< 1 Chronicles 15 >

1 And he made to hym housis in the citee of Dauid, and he bildide `a place to the arke of the Lord, and araiede a tabernacle to it.
David el musaela kutu lohm in Siti sel David tuh in lohm sel sifacna. El oayapa akoo sie acn nu ke Tuptup in Wuleang lun God, ac el tulokunak sie lohm nuknuk nu kac.
2 Thanne Dauid seide, It is vnleueful, that the arke of God be borun of `ony thing no but of the dekenes, whiche the Lord chees to bere it, and `for to mynystre to hym `til in to with outen ende.
Na David el fahk, “Mwet Levi mukena pa fal in us Tuptup in Wuleang, mweyen elos pa sulosolla sin LEUM GOD tuh elos in us, ac in kulansap nu sel nwe tok.”
3 And he gaderide togidere al Israel in to Jerusalem, that the arke of God schulde be brouyt in to `his place, which he hadde maad redy to it;
Ouinge David el pangoneni mwet Israel nukewa nu Jerusalem, tuh elos in use Tuptup in Wuleang nu ke acn se el akoela nu kac.
4 also and he gaderide togidere the sones of Aaron, and the dekenes;
Tukun ma inge David el sapla nu sin mwet in fwil natul Aaron ac mwet Levi.
5 of the sones of Caath Vriel was prince, and hise britheren two hundrid and twenti;
Ke sou lulap lal Kohath in sruf lun mwet Levi, Uriel el mwet kol, ac mwet siofok longoul in sou lal welul.
6 of the sones of Merari Asaya was prince, and hise britheren two hundrid and thritti;
Sin sou lal Merari, Asaiah el mwet kol, ac mwet luofoko longoul in sou lal welul.
7 of the sones of Gerson the prince was Johel, and hise britheren an hundrid and thretti;
Sin sou lal Gershon, Joel el mwet kol, ac mwet siofok tolngoul in sou lal welul.
8 of the sones of Elisaphan Semei was prynce, and hise britheren two hundrid;
Sin sou lal Elizaphan, Shemaiah el mwet kol, ac mwet luofoko in sou lal welul.
9 of the sones of Ebroun Heliel was prince, and hise britheren foure score;
Sin sou lal Hebron, Eliel el mwet kol, ac mwet oalngoul in sou lal welul.
10 of the sones of Oziel Amynadab was prince, and hise britheren an hundrid and twelue.
Sin sou lal Uzziel, Amminadab el mwet kol, ac mwet siofok singoul luo in sou lal welul.
11 And Dauid clepide Sadoch and Abiathar preestis, and the dekenes Vriel, Asaie, Johel, Semeie, Eliel, and Amynadab; and seide to hem,
David el solani mwet tol Zadok ac Abiathar, ac mwet Levi onkosr inge: Uriel, Asaiah, Joel, Shemaiah, Eliel, ac Amminadab.
12 Ye that ben princes of the meynees of Leuy, be halewid with youre britheren, and brynge ye the arke of the Lord God of Israel to the place, which is maad redi to it;
El fahk nu sin mwet Levi, “Kowos pa mwet kol lun sou lulap lun mwet Levi. Kowos in aknasnasye kowos oayapa mwet Levi wiowos, tuh kowos in ku in use Tuptup in Wuleang lun LEUM GOD lun Israel nu in acn se nga akoela nu kac.
13 lest, as at the bigynnyng, for ye weren not present, the Lord smoot vs, and now it be don, if we don ony vnleueful thing.
Ke sripen kowos wangin ke pacl se meet ma kut tuh srike in use, na pa LEUM GOD lasr El tuh kai kut mweyen kut tuh tia oru akfulat su fal in orek nu sel.”
14 Therfor the preestis and dekenes weren halewid, that thei schulden bere the arke of the Lord God of Israel.
Na mwet tol ac mwet Levi elos aknasnasyalos tuh elos in mau ku in moklema Tuptup in Wuleang lun LEUM GOD lun Israel.
15 And the sones of Leuy token the arke of God with barris on her schuldris, as Moises comaundide bi the word of the Lord.
Mwet Levi elos us Tuptup uh finpisalos ke srenenu, in oana ke LEUM GOD El tuh sapkin nu sel Moses.
16 And Dauid seide to the princes of dekenes, that thei schulden ordeyne of her britheren syngeris in orguns of musikis, that is, in giternes, and harpis, and symbalis; that the sown of gladnesse schulde sowne an hiy.
David el sap mwet kol lun mwet Levi in sulela kutu mwet lalos in on, ac kutu in srital ke harp ac cymbal, in fahkak pusren engan lulap.
17 And thei ordeyneden dekenes, Heman, the sone of Johel, and of hise britheren, Asaph, the sone of Barachie; sotheli of the sones of Merary, britheren of hem, thei ordeyneden Ethan,
Ouinge mwet Levi elos sulela mwet inge liki sou lun mwet on: Heman wen natul Joel, oayapa sie mukul in sou lal, su Asaph wen natul Berechiah; ac Ethan wen natul Kushaiah, su ma wialos ke sou lal Merari;
18 the sone of Casaye, and the britheren of hem with hem; in the secunde ordre `thei ordeyneden Zacarie, and Ben, and Jazihel, and Semyramoth, and Jahiel, `and Am, Heliab, and Benaye, and Maasie, and Mathathie, and Eliphalu, and Mathenye, and Obededon, and Jehiel, porteris;
na mukul wialtal in fwil se akluo: Zechariah, Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattithiah, Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, ac mwet luo su liyaung mutunpot: Obed Edom ac Jeiel.
19 forsothe `thei ordeyneden the syngeris Eman, Asaph, and Ethan, sownynge in brasun cymbalis;
Mwet in srital ke cymbal orek ke bronze pa Heman, Asaph, ac Ethan.
20 sotheli Zacarie, and Oziel, and Semyramoth, and Jahihel, and Ham, and Eliab, and Maasie, and Banaie, sungun pryuetees in giternes; forsothe Mathathie,
Mwet in srital ke harp ma fulat pusra uh pa Zechariah, Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Maaseiah ac Benaiah.
21 and Eliphalu, and Mathenye, and Obededom, and Jehiel, and Ozazym, sungen in harpis for the eiytithe, and epynychion, `that is, victorie `be to God ouercomere;
Mwet inge pa srital ke harp ma toasr pusra uh: Mattithiah, Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, Obed Edom, Jeiel, ac Azaziah.
22 forsothe Chinonye, the prince of dekenes, and of profecie, was souereyn to biforsynge melodie, for he was ful wijs;
Elos sulella Chenaniah in kol mwet on inge nukewa lun mwet Levi, mweyen yohk etu lal ke on.
23 and Barachie, and Elchana, weren porters of the arke; forsothe Sebenye,
Mwet in taran Tuptup in Wuleang pa Berechiah, Elkanah,
24 and Josaphath, and Mathanael, and Amasaye, and Zacarie, and Banaye, and Eliezer, preestis, sowneden with trumpis bifor the arke of the Lord; and Obededom, and Achymaas, weren porteris of the arke.
Obed Edom, ac Jehiah. Mwet in fahsr meet liki Tuptup uh ac ukya mwe ukuk pa mwet tol inge: Shebaniah, Joshaphat, Nethanel, Amasai, Zechariah, Benaiah, ac Eliezer.
25 Therfor Dauid, and the grettere men in birthe of Israel, and the tribunes, yeden to brynge the arke of boond of pees of the Lord fro the hows of Obededom with gladnesse.
Tokosra David, ac mwet kol lun mwet Israel, ac captain lun un mwet mweun, elos tukeni som in use Tuptup in Wuleang lun LEUM GOD liki lohm sel Obed Edom, ac elos engan ma lulap.
26 And whanne God hadde helpid the dekenes that baren the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, seuene bolis and seuene rammes weren offrid.
Elos kisakin cow mukul itkosr ac sheep mukul itkosr mwe akpwayeye lah God El ac fah kasru mwet Levi su us Tuptup in Wuleang.
27 Forsothe Dauid was clothid with a white stole, and alle the dekenes that baren the arke, and the syngeris, and Chononye, the prince of profecie among syngeris, weren clothid in white stolis; forsothe also Dauid was clothid with a lynun surplijs.
David el nukum sie nuknuk loeloes orek ke linen wowo. Mwet on nukewa, ac Chenaniah su mwet kol lalos, oayapa mwet Levi su us Tuptup uh, elos nukewa nukum nuknuk linen oana David. David el oayapa nukum sie ephod lun mwet tol orekla ke linen.
28 And al Israel ledden forth the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, and sowneden in ioiful song, and in sown of clariouns, and in trumpis, and cymbalis, and giternis, and harpis.
Na mwet Israel nukewa elos welulos fahsr ac usak Tuptup in Wuleang nu Jerusalem ke pusren engan ac sasa, oayapa pusren mwe ukuk, trumpet, cymbal, ac harp.
29 And whanne the arke of boond of pees of the Lord hadde come to the citee of Dauid, Mychol, the douytir of Saul, bihelde forth bi a wyndowe, and sche siy king Dauyd daunsynge and pleiynge; and sche dispiside hym in hir herte.
Ke Tuptup sac utyak nu in siti uh, na Michal, acn natul Saul, el ngetla liki winto uh ac liyal Tokosra David ke el tacn ac onsrosro ke engan lulap, na Michal el arulana toasr sel kac.

< 1 Chronicles 15 >