< Leviticus 6 >

1 Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
2 “If anyone sins, and commits a trespass against Yahweh, and deals falsely with his neighbor in a matter of deposit, or of bargain, or of robbery, or has oppressed his neighbor,
Ja kas laban apgrēkotos un pret To Kungu noziegtos un noliegtu savam tuvākam to, kas pie viņa nolikts, vai viņa rokā iedots, vai laupīts, vai ar ko viņš savu tuvāko piekrāpis,
3 or has found that which was lost, and lied about it, and swearing to a lie—in any of these things that a man sins in his actions—
Vai kad viņš ko pazudušu atradis un to noliedzis, vai nepatiesi zvērējis kādas lietas dēļ, ko cilvēks dara apgrēkodamies,
4 then it shall be, if he has sinned, and is guilty, he shall restore that which he took by robbery, or the thing which he has gotten by oppression, or the deposit which was committed to him, or the lost thing which he found,
Kad tas tā apgrēkojies un noziedzies, tad tam būs atdot to laupījumu, ko viņš laupījis vai to, ar ko viņš piekrāpis, vai to nolikto, kas pie viņa nolikts, vai to pazudušo, ko viņš atradis,
5 or any thing about which he has sworn falsely: he shall restore it in full, and shall add a fifth part more to it. He shall return it to him to whom it belongs in the day of his being found guilty.
Vai visu to, par ko viņš nepatiesi zvērējis, to visu viņam būs atdot un piekto daļu pielikt klāt; tam, kam tas pieder, to būs viņam dot sava nozieguma upura dienā.
6 He shall bring his trespass offering to Yahweh: a ram without defect from the flock, according to your estimation, for a trespass offering, to the priest.
Un par savu noziegumu tam būs nest Tam Kungam pie priestera no sava ganāmā pulka aunu, kas bez vainas pēc tava sprieduma par nozieguma upuri.
7 The priest shall make atonement for him before Yahweh, and he will be forgiven concerning whatever he does to become guilty.”
Un priesterim to būs salīdzināt Tā Kunga priekšā, tad viņam taps piedots viss, ko viņš darījis noziegdamies.
8 Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
9 “Command Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the law of the burnt offering: the burnt offering shall be on the hearth on the altar all night until the morning; and the fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it.
Pavēli Āronam un viņa dēliem un saki: šis ir tas dedzināmā upura likums. Šim dedzināmam upurim uz altāra būs degt visu nakti līdz rītam, un ar to altāra uguns paliks degošs.
10 The priest shall put on his linen garment, and he shall put on his linen trousers upon his body; and he shall remove the ashes from where the fire has consumed the burnt offering on the altar, and he shall put them beside the altar.
Un priesterim būs apvilkt savas nātnu(linu) drēbes un tās linu ūzas uz savu miesu un saņemt tos pelnus, kad uguns uz altāra sadedzinājis dedzināmo upuri un nobērt tos altārim sānis.
11 He shall take off his garments, and put on other garments, and carry the ashes outside the camp to a clean place.
Tad viņam būs novilkt savas drēbes un citas drēbes apvilkt, un tos pelnus iznest ārā no lēģera kādā šķīstā vietā.
12 The fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it, it shall not go out; and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning. He shall lay the burnt offering in order upon it, and shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings.
Un ugunij uz altāra tā būs palikt degošam un nebūs izdzist. Tur virsū priesterim ik rītu malku būs iededzināt, un uz to būs likt dedzināmo upuri un uz tā iededzināt pateicības upura taukus.
13 Fire shall be kept burning on the altar continually; it shall not go out.
Ugunij uz altāra vienmēr būs degt un nebūs izdzist.
14 “‘This is the law of the meal offering: the sons of Aaron shall offer it before Yahweh, before the altar.
Šis nu ir tas ēdamā upura likums: Ārona dēliem to būs upurēt priekš Tā Kunga, altāra priekšā.
15 He shall take from there his handful of the fine flour of the meal offering, and of its oil, and all the frankincense which is on the meal offering, and shall burn it on the altar for a pleasant aroma, as its memorial portion, to Yahweh.
Un būs ņemt pilnu sauju no tā, no ēdamā upura kviešu miltiem un no viņa eļļas, un visu to vīraku, kas uz tā ēdamā upura, un to iededzināt uz altāra, par saldu smaržu, par piemiņu Tam Kungam.
16 That which is left of it Aaron and his sons shall eat. It shall be eaten without yeast in a holy place. They shall eat it in the court of the Tent of Meeting.
Un kas no tā atlicies, to būs ēst Āronam un viņa dēliem; neraudzētu to būs ēst svētā vietā, saiešanas telts pagalmā tiem to būs ēst.
17 It shall not be baked with yeast. I have given it as their portion of my offerings made by fire. It is most holy, as are the sin offering and the trespass offering.
To nebūs cept ar raugu. Šī ir viņu daļa, ko Es tiem esmu devis no Saviem uguns upuriem; tas ir augsti svēts, itin kā grēku upuris un kā nozieguma upuris.
18 Every male among the children of Aaron shall eat of it, as their portion forever throughout your generations, from the offerings of Yahweh made by fire. Whoever touches them shall be holy.’”
Visiem vīriešiem starp Ārona dēliem to būs ēst; tas lai ir par likumu uz jūsu pēcnākamiem mūžam, no Tā Kunga uguns upuriem: ikviens, kas tos aizskars, lai ir svēts.
19 Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
20 “This is the offering of Aaron and of his sons, which they shall offer to Yahweh in the day when he is anointed: one tenth of an ephah of fine flour for a meal offering perpetually, half of it in the morning, and half of it in the evening.
Šis ir Ārona un viņa dēlu upuris, ko tiem būs upurēt Tam Kungam savā svaidāmā dienā: vienas ēfas desmitā tiesa kviešu miltu dienišķam ēdamam upurim, viena puse rītā un otra puse vakarā.
21 It shall be made with oil in a griddle. When it is soaked, you shall bring it in. You shall offer the meal offering in baked pieces for a pleasant aroma to Yahweh.
To būs sataisīt pannā ar eļļu, iejauktu tev to būs nest, un tā ēdamā upura ceptos gabalus tev būs upurēt Tam Kungam par saldu smaržu.
22 The anointed priest that will be in his place from among his sons shall offer it. By a statute forever, it shall be wholly burned to Yahweh.
Un tam priesterim, kas no viņa dēliem viņa vietā top svaidīts, to būs darīt; tas lai ir likums mūžam; - to būs veselu sadedzināt Tam Kungam.
23 Every meal offering of a priest shall be wholly burned. It shall not be eaten.”
Jo ikkatra priestera ēdamo upuri būs veselu sadedzināt, to nebūs ēst.
24 Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
25 “Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, ‘This is the law of the sin offering: in the place where the burnt offering is killed, the sin offering shall be killed before Yahweh. It is most holy.
Runā uz Āronu un uz viņa dēliem un saki: šis ir tas grēku upura likums. Tai vietā, kur dedzināmais upuris top nokauts, būs arī nokaut grēku upuri Tā Kunga priekšā; tas ir augsti svēts.
26 The priest who offers it for sin shall eat it. It shall be eaten in a holy place, in the court of the Tent of Meeting.
Tam priesterim, kas grēku upuri upurē, to būs ēst, svētā vietā to būs ēst, saiešanas telts pagalmā.
27 Whatever shall touch its flesh shall be holy. When there is any of its blood sprinkled on a garment, you shall wash that on which it was sprinkled in a holy place.
Ikviens kas viņa gaļu aizskar, būs svēts un ja kas no viņa asinīm slacīs uz kādām drēbēm, tad to, ko viņš ir apslacījis, būs mazgāt svētā vietā.
28 But the earthen vessel in which it is boiled shall be broken; and if it is boiled in a bronze vessel, it shall be scoured, and rinsed in water.
Un to podu, kur tas vārīts, būs sasist; bet ja tas ir vara traukā vārīts, tad to būs berzt un ar ūdeni skalot.
29 Every male among the priests shall eat of it. It is most holy.
Visiem, kas no vīriešu kārtas starp priesteriem, to būs ēst; tas ir augsti svēts.
30 No sin offering, of which any of the blood is brought into the Tent of Meeting to make atonement in the Holy Place, shall be eaten. It shall be burned with fire.
Bet visus tos grēku upurus, no kuru asinīm ienes saiešanas teltī par salīdzināšanu svētā vietā, tos nebūs ēst, bet sadedzināt ar uguni.

< Leviticus 6 >