< Isaiah 16 >

1 Send the lambs for the ruler of the land from Selah to the wilderness, to the mountain of the daughter of Zion.
Landets Herrer sender en Gave fra Sela gennem Ørknen til Zions Datters Bjerg.
2 For it will be that as wandering birds, as a scattered nest, so will the daughters of Moab be at the fords of the Arnon.
Og ret som flagrende Fugle, som en opskræmt Rede er Moabs Døtre ved Arnons Vadesteder.
3 Give counsel! Execute justice! Make your shade like the night in the middle of the noonday! Hide the outcasts! Don’t betray the fugitive!
"Kom med et Råd, gør Ende derpå, lad din Skygge blive som Natten ved højlys Dag, skjul de bortdrevne, røb ej de flyende!
4 Let my outcasts dwell with you! As for Moab, be a hiding place for him from the face of the destroyer. For the extortionist is brought to nothing. Destruction ceases. The oppressors are consumed out of the land.
Giv Moabs bortdrevne Tilhold hos dig, vær dem et Skjul for den, som hærger! Er først Voldsmanden borte, Ødelæggelsen omme, Undertrykkeren ude af Landet.
5 A throne will be established in loving kindness. One will sit on it in truth, in the tent of David, judging, seeking justice, and swift to do righteousness.
skal en Trone rejses med Mildhed, og på den skal sidde en Dommer med Trofasthed i Davids Telt, ivrig for Ret og øvet i Retfærd."
6 We have heard of the pride of Moab, that he is very proud; even of his arrogance, his pride, and his wrath. His boastings are nothing.
"Vi har hørt om Moabs Hovmod, det såre store, dets Overmod, Hovmod og Frækhed, dets tomme Snak."
7 Therefore Moab will wail for Moab. Everyone will wail. You will mourn for the raisin cakes of Kir Hareseth, utterly stricken.
Derfor jamrer Moab over Moab, alle jamrer; Kir-Haresets Rosinkager sukker de sønderknust over.
8 For the fields of Heshbon languish with the vine of Sibmah. The lords of the nations have broken down its choice branches, which reached even to Jazer, which wandered into the wilderness. Its shoots were spread abroad. They passed over the sea.
Thi visne er Hesjbons Marker, Sibmas Vinstok, hvis Druer slog Folkenes Herrer til Jorden; den nåede Ja'zer, famled gennem Ørkenen, dens Ranker bredte sig, overskred Havet.
9 Therefore I will weep with the weeping of Jazer for the vine of Sibmah. I will water you with my tears, Heshbon, and Elealeh: for on your summer fruits and on your harvest the battle shout has fallen.
Derfor græder jeg Ja'zers Gråd over Sibmas Vinstok, væder med min Tåre Hesjbon, og El'ale; thi et Vinperserråb slog ned på, din Frugt og din Høst,
10 Gladness is taken away, and joy out of the fruitful field; and in the vineyards there will be no singing, neither joyful noise. Nobody will tread out wine in the presses. I have made the shouting stop.
fra Frugthaver svandt både Glæde og Jubel; i Vingårde jubles der ikke, der lyder ej Råb, i Karrene trampes ej Vin, Vinperserråbet er tystnet.
11 Therefore my heart sounds like a harp for Moab, and my inward parts for Kir Heres.
Derfor bæver mit Indre som Citren for Moab, mit Hjerte for Kir-Heres.
12 It will happen that when Moab presents himself, when he wearies himself on the high place, and comes to his sanctuary to pray, that he will not prevail.
Og når Moab viser sig på Offerhøjen, når det gør sig Møje og kommer til sin Helligdom for at bede, udretter det intet.
13 This is the word that the LORD spoke concerning Moab in time past.
Det er Ordet, HERREN fordum talede til Moab.
14 But now the LORD has spoken, saying, “Within three years, as a worker bound by contract would count them, the glory of Moab shall be brought into contempt, with all his great multitude; and the remnant will be very small and feeble.”
Men nu siger HERREN: Om tre År, som Daglejeren regner Året, skal Moabs Herlighed vanæres med al den store larmende Hob. Resten bliver lille, ringe og afmægtig.

< Isaiah 16 >