< 1 Corinthians 7 >
1 Now as to the things concerning which ye wrote to me: it were good for a man not to touch a woman.
Kumakani naemunandekie: Aeakole matungo neiza umugoha waleke kulale numusungu wakwe.
2 Nevertheless to prevent whoredoms, let every one have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
Kuite kunsoko amagenywa duu naugoolya kelemugoha atule numusungu nuakwe, hange umusungu watule numugoha kwe.
3 Let the husband render to the wife due benevolence; and in like manner also the wife to the husband.
Umugo yemununee wamupe umusungu etai akwe namundoa, anga uu numusungu kumugoha kwe.
4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband; and in like manner also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
Singa musungu nukete uhumi kumuele nuakwe ingemugoha. Hange uulukulu mumugoha nuyo mugila uhumi kumuili wakwe inge musungu ukele.
5 Do not withdraw from one another, unless by consent for a season, that ye may attend to fasting and prayer: and come together again, least Satan tempt you through your incontinency.
Muzeleka kiima nimulae palung'wi, inge migombilye kumatungu nimaza. Tendi uu nsoko mulije imatungo nakulompa. Hange muhumile kisukiila hange palung'wi, nsoko kina umulugu aleke kumugema kunsoko akuulya ikatekate.
6 But I say this by way of permission, not of command:
Kulunga ite aya imakani kuulowa hange singa ilago.
7 for I could wish that all men were as I myself am; but every man hath his proper gift from God, one of one kind and another of another?
Nkete inaula kele ung'wi atule anga unene nenile. Kuite kela ung'wi ukete ikipegwa kakwe kupuma kung'wi Tunda. Uyu ukete ikipegwa ike, nuyo ukete ikipegwa eko.
8 Now to the unmarried and widows I say, it is good for them to continue so, as I do.
Kuawa nishaatenilwe niajane kulunga kina, iza kung'waao asage aleke kutinwa, anga uu nineli unene.
9 But if they have not the gift of continence, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with lust.
Kuite kang'wi akuleng'wa kigilya, yianonee atenwe. Kunso nianso bahu kutenwa kukila insula kupapatika.
10 But those that are married, not I command, but the Lord, that the wife be not separated from her husband;
Itungo ile kuawa niatenilwe kuapa ilago, singanene, inge Mukulu. “Umusungu aleke kileka numugoha kwe.
11 (but if she separate, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband; ) and that the husband put not away his wife.
Kuite ang'wi ukileka kupima kumugoha asage uu aleke kutenwa ang'wi isushe numugoha kwee hange umugoha waleke kumupa umusungu nuakwe italaka.
12 But to the rest say I, not the Lord, If any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she like to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
Kuite kuawa neasagile, kulunga - unene, singa Mukulu, kina ang'wi muluna wihi ukete musungu nushuhuie ugombile kikie nuyo, shainonee amuleke.
13 And if any wife hath an unbelieving husband, and he like to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
Ang'wi umusungu ukete mugoha nushuhuie, ang'wi ugombile kikie nuyo waleke kumuleka.
14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in the husband: else were your children unclean; but they are holy.
Kumugoha nushuhuie ukogigwa nsoko auhueli nuamusungu. Numusungu nushuhuie ukogigwa nsoko amugoha nuhuie. Ang'wi shauu iana anyu akutula shaaza kuite kutai ogigwe.
15 But if the unbeliever depart, let them depart; a brother or a sister is not bound in such cases.
Kuite umiako nuushuhuie anga wahege nuende. Kundogoilyo eye ukaka ang'wi dada shuukutungwa niilapo yao. Itunda ukitangile kikie nuupolo.
16 But God hath called us to peace; for how knowest thou, O wife, but thou shalt save thy husband; or how knowest thou, O husband, but thou shalt save thy wife?
Ulengi ule kang'wi umusungu, ang'wi ukumuguna umugoha? Ang'wi ulengile ule kang'wi umugoha, ang'wi ukumuguna umusungu?
17 However, as God hath distributed to every man, and as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk: and thus I order in all the churches.
Kukela ung'wi udu wikie mulikalo anga nuMukulu nuapee, kila ung'wi anga niTunda uitangile nianso. Uwu ulageeli wane kumatekeelo ehi.
18 Is any one called that is circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised: is any one called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised: for circumcision is nothing,
Ukole nautawe kidamu wikitangwa muuhueli? Aleke kugema kuheja ikilengasiilyo nekakidamu kakwe. Ukole wehine nuitangilwe muuhueli shawendile kukidamu? Shainonee wende kukidamu.
19 and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of God.
Kuile ang'wi wendile kukidamu ang'wi wakile wende kuhidamu kutile anga lwago. Nelikete ulwago kugomba imalago ang'wi Tunda.
20 In the calling in which every one was called, let him continue.
Kela ung'wi wasage muwitangwi naewitangilwe. niTunda kuhuela.
21 Wast thou called being a slave, be not anxious about it; but if thou canst be made free, prefer it.
Aewimutugwane itungo niTunda naukitangile? Leka kusiga kunilanso. Kuite kang'wi ukuhuma kutula widesile, tenda uu.
22 For he that is called in the Lord being a slave, is the Lord's freed-man: and he likewise that is called being free is the servant of Christ.
Kung'wi nuitangilwe nu Mukulu anga mutugwa inge muntu midesi mu Mukulu. Anga uu, ung'wi nukole midesi naewitangilwe kuhuela inge mutumi wang'wa Kilisto.
23 Ye are bought with a price, do not become the slaves of men.
Makondile kugulwa kunsailo, kuite muleke kutula nua tungwa aantu.
24 Brethren, in whatever condition every one was when called, let him abide therein with God.
Akaka niadada ane, mulikalo lehi kukila ung'wi witu naekitangilwe kukuela, kusage anga uu.
25 But concerning single persons I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgement as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.
Itungu ile, awa ehi niakile kutina kwee, nemugila ilago kupuma kumukulu. Kuite kumupa masigo ane anga ninile. Kukiaisa kamukulu, niihuelekile.
26 I think then, that it is---better on account of the present distress, ---that it is better, I say,
Kuite, nsegile ite kunsoko akunyonywa, inonee umugoha wasage anga uu nueli.
27 for a single man to be so. Art thou bound to a wife indeed? seek not to be loosed: but art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
utungilwe numusungu kukilapo nikawileni? Uleke kulowa uwidesi kunelanso. Ukete widesi kupuma kumusungu ang'wi ukile kulinwane? Leka kuduma umusungu.
28 Though, if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned: such however will probably have more trouble in life: but I spare you.
Kuite anga utine, shawitumile anga mutandu. Hange ang'wi umusungu shanga utenilwe anga watinwe shanga witumile anga mulandu. Akile awaneitenile akete winyomu nuakela iaina. Nunene ndoilwe numuheje kuanya.
29 But this I say, brethren, that the time is short: it remains therefore, that even those, who have wives, be as though they had none;
Kuite kulunga ite, akaka niadada ane, imatungo makupe. Kupumiila ino nukulongoleka, awa niakete iasungu ikie anga agila.
30 and they, that weep, as if they wept not; and they, that rejoice, as if they rejoiced not; and they, that buy, as if they possessed not;
Ehi niakete ukia akite anga agila anga ukia, nawa nialoilwe atule anga shanga aloilwe, hange ehi niakugula kentu kehi atule anga shanga asaile kintu kehi.
31 and they, that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away.
Hange ehi neituma naunkumbigulu, atule anga shaitumile niyo. Kunsoko imalumbe amihe akete impelo akwe.
32 And I would have you without anxiety. Now he, that is unmarried, careth for the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord; but he,
Ndoilwe mugoha nimidesi kuwinyomi wehi. Umugoha nuakili kutina witumi imulimo namukulu, namna nakumuloelya nuanso.
33 that is married, is in care about the things of the world, and how he may please his wife.
Kuite umugoha nutenile wituma imakani amihe, namna akumuloelya umusungu,
34 There is a difference also between a wife and a virgin: she, that is unmarried, careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit; but she, that is married, is in care about the things of the world, and how she may please her husband.
utemanukile. Umusungu nushuutenilwe ang'wi bikila wipalung'wi nimaintu naMukulu, namna nakitemanula numwiili hange nikinkolo. Kuite umusungu nutenilwe wituma imelimo namihe, namuna akimuloelya umugoha kwe.
35 And this I say for your own benefit, not that I may cast a snare upon you, but in order to recommend that which is fit and becoming before the Lord without distraction.
Kulunga ite kunsailo anyu unyenye, hange singa kumugema unye. Kulunga ite kunsoko tai, inge kina muhumile kieka ukondi kumukulu eka kutile kigilya kehi.
36 But if any one think that he acts unbecomingly towards his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and that it ought to be so, let him do what he will; he doth not sin: let them marry.
Kuite ang'wi umuntu usigile shuhumile kumitumila kikulyo uunanso wakwe, kunsoko masigo akwe angulu kukila, leka itene nuyo anga nuloilwe. Singa mulandu.
37 But he, that is stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath determined in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doth well.
Kuite ang'wi ulamue shuukutena, hange kutile anga lisinjo, hange ang'wi uhumile kunigilya insula akwe, ukituma iza ang'wi shukumutena.
38 So that he, who giveth her in marriage, doth well; but he, that giveth her not in marriage, doth better.
Ite, nukumutena umunanso wakwe witumile iza hange wehi nukusagula kuhita kulina ukituma iza kukila.
39 The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth: but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord:
Umusungu utungilwe numugoha imatungo nukole mupanga. Kuite anga umugoha washe, ukole widesi kutenwa numuntu wehi nukumulowa, kuite Mumunkulu udu.
40 but she is happier, in my opinion, if she continue as she is: and I think I have the Spirit of God.
Ikile kulamula une, ukuluma uloilwe kukila anga wikie anga nueli. Hange nsigile kina gwa nkete unkolo ang'wi Tunda.