< Judges 13 >

1 The children of Israel again did that which was evil in the LORD’s sight; and the LORD delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years.
Izraelci su opet okrenuli da čine ono što Jahvi nije po volji i Jahve ih predade u ruke Filistejcima za čerdeset godina.
2 There was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and childless.
A bijaše neki čovjek iz Sore, od Danova plemena, po imenu Manoah. Žena mu bila nerotkinja i nije imala djece.
3 The LORD’s angel appeared to the woman, and said to her, “See now, you are barren and childless; but you shall conceive and bear a son.
Toj se ženi ukaza Anđeo Jahvin i reče joj: “Ti si neplodna i nisi rađala.
4 Now therefore please beware and drink no wine nor strong drink, and don’t eat any unclean thing;
Ali se odsad pazi: da ne piješ ni vina ni žestoka pića i da ne jedeš ništa nečisto.
5 for, behold, you shall conceive and give birth to a son. No razor shall come on his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb. He shall begin to save Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.”
Jer, zatrudnjet ćeš, evo, i rodit ćeš sina. I neka mu britva ne prijeđe po glavi, jer će od majčine utrobe dijete biti Bogu posvećeno - bit će nazirej Božji i on će početi izbavljati Izraela iz ruke Filistejaca.”
6 Then the woman came and told her husband, saying, “A man of God came to me, and his face was like the face of the angel of God, very awesome. I didn’t ask him where he was from, neither did he tell me his name;
Žena ode i kaza mužu: “Božji čovjek došao k meni, lice mu kao u Božjeg anđela, puno dostojanstva. Nisam ga upitala odakle je došao, niti mi on kaza svog imena.
7 but he said to me, ‘Behold, you shall conceive and bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink. Don’t eat any unclean thing, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb to the day of his death.’”
Ali mi je rekao: 'Ti ćeš začeti i roditi sina. Ne pij odsad ni vina ni žestoka pića i ne jedi ništa nečisto jer će ti dijete biti nazirej Božji od majčine utrobe do smrti.'”
8 Then Manoah entreated the LORD, and said, “Oh, Lord, please let the man of God whom you sent come again to us, and teach us what we should do to the child who shall be born.”
Tada se Manoah pomoli Jahvi i reče: “Molim te, Gospode, neka Božji čovjek koga si jednom poslao dođe još jednom k nama i pouči nas što ćemo činiti s djetetom kad se rodi!”
9 God listened to the voice of Manoah, and the angel of God came again to the woman as she sat in the field; but Manoah, her husband, wasn’t with her.
Jahve usliši Manoaha i Anđeo Jahvin dođe opet k ženi dok je sjedila u polju. Manoah, muž njezin, ne bijaše kraj nje.
10 The woman hurried and ran, and told her husband, saying to him, “Behold, the man who came to me that day has appeared to me.”
Žena brzo otrča da obavijesti muža i reče mu: “Gle, ukazao mi se čovjek koji mi je došao onog dana.”
11 Manoah arose and followed his wife, and came to the man, and said to him, “Are you the man who spoke to my wife?” He said, “I am.”
Manoah ustade, pođe za ženom i kada dođe k čovjeku, upita ga: “Jesi li ti onaj što je govorio s ovom ženom?” A on odgovori: “Jesam.”
12 Manoah said, “Now let your words happen. What shall the child’s way of life and mission be?”
“Kada se ispuni ono što si rekao”, opet će Manoah, “po kojim propisima i kako treba postupati s djetetom?”
13 The LORD’s angel said to Manoah, “Of all that I said to the woman let her beware.
Anđeo Jahvin odgovori Manoahu: “Neka se žena čuva svega što sam joj zabranio.
14 She may not eat of anything that comes of the vine, neither let her drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing. Let her observe all that I commanded her.”
Neka ne uživa ništa što dolazi od vinove loze, neka ne pije ni vina ni žestoka pića, neka ne jede ništa nečisto i neka se drži svega što sam joj zapovjedio.”
15 Manoah said to the LORD’s angel, “Please stay with us, that we may make a young goat ready for you.”
Tada reče Manoah Anđelu Jahvinu: “Rado bismo te ustavili i pogostili jaretom.”
16 The LORD’s angel said to Manoah, “Though you detain me, I won’t eat your bread. If you will prepare a burnt offering, you must offer it to the LORD.” For Manoah didn’t know that he was the LORD’s angel.
Anđeo Jahvin nato će Manoahu: “Sve da me i ustaviš, ja ne bih jeo tvoga jela; nego ako želiš žrtvovati paljenicu, prinesi je Jahvi.” Manoah, ne znajući da je to Anđeo Jahvin,
17 Manoah said to the LORD’s angel, “What is your name, that when your words happen, we may honor you?”
reče tada Anđelu Jahvinu: “Kako ti je ime, da te možemo častiti kada se ispuni što si obećao.”
18 The LORD’s angel said to him, “Why do you ask about my name, since it is incomprehensible?”
Anđeo Jahvin odgovori mu: “Zašto pitaš za moje ime? Ono je tajanstveno.”
19 So Manoah took the young goat with the meal offering, and offered it on the rock to the LORD. Then the angel did an amazing thing as Manoah and his wife watched.
Manoah nato uze jare i prinos te ga na stijeni kao paljenicu žrtvova Jahvi koji čini tajanstvene stvari.
20 For when the flame went up toward the sky from off the altar, the LORD’s angel ascended in the flame of the altar. Manoah and his wife watched; and they fell on their faces to the ground.
Kada se poče dizati plamen sa žrtvenika k nebu, podiže se Anđeo Jahvin u tome plamenu. Kad to vidješe Manoah i njegova žena, padoše ničice.
21 But the LORD’s angel didn’t appear to Manoah or to his wife any more. Then Manoah knew that he was the LORD’s angel.
Anđeo Jahvin nije se više ukazivao Manoahu i njegovoj ženi. Manoah tada shvati da je to Anđeo Jahvin.
22 Manoah said to his wife, “We shall surely die, because we have seen God.”
“Zacijelo ćemo umrijeti”, reče ženi, “jer smo vidjeli Boga.”
23 But his wife said to him, “If the LORD were pleased to kill us, he wouldn’t have received a burnt offering and a meal offering at our hand, and he wouldn’t have shown us all these things, nor would he have told us such things as these at this time.”
“Da nas je htio usmrtiti”, odgovori mu žena, “ne bi iz naše ruke primio paljenice ni prinosa i ne bi nam dao da sve to vidimo niti da takvo što čujemo.”
24 The woman bore a son and named him Samson. The child grew, and the LORD blessed him.
Žena rodi sina i nadjenu mu ime Samson. Dijete odraste i Jahve ga blagoslovi.
25 The LORD’s Spirit began to move him in Mahaneh Dan, between Zorah and Eshtaol.
I Jahvin duh bijaše s njim u Danovu taboru, između Sore i Eštaola.

< Judges 13 >