< Philippians 4 >

1 Therefore, my brothers, beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, my beloved.
Lino mobanse bame ndimusuni, kayi ndamuyeyenga, mukute kunkondwelesha. Njamwe cilambo cakame cakutwangilapo. Kamuyumani mushoboyu mukwikatana ne Mwami.
2 I exhort Euodia, and I exhort Syntyche, to think the same way in the Lord.
Ndasengenga Yudiya ne suntuke, kwambeti munyumfwane pakwinga momukowa umo muli Mwami.
3 Yes, I beg you also, true partner, help these women, for they labored with me in the Good News with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.
Ndasengenga obe omuname mu ncito, kwambeti ubanyamfwilishe batukashi aba. Pakwinga balasebensa camakasa abili pamo nenjame kumwaya Mulumbe Waina, kubikapo ne Kilementi ne nabambi bonse abo balembwa maina abo mulibuku lya Lesa lya bayumi.
4 Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I will say, “Rejoice!”
Kamukondwani mukwikatana ne Mwami. Kayi ndamwambilingeti, “kamukondwani.”
5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
Kamuboneshani buyumi bwakulicepesha kuli umo ne munendi, pakwinga Mwami ulipepi kwisa.
6 In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Kamutasukama pacintu ciliconse, nsombi mumipailo yenu yonse sengani Lesa ncomulayandanga, cindi conse sengani ne moyo wakulumbaisha.
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
Lino lumuno lwa Lesa ulo lwapita mano amuntu nilusunge myoyo ne mano enu mukwikatana ne Yesu Klistu.
8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report: if there is any virtue and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Pakupwililisha mobanse, bikani miyeyo yenu pa bintu byaina ibyo byelela kulumbaishiwa, mbuli bintu ibi; Bya lushomo, byalemekwa, byalulama, byabula kampenda, byeshikuboneka cena, kayi ne bintu byonse bya bulemu.
9 Do the things which you learned, received, heard, and saw in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
Kamwinsanga mbyomwalaiya ne kutambula kufuma kulinjame, ponse pabili, mbyomwalanyumfwa ne kubona kulinjame. Popelapo Lesa ukute kupa lumuno nakabe nenjamwe.
10 But I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your thought for me; in which you did indeed take thought, but you lacked opportunity.
Mubuyumi bwakame mukwikatana ne Mwami ndakondwa cancine ncine, kwambeti lino panyuma pacindi citali cilapitipo, mulatatiki kayi kulesheti mulanjeyenga. Nkandambangeti mwalacileka kunjeya sobwe. Kwalo kunjeya mukute kunjeya, nsombi nkamwalikukutowa cindi cakwambeti mukuleshe.
11 Not that I speak because of lack, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content in it.
Nkandambanga mushoboyu pacebo cakwambeti mulandeke kwakubula bintu sobwe, pakwinga ame ndayiyipo kuba wekuta.
12 I know how to be humbled, and I also know how to abound. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in need.
Ndibwinshi ncebubele bukandu kayi ndibwishi ncebubele bubile. Pali ibi byonse ndeyipo cintu casolama kwambeti kulikonse kayi pacindi ciliconse, ndela kuba wekuta pacindi ncenkute cakulya cakwana, nambi kanyumfwa nsala, nambi kankute bingi nambi bing'ana.
13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Ngandicikonsha kulangana ne bwikalo bonse bulico kupitila mungofu nshakute kumpa Klistu.
14 However you did well that you shared in my affliction.
Nsombi mwalensa cena kunyamfwilisha pa mapensho akame.
15 You yourselves also know, you Philippians, that in the beginning of the Good News, when I departed from Macedonia, no assembly shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you only.
Amwe bantu baku Filipi, mucinshi cena kwambeti pacindi mpondalafuma ku Makedoniya mumasuba akuyamba kukambauka Mulumbe Waina, nimubungano wenu wonka walanyamfwilisha pabintu mbyondali kuyandika kulipila nambi kutambula.
16 For even in Thessalonica you sent once and again to my need.
Mpondalikuba ku Tesalonika, mwalantumina tunkanda twingi lunyamfo ndondalikuyanda.
17 Not that I seek for the gift, but I seek for the fruit that increases to your account.
Nkandambangeti ndayandangowa kutambula bipo sobwe, nsombi kwambeti pali ibyo mbyomukute pasankanishiwepo bipo nabimbi.
18 But I have all things and abound. I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things that came from you, a sweet-smelling fragrance, an acceptable and well-pleasing sacrifice to God.
Ndatambulu byonse, kayi mbyonkute bilafulu. Lino nkute byonse mbondayandanga, pakwinga ndatambulu kufuma kuli Epafulodito, ibyo mbyomwalantumina. Bilyeti bipo byanunkila cena byeshikupewa kuli Lesa, eti mulumbo ngwalatambula Lesa mwwakukondwa.
19 My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Pakwinga Lesa wakame ukute bubile bwingi, kupitila muli Yesu Klistu nakamupe byonse mbyemwabulilwa.
20 Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever! Amen. (aiōn g165)
Lesa Bata balamakeshewe muyayaya kukabe kutapu. Ameni. (aiōn g165)
21 Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me greet you.
Mulina lya Yesu Klistu mumpeleko mitende bonse mumubungano. Banse mbondi nabo kuno balamupanga mitende.
22 All the saints greet you, especially those who are of Caesar’s household.
Balamupanga mitende bantu ba Lesa bonse balikuno makamaka aba balasebensenga mung'anda ya Muleli mukulene waku Loma.
23 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Luse lwa Mwami Yesu Klistu lube nenjamwe mwense.

< Philippians 4 >