< Titus 2 >
1 But do thou speak the things which become sound doctrine:
Toda ti govori stvari, ki so primerne zdravemu nauku,
2 that aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in the faith, in love, in patience:
da bodo starejši možje trezni, dostojanstveni, zmerni, brez graje v veri, v ljubezni, v potrpežljivosti.
3 the aged women likewise in behaviour as becometh saints, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
Prav tako starejše ženske, da bodo v obnašanju, kakor se spodobi svetosti, ne lažne obtoževalke, ne vdane mnogemu vinu, učiteljice dobrih stvari;
4 that they may instruct the young women to be temperate, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be prudent,
da bodo lahko učile mlade ženske biti trezno misleče, imeti rade svoje soproge, imeti rade svoje otroke,
5 chaste, keepers at home, good, submissive to their husbands, that the word of God may not be evil spoken of.
biti razumne, čiste, varuhinje doma, dobre, poslušne svojim soprogom, da se zoper Božjo besedo ne izreka bogokletja.
6 Exhort the young men in like manner to be temperate:
Prav tako spodbujaj mladeniče, da bodo treznega mišljenja.
7 in all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works, with uncorruptness in teaching, gravity, sound doctrine that cannot be condemned;
V vseh stvareh se kaži za vzor dobrih del. V nauku prikaži nepokvarjenost, resnost, iskrenost,
8 that he who opposeth it may be ashamed, having no evil to say of you.
zdrav govor, ki ne more biti obsojen; da bo lahko osramočen, kdor je iz nasprotne strani, ker ne bo imel o tebi povedati nobene hudobne stvari.
9 Exhort servants to submit to their masters, to be obsequious in all things,
Spodbujaj služabnike, da so poslušni svojim lastnim gospodarjem in da jim res v vseh stvareh ugodijo brez ugovarjanja;
10 not answering frowardly, not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.
brez kraje, temveč prikažejo vso dobro zvestobo; da lahko v vseh stvareh olepšajo nauk Boga, našega Odrešenika.
11 For the grace of God, that bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men;
Kajti Božja milost, ki prinaša rešitev duš, se je prikazala vsem ljudem
12 teaching us that denying ungodliness, and worldly desires, we should live soberly, and righteously, and piously in this present world; (aiōn )
in nas uči, da naj bi v tem sedanjem svetu zanikali brezbožnost in posvetna poželenja, živeli trezno, pravično in bogaboječe (aiōn )
13 looking for the blessed hope, and glorious appearance of the great God, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ:
in pričakovali to blagoslovljeno upanje in veličastno pojavitev vélikega Boga in našega Odrešenika, Jezusa Kristusa;
14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify to Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
ki je samega sebe dal za nas, da bi nas lahko odkupil pred vso krivičnostjo in zase očistil izvoljene ljudi, vnete za dobra dela.
15 These things speak, and exhort; and reprove offenders with all authority: that none may despise thee.
Te stvari govori in spodbujaj in oštevaj z vso oblastjo. Ne dopusti, da te kdorkoli prezira.