< 1 Chronicles 23 >

1 Therfor Dauid was eld and ful of daies, and ordeynede Salomon, his sone, kyng on Israel.
Dhavhidhi paakanga akwegura ava namakore mazhinji, akaita kuti mwanakomana wake Soromoni ave mambo pamusoro peIsraeri.
2 And he gaderide togidere alle the princes of Israel, and the preestis, and dekenes;
Akaunganidzawo vatungamiri vose veIsraeri pamwe chete navaprista navaRevhi.
3 and the dekenes weren noumbrid fro twenti yeer and aboue, and eiyte and thretti thousynde of men weren foundun.
VaRevhi vose vana makore makumi matatu zvichienda mberi vakaverengwa, uye varume vose vakasvika zviuru makumi matatu nezvisere.
4 And foure and twenty thousynde men weren chosun of hem, and weren departid in to the seruyce of the hows of the Lord; sotheli of souereyns, and iugis, sixe thousynde;
Dhavhidhi akati, “Pane ava, zviuru makumi maviri nezvina vachava vatariri vebasa rokuvakwa kwetemberi yaJehovha uye zviuru zvitanhatu vachava vakuru navatongi.
5 forsothe foure thousynde `porteris weren, and so many syngeris, syngynge to the Lord in orguns, whiche Dauid hadde maad for to synge.
Zviuru zvina vachava vachengeti vamasuo uye zviuru zvina vacharumbidza Jehovha nezviridzwa zvandakapa nokuda kwechikonzero ichi.”
6 And Dauid departide hem bi the whilis of the sones of Leuy, that is, of Gerson, and of Caath, and Merary.
Dhavhidhi akapatsanura vaRevhi akavaisa mumapoka zvichienderana navanakomana vaRevhi vaiti: Gerishoni, Kohati naMerari.
7 And the sones of Gerson weren Leedan and Semeye.
VokwaGerishoni vaiva: Radhani naShimei.
8 The sones of Leedan weren thre, the prince Jehiel, and Ethan, and Johel.
Vanakomana vaRadhani vaiva: Jehieri dangwe, Zetami naJoere, vatatu pamwe chete.
9 The sones of Semei weren thre, Salamyth, and Oziel, and Aram; these weren the princes of the meynees of Leedan.
Vanakomana vaShimei vaiva: Sheromoti, Hazieri naHarani, vatatu pamwe chete. Ava ndivo vaiva vakuru vemhuri dzaRadhani.
10 Forsothe the sones of Semeye weren Leeth, and Ziza, and Yaus, and Baria, these foure weren the sones of Semei.
Uye vanakomana vaShimei vaiva: Jahati, Ziza, Jeushi naBheria. Ava ndivo vaiva vanakomana vaShimei, vana pamwe chete.
11 Sotheli Leeth was the formere, and Ziza the secounde; forsothe Yaus and Baria hadden not ful many sones, and therfor thei weren rikenyd in o meynee and oon hows.
(Jahati aiva wokutanga, Ziza ari wechipiri, asi Jeushi naBheria vakanga vasina vanakomana vakawanda; saka vakaverengwa semhuri imwe chete ine basa rimwe chete.)
12 The sones of Caath weren foure, Amram, and Ysaac, Ebron, and Oziel.
Vanakomana vaKohati vaiva: Amiramu, Izhari, Hebhuroni naUzieri, vana pamwe chete.
13 The sones of Amram weren Aaron and Moyses; and Aaron was departid, that he schulde mynystre in the hooli thing of hooli thingis, he and hise sones with outen ende, and to brenne encense to the Lord bi his custom, and to blesse his name with outen ende.
Vanakomana vaAmiramu vaiva: Aroni naMozisi. Aroni akatsaurwa iye nezvizvarwa zvake nokusingaperi, kuti anatse zvinhu zvaiva zvitsvene-tsvene, kuti vape zvipiriso pamberi paJehovha, kushumira pamberi pake uye kutaura maropafadzo muzita rake nokusingaperi.
14 Also the sones of Moyses, man of God, weren noumbrid in the lynage of Leuy.
Vanakomana vaMozisi munhu waMwari vakaverengwa sechikamu chorudzi rwaRevhi.
15 The sones of Moises weren Gerson and Elieser.
Vanakomana vaMozisi vaiva: Gerishomi naEriezeri.
16 The sones of Gerson; `Subuhel the firste.
Zvizvarwa zvaGerishomi: Shubhaeri ndiye aiva wokutanga.
17 Sotheli the sones of Eliezer weren Roboya the firste, and othere sones weren not to Eliezer; forsothe the sones of Roboia weren multipliede ful miche.
Zvizvarwa zvaEriezeri zvaiva: Rehabhia ndiye aiva wokutanga. (Eriezeri haana kuzoita vamwe vanakomana, asi Rehabhia akaita vanakomana vakawanda kwazvo.)
18 The sones of Isaar; `Salumuth the firste.
Vanakomana vaIzhari: Sheromiti ndiye aiva wokutanga.
19 The sones of Ebron; `Jerian the firste, Amarias the secounde, Jaziel the thridde, Jethamaan the fourthe.
Vanakomana vaHebhuroni: Jeria ndiye wokutanga, Amaria wechipiri, Jahazieri wechitatu naJekameami wechina.
20 The sones of Oziel; `Mycha the firste, Jesia the secounde.
Vanakomana vaUzieri: Mika wokutanga naIshia wechipiri.
21 The sones of Merari weren Mooli and Musi. The sones of Mooli weren Eleazar, and Cys.
Vanakomana vaMerari, vaiva: Mari naMushi. Vanakomana vaMari vaiva: Ereazari naKishi.
22 Sotheli Eleazar was deed, and hadde not sones, but douytris; and the sones of Cys, the britheren of hem, weddiden hem.
(Ereazari akafa asina vanakomana: aingova navanasikana chete. Hama dzavo, vanakomana vaKishi vakavaroora.)
23 The sones of Musi weren thre, Mooli, and Heder, and Jerymuth.
Vanakomana vaMushi vaiva: Mari, Edheri, naJerimoti, vatatu pamwe chete.
24 These weren the sones of Leuy in her kynredis and meynees, prynces bi whilis, and noumbre of alle heedis, that diden the trauel of the seruyce of the hows of the Lord, fro twenti yeer and aboue.
Ava ndivo vaiva zvizvarwa zvaRevhi nemhuri dzavo, vakuru vemhuri sezvazvakanga vakanyorwa pasi pamazita avo uye vachiverengwa mumwe nomumwe, zvichireva vashandi vaiva namakore makumi maviri naanopfuura vaishanda mutemberi yaJehovha.
25 For Dauid seide, The Lord God of Israel hath youe reste to his puple, and a dwellyng in Jerusalem til in to with outen ende;
Nokuti Dhavhidhi akanga ati, “Sezvo Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri apa zororo kuvanhu vake uye akauya kuzogara muJerusarema nokusingaperi,
26 and it schal not be the office of dekenes for to bere more the tabernacle, and alle vessels therof for to mynystre.
vaRevhi havachafaniri kuramba vachitakura tabhenakeri kana mimwe midziyo yose yaishandiswa pabasa rayo.”
27 Also bi the laste comaundementis of Dauid the noumbre of the sones of Leuy schulen be rikened fro twenti yeer and aboue;
Maererano nokurayira kwaDhavhidhi kwokupedzisira, vaRevhi vakaverengwa kubva pana vana makore makumi maviri kana anopfuura ipapo.
28 and thei schulen be vndir the hond of the sones of Aaron in to the worschipe of the hows of the Lord, in porchis, and in chaumbris, and in the place of clensyng, and in the seyntuarie, and in alle werkis of the seruyce of the temple of the Lord.
Basa ravaRevhi raiva rokubatsira zvizvarwa zvaAroni, mukubata basa romutemberi yaJehovha: kuvatariri voruvanze, makamuri omumativi, kunatsa zvinhu zvose zvaiera, nokuita mamwe mabasa paimba yaMwari.
29 Forsothe preestis schulen be ouer the looues of proposicioun, and to the sacrifice of flour, and to the pastis sodun in watir, and to the therf looues, and friyng panne, and to hoot flour, and to seenge, and ouer al weiyte and mesure.
Vaiva vachengeti vechingwa chaiiswa patafura, upfu hwakatsetseka hwezvipiriso zvezviyo, zvingwa zvitete zvisina mbiriso, kubika nokusanganisa, uye zviero zvose zvouwandu noukuru.
30 Forsothe the dekenes schulen be, that thei stonde eerli, for to knowleche and synge to the Lord, and lijk maner at euentide,
Vaifanirawo zvakare kumira mangwanani oga oga vachitenda uye vachirumbidza Jehovha. Vaifanira kuita zvimwe chetezvo manheru
31 as wel in the offryng of brent sacrifices of the Lord, as in sabatis, and kalendis, and othere solempnytees, bi the noumbre and cerymonyes of eche thing contynueli bifor the Lord;
uye napose paipiwa zvipiriso zvinopiswa kuna Jehovha pamaSabata uye napamitambo yoKugara kwoMwedzi napane mimwe mitambo yakarayirwa. Vaifanira kushanda pamberi paJehovha nguva dzose nouwandu hwaidiwa uye nenzira yavakanga varayirwa kuti vaiite.
32 and that thei kepe the obseruaunces of the tabernacle of the boond of pees of the Lord, and the custum of the seyntuarie, and the obseruaunce of the sones of Aaron, her britheren, that thei mynystre in the hows of the Lord.
Nokudaro vaRevhi vakaita mabasa omuTende Rokusangana, romuNzvimbo Tsvene uye vari pasi pehama dzavo zvizvarwa zvaAroni, mubasa roushumiri mutemberi yaJehovha.

< 1 Chronicles 23 >