< 1 Chronicles 15 >

1 And he made to hym housis in the citee of Dauid, and he bildide `a place to the arke of the Lord, and araiede a tabernacle to it.
fecit quoque sibi domos in civitate David et aedificavit locum arcae Dei tetenditque ei tabernaculum
2 Thanne Dauid seide, It is vnleueful, that the arke of God be borun of `ony thing no but of the dekenes, whiche the Lord chees to bere it, and `for to mynystre to hym `til in to with outen ende.
tunc dixit David inlicitum est ut a quocumque portetur arca Dei nisi a Levitis quos elegit Dominus ad portandum eam et ad ministrandum sibi usque in aeternum
3 And he gaderide togidere al Israel in to Jerusalem, that the arke of God schulde be brouyt in to `his place, which he hadde maad redy to it;
congregavitque universum Israhel in Hierusalem ut adferretur arca Dei in locum suum quem praeparaverat ei
4 also and he gaderide togidere the sones of Aaron, and the dekenes;
necnon et filios Aaron et Levitas
5 of the sones of Caath Vriel was prince, and hise britheren two hundrid and twenti;
de filiis Caath Urihel princeps fuit et fratres eius centum viginti
6 of the sones of Merari Asaya was prince, and hise britheren two hundrid and thritti;
de filiis Merari Asaia princeps et fratres eius ducenti viginti
7 of the sones of Gerson the prince was Johel, and hise britheren an hundrid and thretti;
de filiis Gersom Iohel princeps et fratres eius centum triginta
8 of the sones of Elisaphan Semei was prynce, and hise britheren two hundrid;
de filiis Elisaphan Semeias princeps et fratres eius ducenti
9 of the sones of Ebroun Heliel was prince, and hise britheren foure score;
de filiis Hebron Elihel princeps et fratres eius octoginta
10 of the sones of Oziel Amynadab was prince, and hise britheren an hundrid and twelue.
de filiis Ozihel Aminadab princeps et fratres eius centum duodecim
11 And Dauid clepide Sadoch and Abiathar preestis, and the dekenes Vriel, Asaie, Johel, Semeie, Eliel, and Amynadab; and seide to hem,
vocavitque David Sadoc et Abiathar sacerdotes et Levitas Urihel Asaiam Iohel Semeiam Elihel et Aminadab
12 Ye that ben princes of the meynees of Leuy, be halewid with youre britheren, and brynge ye the arke of the Lord God of Israel to the place, which is maad redi to it;
et dixit ad eos vos qui estis principes familiarum leviticarum sanctificamini cum fratribus vestris et adferte arcam Domini Dei Israhel ad locum qui ei praeparatus est
13 lest, as at the bigynnyng, for ye weren not present, the Lord smoot vs, and now it be don, if we don ony vnleueful thing.
ne ut a principio quia non eratis praesentes percussit nos Dominus sic et nunc fiat inlicitum quid nobis agentibus
14 Therfor the preestis and dekenes weren halewid, that thei schulden bere the arke of the Lord God of Israel.
sanctificati sunt ergo sacerdotes et Levitae ut portarent arcam Domini Dei Israhel
15 And the sones of Leuy token the arke of God with barris on her schuldris, as Moises comaundide bi the word of the Lord.
et tulerunt filii Levi arcam Dei sicut praeceperat Moses iuxta verbum Domini umeris suis in vectibus
16 And Dauid seide to the princes of dekenes, that thei schulden ordeyne of her britheren syngeris in orguns of musikis, that is, in giternes, and harpis, and symbalis; that the sown of gladnesse schulde sowne an hiy.
dixit quoque David principibus Levitarum ut constituerent de fratribus suis cantores in organis musicorum nablis videlicet et lyris et cymbalis ut resonaret in excelsum sonitus laetitiae
17 And thei ordeyneden dekenes, Heman, the sone of Johel, and of hise britheren, Asaph, the sone of Barachie; sotheli of the sones of Merary, britheren of hem, thei ordeyneden Ethan,
constitueruntque Levitas Heman filium Iohel et de fratribus eius Asaph filium Barachiae de filiis vero Merari fratribus eorum Ethan filium Casaiae
18 the sone of Casaye, and the britheren of hem with hem; in the secunde ordre `thei ordeyneden Zacarie, and Ben, and Jazihel, and Semyramoth, and Jahiel, `and Am, Heliab, and Benaye, and Maasie, and Mathathie, and Eliphalu, and Mathenye, and Obededon, and Jehiel, porteris;
et cum eis fratres eorum in secundo ordine Zacchariam et Ben et Iazihel et Semiramoth et Iahihel et Ani Eliab et Banaiam et Maasiam et Matthathiam et Eliphalu et Macheniam et Obededom et Ieihel ianitores
19 forsothe `thei ordeyneden the syngeris Eman, Asaph, and Ethan, sownynge in brasun cymbalis;
porro cantores Heman Asaph et Ethan in cymbalis aeneis concrepantes
20 sotheli Zacarie, and Oziel, and Semyramoth, and Jahihel, and Ham, and Eliab, and Maasie, and Banaie, sungun pryuetees in giternes; forsothe Mathathie,
Zaccharias autem et Ozihel et Semiramoth et Iahihel et Ani et Eliab et Maasias et Banaias in nablis arcana cantabant
21 and Eliphalu, and Mathenye, and Obededom, and Jehiel, and Ozazym, sungen in harpis for the eiytithe, and epynychion, `that is, victorie `be to God ouercomere;
porro Matthathias et Eliphalu et Machenias et Obededom et Ieihel et Ozaziu in citharis pro octava canebant epinikion
22 forsothe Chinonye, the prince of dekenes, and of profecie, was souereyn to biforsynge melodie, for he was ful wijs;
Chonenias autem princeps Levitarum prophetiae praeerat ad praecinendam melodiam erat quippe valde sapiens
23 and Barachie, and Elchana, weren porters of the arke; forsothe Sebenye,
et Barachias et Helcana ianitores arcae
24 and Josaphath, and Mathanael, and Amasaye, and Zacarie, and Banaye, and Eliezer, preestis, sowneden with trumpis bifor the arke of the Lord; and Obededom, and Achymaas, weren porteris of the arke.
porro Sebenias et Iosaphat et Nathanahel et Amasai et Zaccharias et Banaias et Eliezer sacerdotes clangebant tubis coram arca Dei et Obededom et Ahias erant ianitores arcae
25 Therfor Dauid, and the grettere men in birthe of Israel, and the tribunes, yeden to brynge the arke of boond of pees of the Lord fro the hows of Obededom with gladnesse.
igitur David et maiores natu Israhel et tribuni ierunt ad deportandam arcam foederis Domini de domo Obededom cum laetitia
26 And whanne God hadde helpid the dekenes that baren the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, seuene bolis and seuene rammes weren offrid.
cumque adiuvisset Deus Levitas qui portabant arcam foederis Domini immolabantur septem tauri et septem arietes
27 Forsothe Dauid was clothid with a white stole, and alle the dekenes that baren the arke, and the syngeris, and Chononye, the prince of profecie among syngeris, weren clothid in white stolis; forsothe also Dauid was clothid with a lynun surplijs.
porro David erat indutus stola byssina et universi Levitae qui portabant arcam cantoresque et Chonenias princeps prophetiae inter cantores David autem indutus erat etiam ephod lineo
28 And al Israel ledden forth the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, and sowneden in ioiful song, and in sown of clariouns, and in trumpis, and cymbalis, and giternis, and harpis.
universusque Israhel deducebant arcam foederis Domini in iubilo et sonitu bucinae et tubis et cymbalis et nablis et citharis concrepantes
29 And whanne the arke of boond of pees of the Lord hadde come to the citee of Dauid, Mychol, the douytir of Saul, bihelde forth bi a wyndowe, and sche siy king Dauyd daunsynge and pleiynge; and sche dispiside hym in hir herte.
cumque pervenisset arca foederis Domini usque ad civitatem David Michol filia Saul prospiciens per fenestram vidit regem David saltantem atque ludentem et despexit eum in corde suo

< 1 Chronicles 15 >