< Proverbs 23 >

1 When you sit to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before you;
Ngati ukhala pansi kuti udye pamodzi ndi wolamulira, uyangʼane bwino zimene zili pamaso pako,
2 put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite.
ngati ndiwe munthu wadyera udziletse kuti usaonetse dyera lakolo.
3 Don’t be desirous of his dainties, since they are deceitful food.
Usasirire zakudya zake, pakuti zimenezo ndi zakudya zachinyengo.
4 Don’t weary yourself to be rich. In your wisdom, show restraint.
Usadzitopetse wekha ndi kufuna chuma, ukhale ndi nzeru ya kudziretsa.
5 Why do you set your eyes on that which is not? For it certainly sprouts wings like an eagle and flies in the sky.
Ukangoti wachipeza chumacho uwona posachedwa kuti palibepo. Chumacho chimachita ngati chamera mapiko mwadzidzidzi ndi kuwuluka kunka kumwamba ngati chiwombankhanga.
6 Don’t eat the food of him who has a stingy eye, and don’t crave his delicacies,
Usadye chakudya cha munthu waumbombo, usalakalake zakudya zake zokoma;
7 for as he thinks about the cost, so he is. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you.
paja iye ndi munthu amene nthawi zonse amaganizira za mtengo wake ngakhale amati kwa iwe, “Idya ndi kumwa,” koma sakondweretsedwa nawe.
8 You will vomit up the morsel which you have eaten and waste your pleasant words.
Udzasanza zimene wadyazo ndipo mawu ako woyamikira adzapita pachabe.
9 Don’t speak in the ears of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words.
Usayankhule munthu wopusa akumva, pakuti adzanyoza mawu ako anzeru.
10 Don’t move the ancient boundary stone. Don’t encroach on the fields of the fatherless,
Usasunthe mwala wa mʼmalire akalekale kapena kulowerera mʼminda ya ana amasiye,
11 for their Defender is strong. He will plead their case against you.
paja Mpulumutsi wawo ndi wamphamvu; iye adzawateteza pa milandu yawo kutsutsana nawe.
12 Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to the words of knowledge.
Mtima wako uzikhala pa malangizo ndipo makutu ako azimvetsera mawu a chidziwitso.
13 Don’t withhold correction from a child. If you punish him with the rod, he will not die.
Usaleke kumulangiza mwana; ngati umulanga ndi chikwapu sadzafa.
14 Punish him with the rod, and save his soul from Sheol. (Sheol h7585)
Ukamukwapula ndi tsatsa udzapulumutsa moyo wake. (Sheol h7585)
15 My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad, even mine.
Mwana wanga, ngati mtima wako ukhala wanzeru, inenso mtima wanga udzakondwera.
16 Yes, my heart will rejoice when your lips speak what is right.
Mtima wanga udzakondwera pamene ndidzakumva ukuyankhula zolungama.
17 Don’t let your heart envy sinners, but rather fear Yahweh all day long.
Mtima wako usachite nsanje ndi anthu ochimwa, koma uziopa Yehova tsiku ndi tsiku.
18 Indeed surely there is a future hope, and your hope will not be cut off.
Ndithu za mʼtsogolo zilipo ndipo chiyembekezo chakocho sichidzalephereka.
19 Listen, my son, and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path!
Tamvera mwana wanga, ndipo ukhale wanzeru, mtima wako uwuyendetse mʼnjira yabwino.
20 Don’t be among ones drinking too much wine, or those who gorge themselves on meat;
Usakhale pakati pa anthu amene amaledzera kapena pakati pa anthu amene amadya nyama mwadyera.
21 for the drunkard and the glutton shall become poor; and drowsiness clothes them in rags.
Paja anthu oledzera ndi adyera amadzakhala amphawi ndipo aulesi adzavala sanza.
22 Listen to your father who gave you life, and don’t despise your mother when she is old.
Mvera abambo ako amene anakubala, usanyoze amayi ako pamene akalamba.
23 Buy the truth, and don’t sell it. Get wisdom, discipline, and understanding.
Gula choonadi ndipo usachigulitse; ugulenso nzeru, mwambo ndiponso kumvetsa zinthu bwino.
24 The father of the righteous has great joy. Whoever fathers a wise child delights in him.
Abambo a munthu wolungama ali ndi chimwemwe chachikulu; Wobala mwana wanzeru adzakondwera naye.
25 Let your father and your mother be glad! Let her who bore you rejoice!
Abambo ndi amayi ako asangalale; amene anakubereka akondwere!
26 My son, give me your heart; and let your eyes keep in my ways.
Mwana wanga, undikhulupirire ndipo maso ako apenyetsetse njira zanga.
27 For a prostitute is a deep pit; and a wayward wife is a narrow well.
Paja mkazi wachiwerewere ali ngati dzenje lozama; ndipo mkazi woyendayenda ali ngati chitsime chopapatiza.
28 Yes, she lies in wait like a robber, and increases the unfaithful among men.
Amabisala ngati mbala yachifwamba, ndipo amuna amakhala osakhulupirika chifukwa cha iyeyu.
29 Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has strife? Who has complaints? Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes?
Ndani ali ndi tsoka? Ndani ali ndi chisoni? Ndani ali pa mkangano? Ndani ali ndi madandawulo? Ndani ali ndi zipsera zosadziwika uko zachokera? Ndani ali ndi maso ofiira?
30 Those who stay long at the wine; those who go to seek out mixed wine.
Ndi amene amakhalitsa pa mowa, amene amapita nalawa vinyo osakanizidwa.
31 Don’t look at the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly.
Usatengeke mtima ndi kufiira kwa vinyo, pamene akuwira mʼchikho pamene akumweka bwino!
32 In the end, it bites like a snake, and poisons like a viper.
Potsiriza pake amaluma ngati njoka, ndipo amajompha ngati mphiri.
33 Your eyes will see strange things, and your mind will imagine confusing things.
Maso ako adzaona zinthu zachilendo ndipo maganizo ndi mawu ako adzakhala osokonekera.
34 Yes, you will be as he who lies down in the middle of the sea, or as he who lies on top of the rigging:
Udzakhala ngati munthu amene ali gone pakati pa nyanja, kapena ngati munthu wogona pa msonga ya mlongoti ya ngalawa.
35 “They hit me, and I was not hurt! They beat me, and I don’t feel it! When will I wake up? I can do it again. I will look for more.”
Iwe udzanena kuti, “Anandimenya, koma sindinapwetekedwe! Andimenya koma sindinamve kanthu! Kodi ndidzuka nthawi yanji? Ndiye ndifunefunenso vinyo wina.”

< Proverbs 23 >