< Matthew 14 >

1 At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the fame of Jesus,
Shipindi shilii mkulu gwa Galilaya Herodi kapikaniriti visoweru vya Yesu.
2 and said to his servants, This is John the baptist, he is certainly risen from the dead, and therefore miraculous things are done by him:
Nakaka ndo Yohani Mbatiza, ayu kazyuka kulawa kwa wahowiti, “kawagambira maafisa, ayi ndo toziya kana likakala lwa kutenda mauzauza.”
3 for Herod had apprehended John, and bound him, and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife;
Herodi ndo yakalagaliriti kuwera Yohani wamkamuli, wamtawi pingu na kumtula mushibetubetu. Katenditi hangu toziya ya Herodiya mdala gwa Filipi mlongu gwakuwi.
4 for John said to Him, It is not lawful for thee to have her: and he would have put him to death,
Toziya Yohani Mbatiza kaweriti kankumgambira Herodi, “Iherepa ndiri gwenga kumyuga Herodiya!”
5 but that he was afraid of the people; for they esteemed him as a prophet.
Herodi kafiriti kumlaga Yohani Mbatiza, kumbiti katiliti wantu wa Shiyawudi toziya Yohani Mbatiza womberi wamwoniti kuwera mbuyi gwa Mlungu.
6 But when Herod's birth-day was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod, so
Mumsambu gwa kulihola kwiwuka kwa Herodi, muhinga gwa Herodiya, kaviniti kulongolu kwa wahenga woseri. Herodi kanemeleriti nentu
7 that he promised her with an oath to give her whatever she would ask:
su kamgambiriti, “Nulirapi, hanukupi shoseri shagunduwa!”
8 and she, being before instructed by her mother, said, Give me here in a dish the head of John the baptist:
Mawu gwa muhinga ulii kamhimiziyiti muhinga gwakuwi kamgambiri tati gwakuwi kulonga, “Gunupi palaa panu muluseru mtuwi gwa Yohani Mbatiza!”
9 at which the king was distressed, but because of his oath, and of those who sat at table with him, he ordered it to be given her;
Ata hangu mfalumi kahinginikiti, kumbiti toziya ya kulirapilira kwakuwi kulongolu kwa wahenga, kalagaliriti wamupi mtuwi muhinga ulii.
10 and he sent and beheaded John in the prison,
Su kalagalira Yohani kadumulwi mtuwi mushibetubetu.
11 and his head was brought in a dish, and given to the young princess, who carried it to her mother:
Mtuwi gwa Yohani wagujega muluseru na kumupa muhinga ulii, nayomberi kagujega kwa mawu gwakuwi.
12 and his disciples came and took up the body and buried it, and then went and told Jesus.
Wafundwa wa Yohani wiza, wayitoliti nshimba ya Yohani na kuyisira, shakapanu wagenditi kwa Yesu na kumgambira.
13 And when Jesus heard it, He departed from thence in a ship to a solitary place of retirement: but the people hearing where He was followed Him on foot from the cities:
Yesu pakapikaniriti shisoweru kuusu Yohani, kawukiti pahala palii mumtumbwi na kagenditi pahala pa gweka. Wantu wapikiniriti aga, wamgendera Yesu kulawa lushi zyawu na wamfata kwa magulu.
14 and when Jesus came out of the ship, He saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them; and He healed their sick.
Yesu pakasulukiti kulawa mumtumbwi na pakaliwoniti lipinga likulu lya wantu, Kawawoneriti lusungu na kawaponiziyiti woseri yawaweriti walwala.
15 Now when it was evening his disciples came to Him and said, This is a desert place, and meal-time is now past; dismiss the people, that they may go away to the towns, and buy themselves victuals.
Pamihi, wafundwa wakuwi wamgendereti Yesu na walonga, “Saa zigenda kala na pahala panu pagweka. Guwalekeziyi wantu wagendi zawu naguwaleki wagendi muvijiji wakahemeri viboga.”
16 But Jesus said to them, they have no need to go away, do ye give them something to eat.
Yesu kawagambira, “Hapeni wawuki, mwenga muwayupi vintu vya kuliya!”
17 And they said, we have nothing here but five loaves and two fishes:
Womberi wamwankula, “Twana mabumunda muhanu na wasomba wawili hera.”
18 and He said, bring them hither to me.
Yesu kalonga, “Su munjegeli panu.”
19 And having ordered the multitudes to sit down upon the grass, and taken the five loaves and the two fishes, He looked up to heaven and blessed them; and He brake the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples to the people: and they did all eat, and were satisfied;
Kawagambira wantu walivagi pasi mumihamba, shakapanu katola mabumunda muhanu na wasomba wawili, kalola kumpindi kwa Mlungu, kalonga mayagashii Mlungu. Kagamega mabumunda na kawapanana wafundwa wakuwi na wafundwa wawapanani wantu.
20 and they took up what was left even of fragments twelve baskets full.
Kila muntu kaliya na kwikuta. Shakapanu wafundwa wajojinira majamanda lilongu na mbili ga vyavisigaliti.
21 Now they that had eaten were about five thousand men, besides women and children.
Kwa wantu woseri yawaliyiti, wapalu hera waweriti elufu muhanu pota kuwawalanga wadala na wana.
22 And presently after Jesus obliged the disciples to get into the ship, and to go before Him to the other side, while He dismissed the multitudes:
Pala palii Yesu kawagambira wafundwa wakuwi wakweni mumtumbwi na wamlongoleri kuloka kumwambu kulitanda, shipindi yomberi kankuwaaga wantu.
23 and when He had dismissed them, He went up to a hill in private to pray.
Pakawaagiti kala, mweni kakweniti kulugongu kugenda kumluwa Mlungu. Payisokiti pamihi, Yesu kaweriti gweka yakuwi kulii,
24 And in the evening He was there alone. Now the ship was by this time in the midst of the sea, and violently tossed by the waves; for the wind was contrary:
na shipindi ashi mtumbwi guweriti kala patali pa litanda, guweriti gugenda usegausega toziya lihega liweriti lyankuguyumbisiya.
25 but in the fourth watch of the night Jesus came to them walking on the sea:
Payiweriti luhunjuhunju Yesu kawagendiriti wafundwa wakuwi, pakagendagenda pampindi pamashi.
26 and when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were affrighted and said, It is an apparition;
Wafundwa wakuwi pawamwoniti pakagendagenda pampindi pamashi, watiliti nentu. Womberi washowangana pawalonga, “Shihoka ayu!”
27 and they cried out for fear: but Jesus immediately spake to them, saying, Take courage, it is I, be not afraid.
Pala palii Yesu kawagambira womberi, “Namtira, ndo neni!”
28 Then Peter answered Him and said, Lord, if it be thou, command me to come unto thee upon the waters.
Shakapanu Peteru katakula, “Mtuwa, handa nakaka ndo gwenga gung'ambiri neni nizi kwa gwenga pamashi.”
29 And He said, Come.
Yesu kamgambira, “Gwizi!” Su Peteru kasuluka kulawa mumtumbwi na kamgendera Yesu pakagendagenda pampindi pamashi.
30 And Peter went down from the ship and walked upon the waters to go to Jesus: but seeing the wind boisterous, he was afraid, and beginning to sink cried out, Lord, save me.
Kumbiti pakawoniti liyega, kaweriti na lyoga su kanjiti kudidimila mumashi. Shakapanu kalila pakalonga, “Mtuwa! Gumponiziyi.”
31 And Jesus, immediately stretching forth his hand, laid hold of him, and saith to him, O man of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Palaa palii Yesu kalitalipisiya liwoku lyakuwi kamkola na kumgambira, “Ntambu yaguhera njimiru! Iwera hashi gwana lyoga?”
32 So they got into the ship, and the wind ceased.
Woseri wakwena mumtumbwi, na liyega linyamalira.
33 Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped Him, saying, Thou art indeed the Son of God.
Shakapanu wafundwa mumtumbwi wamguwira Yesu pawalonga, “Nakaka gwenga gwa Mwana gwa Mlungu!”
34 And they passed over and came into the country of Gennesaret.
Waloka litanda na kusoka lushi lwa Genezareti,
35 And the men of that place getting knowledge of Him, sent into all that country about; and they brought to Him all that were ill;
pahala wantu woseri wamumaniti Yesu. Su wawajega wantu yawalwala kulawa lushi zoseri za pakwegera na wamjegera Yesu.
36 and intreated Him that they might but touch the border of his garment; and as many as touched Him were made perfectly well.
Wamluwa kawajimiri woseri yawalwaliti wapati kushinkula luwiniku lwa nguwu yakuwi na woseri yawashinkuliti waweriti wakomu.

< Matthew 14 >