< Matthew 10 >
1 And He called unto Him his twelve disciples, and gave them power over impure spirits, even to cast them out; and to cure all diseases and every malady whatsoever.
anantaraM yIzu rdvAdazaziSyAn AhUyAmEdhyabhUtAn tyAjayituM sarvvaprakArarOgAn pIPAzca zamayituM tEbhyaH sAmarthyamadAt|
2 Now these are the names of the twelve apostles: first Simon, called Peter, and Andrew his brother; Philip, and Bartholomew;
tESAM dvAdazaprESyANAM nAmAnyEtAni| prathamaM zimOn yaM pitaraM vadanti, tataH paraM tasya sahaja AndriyaH, sivadiyasya putrO yAkUb
3 Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alpheus, and Lebbeus who was surnamed Thaddeus;
tasya sahajO yOhan; philip barthalamay thOmAH karasaMgrAhI mathiH, AlphEyaputrO yAkUb,
4 Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, even he that betrayed Him.
kinAnIyaH zimOn, ya ISkariyOtIyayihUdAH khrISTaM parakarE'rpayat|
5 These twelve did Jesus send forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not among the gentiles, neither enter into any city of the Samaritans:
EtAn dvAdazaziSyAn yIzuH prESayan ityAjnjApayat, yUyam anyadEzIyAnAM padavIM zEmirONIyAnAM kimapi nagaranjca na pravizyE
6 but go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
isrAyElgOtrasya hAritA yE yE mESAstESAmEva samIpaM yAta|
7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand: and in confirmation of your doctrine heal the sick,
gatvA gatvA svargasya rAjatvaM savidhamabhavat, EtAM kathAM pracArayata|
8 cleanse the leprous, raise the dead, cast out demons; and as ye have received freely, freely give.
AmayagrastAn svasthAn kuruta, kuSThinaH pariSkuruta, mRtalOkAn jIvayata, bhUtAn tyAjayata, vinA mUlyaM yUyam alabhadhvaM vinaiva mUlyaM vizrANayata|
9 Take not gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses: take no bag for your journey,
kintu svESAM kaTibandhESu svarNarUpyatAmrANAM kimapi na gRhlIta|
10 nor two coats, nor shoes, nor weapons; for the laborer is worthy of his food.
anyacca yAtrAyai cElasampuTaM vA dvitIyavasanaM vA pAdukE vA yaSTiH, EtAn mA gRhlIta, yataH kAryyakRt bharttuM yOgyO bhavati|
11 And into whatsoever city or town ye enter, inquire who in it is a worthy person, and there remain till ye leave the place.
aparaM yUyaM yat puraM yanjca grAmaM pravizatha, tatra yO janO yOgyapAtraM tamavagatya yAnakAlaM yAvat tatra tiSThata|
12 And when ye come into the house, salute them:
yadA yUyaM tadgEhaM pravizatha, tadA tamAziSaM vadata|
13 and if the family be worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if they be not worthy, your salutation shall return to you.
yadi sa yOgyapAtraM bhavati, tarhi tatkalyANaM tasmai bhaviSyati, nOcEt sAzIryuSmabhyamEva bhaviSyati|
14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hearken to your words; when ye come out of that house or city, shake off the very dust of your feet:
kintu yE janA yuSmAkamAtithyaM na vidadhati yuSmAkaM kathAnjca na zRNvanti tESAM gEhAt purAdvA prasthAnakAlE svapadUlIH pAtayata|
15 for I tell you verily, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha, in the day of judgement, than for that city.
yuSmAnahaM tathyaM vacmi vicAradinE tatpurasya dazAtaH sidOmamOrApurayOrdazA sahyatarA bhaviSyati|
16 Behold I send you forth as sheep into the midst of wolves: be ye therefore prudent as serpents, and innocent as doves.
pazyata, vRkayUthamadhyE mESaH yathAvistathA yuSmAna prahiNOmi, tasmAd yUyam ahiriva satarkAH kapOtAivAhiMsakA bhavata|
17 Beware of evil men; for they will deliver you up to their councils, and will scourge you in their synagogues.
nRbhyaH sAvadhAnA bhavata; yatastai ryUyaM rAjasaMsadi samarpiSyadhvE tESAM bhajanagEhE prahAriSyadhvE|
18 And ye shall be brought before governors and kings on my account, for a testimony to them and to the nations:
yUyaM mannAmahEtOH zAstRNAM rAjnjAnjca samakSaM tAnanyadEzinazcAdhi sAkSitvArthamAnESyadhvE|
19 but when they take you up, be not sollicitous how, or what ye shall say; for ye shall be taught in that very instant what ye shall speak: for it is not you that speak,
kintvitthaM samarpitA yUyaM kathaM kimuttaraM vakSyatha tatra mA cintayata, yatastadA yuSmAbhi ryad vaktavyaM tat taddaNPE yuSmanmanaH su samupasthAsyati|
20 but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh by you.
yasmAt tadA yO vakSyati sa na yUyaM kintu yuSmAkamantarasthaH pitrAtmA|
21 Brother shall betray his brother to death, and the father his child: and children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death:
sahajaH sahajaM tAtaH sutanjca mRtau samarpayiSyati, apatyAgi svasvapitrO rvipakSIbhUya tau ghAtayiSyanti|
22 and ye shall be hated by all men for professing my name; but he that perseveres to the end shall certainly be saved.
mannamahEtOH sarvvE janA yuSmAn RtIyiSyantE, kintu yaH zESaM yAvad dhairyyaM ghRtvA sthAsyati, sa trAyiSyatE|
23 But when they persecute you in one city, flee into another: for verily I tell you, ye shall not finish your commission through the cities of Israel, before the Son of man shall come.
tai ryadA yUyamEkapurE tAPiSyadhvE, tadA yUyamanyapuraM palAyadhvaM yuSmAnahaM tathyaM vacmi yAvanmanujasutO naiti tAvad isrAyEldEzIyasarvvanagarabhramaNaM samApayituM na zakSyatha|
24 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord:
gurOH ziSyO na mahAn, prabhOrdAsO na mahAn|
25 it is sufficient sure for the disciple that he be treated as his master, and the servant as his lord. If then they call the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more his domestics?
yadi ziSyO nijagurO rdAsazca svaprabhOH samAnO bhavati tarhi tad yathESTaM| cEttairgRhapatirbhUtarAja ucyatE, tarhi parivArAH kiM tathA na vakSyantE?
26 Be not therefore afraid of them; for there is nothing hid, that shall not be revealed; nor secret, that shall not be made known.
kintu tEbhyO yUyaM mA bibhIta, yatO yanna prakAziSyatE, tAdRk chAditaM kimapi nAsti, yacca na vyanjciSyatE, tAdRg guptaM kimapi nAsti|
27 What I say to you in private, declare ye in public: and what ye hear as in the ear, preach ye as from the house-tops.
yadahaM yuSmAn tamasi vacmi tad yuSmAbhirdIptau kathyatAM; karNAbhyAM yat zrUyatE tad gEhOpari pracAryyatAM|
28 And be not afraid of them, who can only kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him, who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Geenna )
yE kAyaM hantuM zaknuvanti nAtmAnaM, tEbhyO mA bhaiSTa; yaH kAyAtmAnau nirayE nAzayituM, zaknOti, tatO bibhIta| (Geenna )
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and not one of them shall fall to the ground without the will of your Father:
dvau caTakau kimEkatAmramudrayA na vikrIyEtE? tathApi yuSmattAtAnumatiM vinA tESAmEkOpi bhuvi na patati|
30 and even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
yuSmacchirasAM sarvvakacA gaNitAMH santi|
31 Therefore be not afraid, ye are of more worth than many sparrows.
atO mA bibhIta, yUyaM bahucaTakEbhyO bahumUlyAH|
32 Whosoever then shall own me before men, I also will own him before my Father, who is in heaven:
yO manujasAkSAnmAmaggIkurutE tamahaM svargasthatAtasAkSAdaggIkariSyE|
33 but whosoever shall disown me before men, him will I also disown before my Father who is in heaven.
pRthvyAmahaM zAntiM dAtumAgataiti mAnubhavata, zAntiM dAtuM na kintvasiM|
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to bring peace but division.
pitRmAtRzcazrUbhiH sAkaM sutasutAbadhU rvirOdhayitunjcAgatEsmi|
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law:
tataH svasvaparivAraEva nRzatru rbhavitA|
36 and those of a man's own family shall be his enemies.
yaH pitari mAtari vA mattOdhikaM prIyatE, sa na madarhaH;
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me:
yazca sutE sutAyAM vA mattOdhikaM prIyatE, sEpi na madarhaH|
38 and he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
yaH svakruzaM gRhlan matpazcAnnaiti, sEpi na madarhaH|
39 He that would save his life shall lose it; and he, that loseth his life for my sake, shall find it.
yaH svaprANAnavati, sa tAn hArayiSyatE, yastu matkRtE svaprANAn hArayati, sa tAnavati|
40 He that receiveth you, receiveth me: and he that receiveth me, receiveth Him that sent me.
yO yuSmAkamAtithyaM vidadhAti, sa mamAtithyaM vidadhAti, yazca mamAtithyaM vidadhAti, sa matprErakasyAtithyaM vidadhAti|
41 He that receiveth a prophet as a prophet, shall have a prophet's reward: and he that receiveth a righteous man as such, shall receive a righteous man's reward.
yO bhaviSyadvAdIti jnjAtvA tasyAtithyaM vidhattE, sa bhaviSyadvAdinaH phalaM lapsyatE, yazca dhArmmika iti viditvA tasyAtithyaM vidhattE sa dhArmmikamAnavasya phalaM prApsyati|
42 And whosoever shall give to one of these mean persons but a cup of cold water to drink, as my disciple, I assure you, he shall not lose his reward.
yazca kazcit EtESAM kSudranarANAm yaM kanjcanaikaM ziSya iti viditvA kaMsaikaM zItalasalilaM tasmai dattE, yuSmAnahaM tathyaM vadAmi, sa kEnApi prakArENa phalEna na vanjciSyatE|