheli of the hows of Juda he chees the hows of my fadir, and of the sones of my fadir it pleside hym to chese me kyng on al Israel.
Bado Yahweh, Mungu wa Israeli, alinichagua kutoka katika familia ya baba yangu kuwa mfalme wa Israeli milele. Amechagua kabila la Yuda kama kiongozi. Katika kabila la Yuda, na nyumba ya baba yangu, kutoka kwa wana wa baba yangu, amenichagua kuwa mfalme wa Israeli.
5 But also of my sones, for the Lord yaf to me many sones, he chees Salomon, my sone, that he schulde sitte in the troone of the rewme of the Lord on Israel.
Kutoka kwa wana wengi ambao Yahweh amenipa, amemchagua Sulemani, mwanangu, kuketi katika kiti cha enzi cha ufalme wa Yahweh, juu ya Israeli.
6 And he seide to me, Salomon, thi sone, schal bilde myn hows, and myn auters; for Y haue chose hym to me in to a sone, and Y schal be to hym in to a fadir;
Aliniambia, 'Sulemani mwanae atanijengea nyumba yangu na nyuani mwangu, kwa kuwa nimemchagua kuwa mwana wangu, nami nitakuwa baba yake.
7 and Y schal make stidefast his rewme til in to with outen ende, if he schal contynue to do myn heestis and domes, as and to dai.
Nitaimarisha ufalme wake, akidumu kutii sheria na amri zangu, kama ulivyo siku ya leo.'
8 Now therfor bifor al the cumpeny of Israel, `Y seie these thingis that suen in the heryng of God, kepe ye and seke ye alle the comaundementis of `youre Lord God, that ye haue in possessioun a good lond, and that ye leeue it to youre sones aftir you til in to with outen ende.
Kisha sasa, katika macho ya Waisraeli wote, ili kusanyiko la yahweh, na katika uwepo wa Mungu wetu, nyinyi nyote lazima mshike na kufanya amri zote za Yahweh Mungu wenu. Fanyeni hivi ili mmiliki nchi nzuri na kuacha urithi wa watoto wenu baada yenu milele.
9 But thou, Salomon, my sone, knowe the God of thi fadir, and serue thou hym with perfit herte, and wilful soule; for the Lord serchith alle hertis, and vndirstondith alle thouytis of soulis; if thou sekist hym, thou schalt fynde hym; forsothe if thou forsakist hym, he schal caste thee awei with outen ende.
Kwako wewe, Sulemani mwanangu, mtii Mungu wa baba yako, mtumikie kwa moyo wako wote na roho ya utayari. Fanya hivi kwasababu yahweh anachunguza mioyo yote na kufahamu amasa ya kila wazo la mtu. Ukimtafuta, ataonekana kwako, lakini ukimtelekeza, atakukataa milele.
10 Now therfor, for the Lord chees thee, for to bilde the hows of seyntuarie, be thou coumfortid, and parforme.
Elewa kuwa Yahweh amekuchagua kujenga hekalu ili kama sehemu yake takatifu. Kuwa imara na ufanye.”
11 Forsothe Dauid yaf to Salomon, his sone, the discryuyng, `ether ensaumple, of the porche, and of the temple, and of celeris, and of the soler, and of closetis in pryuy places, and of the hows of propiciacioun, `that is, of mersi;
Kisha Daudi akamkabidhi Sulemani mwanae mipango ya baraza la hekalu, jengo la hekalu, vyumba vya hifadhi, vyumba vya juu, vyumba vya ndani, na chumba chenye mfuniko wa maombezi.
12 also and of alle thingis whiche he thouyte of the large places, and of chaumbris bi cumpas, in to the tresours of the hows of the Lord, and `in to the tresours of holi thingis,
Alimpatia mipango aliyo chora ya nyuani kwa ajili ya nyumba ya Yahweh, vyumba vyote vilivyo zunguka, vyumba vya hifadhi katika nyumba ya Mungu, na hazina za vitu vya Yahweh.
13 and of the departyngis of preestis and of dekenes, in to alle the werkis of the hows of the Lord, and alle vessels of the seruyce of the temple of the Lord.
Alimpatia masharti kwa vitengo vya makuhani na Walawi, kwa majukumu walio pangiwa katika nyumba ya Yahweh, na kwa vyombo vyote vinavyo tumika katika nyumba ya Yahweh.
14 Of gold in weiyte bi ech vessel of the seruyce, and of siluer, for dyuersitee of vessels, and of werkis;
Alimpa uzito wote wa vifaa vya dhahabu kwa kila huduma na vifaa vyote vya fedha, na vitu vyote kwa kila namna ya huduma.
15 but also to goldun candilstikis, and to her lanternes, he yaf gold, for the mesure of ech candilstike and lanternes; also and in silueren candilstikis, and in her lanternes, he bitook the weiyte of siluer, for the dyuersite of mesure.
Haya maelekezo yalitolewa kwa uzito, ukijumuisha maelekezo yote ya vinara vya taa vya dhahabu na taa za dhahabu, maelekezo kwa uzito kwa kila vinara vya taa, kwa vinara vya taa vya fedha, na maelekezo kwa matumizi sahihi ya vinara vya taa vyote.
16 Also and he yaf gold in to the bord of settyng forth, for the dyuersite of mesure, also and he yaf siluer in to othere siluerne boordis;
Alitoa uzito wa dhahabu kwa meza za mkate wa uwepo, kwa kila meza, na uzito wa fedha kwa meza za fedha.
17 also to fleisch hookis, and viols, and censeris of pureste gold; and to litle goldun lyouns, for the maner of mesure, he departide a weiyte in to a litil lyoun and a litil lioun; also and in to siluerne liouns he departide dyuerse weiyte of siluer.
Alitoa uzito wa dhahabu safi kwa uma za nyama, bakuli, na vikombe. Alitoa uzito kwa kila bakuli ya dhahabu, na uzito kwa kila bakuli ya fedha.
18 Forsothe he yaf pureste gold to the auter, wherynne encense was brent, that a lickenesse of the cart of cherubyns, holdinge forth wyngis, and hilynge the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, schulde be maad therof.
Alitoa uzito wa dhahabu ya kutakasika kwa madhabahu ya uvumba, na kwa dhahabu kwa ajili ya mchoro wa makerubi waliye tanda mabawa yao na kufunika sanduku la agano la Yahweh.
19 Dauid seide, Alle thingis camen writun bi the hond of the Lord to me, that Y schulde vndirstonde alle the werkis of the saumpler.
Daudi akasema, “Nimeeka haya katika maandishi kama Yahweh alivyo ni elekeza na kunipa kuelewa kuhusu mchoro.”
20 And Dauid seide to Salomon, his sone, Do thou manli, and be thou coumfortid, and make; drede thou not `with outforth, nether drede thou `with ynne; for `my Lord God schal be with thee, and he schal not leeue thee, nether schal forsake thee, til thou performe al the werk of the seruyce of the hows of the Lord.
Daudi akasema kwa Sulemani mwanae, “Kuwa hodari na mjasiri. Fanya kazi. Usiogope au kuwa na wasiwasi, kwa kuwa Yahweh Mungu, Mungu wangu, yupo nawe. Hatakuacha wala kukutelekeza mpaka kazi ya huduma ya hekalu la Yahweh imekamilika.
21 Lo! the departyngis of prestis and of dekenes, in to al the werk of the seruyce of the hows of the Lord, schulen stonde niy thee; and thei ben redi, and bothe the princes and the puple kunnen do alle thi comaundementis.
Ona, hivi ni vitengo vya makuhani na Walawi kwa huduma katika hekalu la Mungu. Watakuwa nawe, pamoja na wanaume walio tayari na wenye ujuzi, kukusaidia katika kazi na kutenda huduma. Waamuzi na watu wote wako tayari kufuata amri zako.”

< 1 Chronicles 28 >