< 1 Chronicles 14 >

1 And Iram, the kyng of Tyre, sente messageris to Dauid, and `he sente trees of cedre, and werk men of wallis and of trees, that thei schulden bilde to hym an hows.
Misit quoque Hiram rex Tyri nuncios ad David, et ligna cedrina, et artifices parietum, lignorumque: ut aedificarent ei domum.
2 And Dauid knewe that the Lord hadde confermyd hym in to kyng on Israel; and that his rewme was reisid on his puple Israel.
Cognovitque David eo quod confirmasset eum Dominus in regem super Israel, et sublevatum est regnum suum super populum eius Israel.
3 And Dauid took othere wyues in Jerusalem, and gendride sones and douytris.
Accepit quoque David alias uxores in Ierusalem: genuitque filios, et filias.
4 And these ben the names of hem that weren borun to hym in Jerusalem; Sammu, and Sobab, Nathan, and Salomon,
Et haec nomina eorum, qui nati sunt ei in Ierusalem: Samua, et Sobab, Nathan, et Salomon,
5 Jeber, and Elisu, and Heli, and Eliphalech,
Iebahar, et Elisua, et Eliphalet,
6 and Noga, and Napheg, and Japhie,
Noga quoque, et Napheg, et Iaphia,
7 and Elisama, and Baliada, and Eliphelech.
Elisama, et Baaliada, et Eliphalet.
8 Forsothe the Filisteis herden that Dauid was anoyntid `in to kyng on al Israel, and alle stieden to seke Dauid. And whanne Dauid hadde herd this thing, he yede out ayens hem.
Audientes autem Philisthiim eo quod unctus esset David regem super universum Israel, ascenderunt omnes ut quaererent eum: quod cum audisset David, egressus est obviam eis.
9 Forsothe Filisteis camen, and weren spred abrood in the valey of Raphaym;
Porro Philisthiim venientes, diffusi sunt in Valle Raphaim.
10 and Dauid counselide the Lord, and seide, Whether Y schal stie to Filisteis? and whether thou schalt bitake hem in to myn hondis? And the Lord seide to hym, Stie thou, and Y schal bitake hem in thin hond.
Consuluitque David Dominum, dicens: Si ascendam ad Philisthaeos, et si trades eos in manu mea? Et dixit ei Dominus: Ascende, et tradam eos in manu tua.
11 And whanne thei hadden styed in to Baal Pharasym, Dauid smoot hem there, and seide, God hath departid myn enemyes bi myn hond, as watris ben departid. And therfor the name of that place was clepid Baal Pharasym; and thei leften there her goddis,
Cumque illi ascendissent in Baalpharasim, percussit eos ibi David, et dixit: Divisit Deus inimicos meos per manum meam, sicut dividuntur aquae: et idcirco vocatum est nomen illius loci Baalpharasim.
12 which Dauid comaundide to be brent.
Dereliqueruntque ibi deos suos, quos David iussit exuri.
13 Forsothe another tyme Filisteis felden in, and weren spred abrood in the valei;
Alia etiam vice Philisthiim irruerunt, et diffusi sunt in valle.
14 and eft Dauid counseilide the Lord, and the Lord seide to hym, Thou schalt not stie aftir hem; go awei fro hem, and thou schalt come ayens hem euen ayens the pere trees.
Consuluitque rursum David Deum, et dixit ei Deus: Non ascendas post eos, recede ab eis, et venies contra illos ex adverso pyrorum.
15 And whanne thou schalt here the sowun of a goere in the cop of the pere trees, thanne thou schalt go out to batel; for the Lord is go out byfor thee, to smyte the castels of Filisteis.
Cumque audieris sonitum gradientis in cacumine pyrorum, tunc egredieris ad bellum. Egressus est enim Deus ante te, ut percutiat castra Philisthiim.
16 Therfor Dauid dide as God comaundide to hym, and he smoot the castels of Filisteis fro Gabaon `til to Gazara.
Fecit ergo David sicut praeceperat ei Deus, et percussit castra Philisthinorum, de Gabaon usque Gazera.
17 And the name of Dauid was puplischid in alle cuntreis, and the Lord yaf his drede on alle folkis.
Divulgatumque est nomen David in universis regionibus, et Dominus dedit pavorem eius super omnes gentes.

< 1 Chronicles 14 >