< Psalms 18 >

1 For the Chief Musician. By David the servant of the LORD, who spoke to the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. He said, I love you, LORD, my strength.
Til songmeisteren; av Herrens tenar David, som førde fram for Herren ordi i denne songen den dag då Herren hadde frelst honom frå alle hans fiendar og frå Saul. Og han sagde: Herre, eg hev deg hjarteleg kjær, min styrke!
2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.
Herren er min berggrunn og mi festning og min frelsar; min Gud er mitt berg som eg flyr til, min skjold og mitt frelsehorn, mi borg.
3 I call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; and I am saved from my enemies.
Eg kallar på Herren som er høglova, og vert frelst frå mine fiendar.
4 The cords of death surrounded me. The floods of ungodliness made me afraid.
Daudsens reip var spente um meg, og bekkjer av vondskap skræmde meg.
5 The cords of Sheol were around me. The snares of death came on me. (Sheol h7585)
Helheims reip var snørde um meg, daudsens snaror fanga meg. (Sheol h7585)
6 In my distress I called on the LORD, and cried to my God. He heard my voice out of his temple. My cry before him came into his ears.
I mi trengsla kalla eg på Herren, og eg ropa til min Gud; han høyrde frå sitt tempel mi røyst, og mitt rop kom for hans andlit, til hans øyro.
7 Then the earth shook and trembled. The foundations also of the mountains quaked and were shaken, because he was angry.
Og jordi skok og riste seg, og grunnvollarne i fjelli skalv, og dei skok seg, for han var vreid.
8 Smoke went out of his nostrils. Consuming fire came out of his mouth. Coals were kindled by it.
Røyk steig upp or hans nase, og eld frå hans munn åt um seg; gloande kol loga frå honom.
9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down. Thick darkness was under his feet.
Og han lægde himmelen og steig ned, og det var kolmyrker under hans føter.
10 He rode on a cherub, and flew. Yes, he soared on the wings of the wind.
Og han for fram på kerub, og flaug og sveiv på vengjerne åt vinden.
11 He made darkness his hiding place, his pavilion around him, darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies.
Og han gjorde myrker til sitt åklæde rundt ikring seg, til sitt tjeld myrke vatn, tjukke skyer.
12 At the brightness before him his thick clouds passed, hailstones and coals of fire.
Frå glansen for hans andlit for hans skyer fram, hagl og gloande kol.
13 The LORD also thundered in the sky. The Most High uttered his voice: hailstones and coals of fire.
Og Herren tora i himmelen, den Høgste let si røyst ljoda: hagl og gloande kol.
14 He sent out his arrows, and scattered them. He routed them with great lightning bolts.
Og han sende ut sine piler og spreidde deim ikring, og eldingar i mengd og fortulla deim.
15 Then the channels of waters appeared. The foundations of the world were laid bare at your rebuke, LORD, at the blast of the breath of your nostrils.
Då kom djupålarne i vatnom til synes, og grunnvollarne i jordi vart berrsynte ved ditt trugsmål, Herre, ved andepusten frå din nase.
16 He sent from on high. He took me. He drew me out of many waters.
Han rette ut handi frå det høge, han greip meg; han drog meg upp or store vatn.
17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me; for they were too mighty for me.
Han frelste meg frå min megtige fiende og frå mine hatarar, for dei var meg for sterke.
18 They came on me in the day of my calamity, but the LORD was my support.
Dei for imot meg på min motgangs dag; men Herren vart min studnad.
19 He brought me out also into a large place. He delivered me, because he delighted in me.
Han førde meg ut i vidt rom; han frelste meg, for han hadde hugnad i meg.
20 The LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness. According to the cleanness of my hands, he has recompensed me.
Herren gjorde med meg etter mi rettferd, han lønte meg etter reinleiken i mine hender.
21 For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.
For eg tok vare på Herrens vegar og fall ikkje i vondskap frå min Gud.
22 For all his ordinances were before me. I didn’t put away his statutes from me.
For alle hans lover hadde eg for auga, hans bodord støytte eg ikkje frå meg.
23 I was also blameless with him. I kept myself from my iniquity.
Og eg var ulastande for honom og tok meg i vare for mi synd.
24 Therefore the LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.
Og Herren lønte meg etter mi rettferd, etter reinleiken i mine hender for hans augo.
25 With the merciful you will show yourself merciful. With the perfect man, you will show yourself perfect.
Mot den godlyndte syner du deg godlyndt, mot ulastande mann syner du deg ulastande,
26 With the pure, you will show yourself pure. With the crooked you will show yourself shrewd.
mot den reine syner du deg rein, mot den rangsnudde gjer du deg rang.
27 For you will save the afflicted people, but the arrogant eyes you will bring down.
For du frelser arme folk og tvingar høge augo ned.
28 For you will light my lamp, LORD. My God will light up my darkness.
For du let mi lampa lysa klårt, Herren, min Gud, gjer mitt myrker bjart.
29 For by you, I advance through a troop. By my God, I leap over a wall.
For ved deg renner eg mot herflokkar, og ved min Gud spring eg yver murar.
30 As for God, his way is perfect. The LORD’s word is tried. He is a shield to all those who take refuge in him.
Gud, ulastande er hans veg; Herrens ord er skirt, han er ein skjold for alle deim som flyr til honom.
31 For who is God, except the LORD? Who is a rock, besides our God,
For kven er Gud forutan Herren, og kven er eit berg utan vår Gud?
32 the God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect?
Den Gud som gyrder meg med kraft og gjer min veg ulastande,
33 He makes my feet like deer’s feet, and sets me on my high places.
som gjev meg føter liksom hindarne og set meg upp på mine høgder,
34 He teaches my hands to war, so that my arms bend a bow of bronze.
som lærer upp mine hender til strid, so mine armar spenner koparbogen.
35 You have also given me the shield of your salvation. Your right hand sustains me. Your gentleness has made me great.
Og du gav meg di frelsa til skjold, di høgre hand studde meg, og di småminking gjorde meg stor.
36 You have enlarged my steps under me, My feet have not slipped.
Du gjorde vidt rom åt mine stig under meg, og mine oklo vagga ikkje.
37 I will pursue my enemies, and overtake them. I won’t turn away until they are consumed.
Eg forfylgde mine fiendar og nådde deim og vende ikkje um fyrr eg hev gjort av med deim.
38 I will strike them through, so that they will not be able to rise. They shall fall under my feet.
Eg slo deim i knas, so dei vann ikkje reisa seg; dei fell under føter.
39 For you have armed me with strength to the battle. You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.
Og du gyrde meg med kraft til striden; du bøygde under meg deim som stod upp imot meg.
40 You have also made my enemies turn their backs to me, that I might cut off those who hate me.
Du let mine fiendar snu ryggen til meg, og mine hatarar, deim rudde eg ut.
41 They cried, but there was no one to save; even to the LORD, but he didn’t answer them.
Dei ropa - men der var ingen frelsar - til Herren, men han svarar deim ikkje.
42 Then I beat them small as the dust before the wind. I cast them out as the mire of the streets.
Og eg smuldrar deim som dust for vinden; som søyla på gator slo eg deim ut.
43 You have delivered me from the strivings of the people. You have made me the head of the nations. A people whom I have not known shall serve me.
Du frelste meg frå folke-ufred; du sette meg til hovud for heidningar; folk som eg ikkje kjende, tente meg.
44 As soon as they hear of me they shall obey me. The foreigners shall submit themselves to me.
Ved gjetordet um meg lydde dei meg; framande folk smeikte for meg.
45 The foreigners shall fade away, and shall come trembling out of their strongholds.
Framande folk visna av og gjekk skjelvande ut or sine borger.
46 The LORD lives! Blessed be my rock. Exalted be the God of my salvation,
Herren liver, og lova er han, mitt berg, og upphøgd er den Gud som meg frelser,
47 even the God who executes vengeance for me, and subdues peoples under me.
den Gud som gjev meg hemn og legg folkeslag under meg,
48 He rescues me from my enemies. Yes, you lift me up above those who rise up against me. You deliver me from the violent man.
som frelser meg frå mine fiendar; ja - du lyfter meg høgt yver deim som stend imot meg, frå valdsmannen bergar du meg.
49 Therefore I will give thanks to you, LORD, among the nations, and will sing praises to your name.
Difor vil eg prisa deg millom heidningarne, Herre, og lovsyngja ditt namn.
50 He gives great deliverance to his king, and shows loving kindness to his anointed, to David and to his offspring, forever more.
Han gjer frelsa stor for sin konge, og gjer miskunn mot den som er salva av honom, mot David og hans ætt til æveleg tid.

< Psalms 18 >