< Jeremiah 35 >

1 The word which came to Jeremiah from Yahweh in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, saying,
Firman yang datang dari TUHAN kepada Yeremia di zaman Yoyakim bin Yosia, raja Yehuda, bunyinya:
2 “Go to the house of the Rechabites, and speak to them, and bring them into Yahweh’s house, into one of the rooms, and give them wine to drink.”
"Pergilah kepada kaum orang Rekhab, bicaralah dengan mereka dan bawalah mereka ke rumah TUHAN, ke dalam salah satu kamar, kemudian berilah mereka minum anggur!"
3 Then I took Jaazaniah the son of Jeremiah, the son of Habazziniah, with his brothers, all his sons, and the whole house of the Rechabites;
Maka aku menjemput Yaazanya bin Yeremia bin Habazinya beserta saudara-saudaranya dan semua anaknya, pendeknya segenap kaum orang Rekhab.
4 and I brought them into Yahweh’s house, into the room of the sons of Hanan the son of Igdaliah, the man of God, which was by the room of the princes, which was above the room of Maaseiah the son of Shallum, the keeper of the threshold.
Aku membawa mereka ke rumah TUHAN, ke dalam kamar anak-anak Hanan bin Yigdalya, abdi Allah; itulah kamar yang di sebelah kamar para pembesar, di atas kamar Maaseya bin Salum, penjaga pintu.
5 I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites bowls full of wine, and cups; and I said to them, “Drink wine!”
Di depan anggota-anggota kaum orang Rekhab itu aku meletakkan piala-piala penuh anggur dan cawan-cawan, lalu aku berkata kepada mereka: "Silakan minum anggur!"
6 But they said, “We will drink no wine; for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, ‘You shall drink no wine, neither you nor your children, forever.
Tetapi mereka menjawab: "Kami tidak minum anggur, sebab Yonadab bin Rekhab, bapa leluhur kami, telah memberi perintah kepada kami, katanya: Janganlah kamu atau anak-anakmupun minum anggur sampai selama-lamanya;
7 You shall not build a house, sow seed, plant a vineyard, or have any; but all your days you shall dwell in tents, that you may live many days in the land in which you live as nomads.’
janganlah kamu mendirikan rumah, janganlah kamu menabur benih; janganlah kamu membuat atau mempunyai kebun anggur, melainkan haruslah kamu diam di kemah-kemah selama hidupmu, supaya lama kamu hidup di tanah, di mana kamu tinggal sebagai orang asing!
8 We have obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, in all that he commanded us, to drink no wine all our days, we, our wives, our sons, or our daughters;
Kami mentaati suara Yonadab bin Rekhab, bapa leluhur kami dalam segala apa yang diperintahkannya kepada kami, agar kami tidak minum anggur selama hidup kami, yakni kami sendiri, isteri kami, anak-anak lelaki dan anak-anak perempuan kami;
9 and not to build houses for ourselves to dwell in. We have no vineyard, field, or seed;
agar kami tidak mendirikan rumah-rumah untuk kami diami, tidak mempunyai kebun anggur atau ladang serta benih,
10 but we have lived in tents, and have obeyed, and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us.
melainkan kami diam di kemah-kemah dan taat melakukan tepat seperti yang diperintahkan kepada kami oleh Yonadab, bapa leluhur kami.
11 But when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up into the land, we said, ‘Come! Let’s go to Jerusalem for fear of the army of the Chaldeans, and for fear of the army of the Syrians; so we will dwell at Jerusalem.’”
Tetapi ketika Nebukadnezar, raja Babel, bergerak maju melawan negeri ini, maka kami berkata: Marilah kita mengungsi ke Yerusalem, karena tentara orang Kasdim dan tentara orang Aram itu! Demikianlah kami diam di Yerusalem."
12 Then Yahweh’s word came to Jeremiah, saying,
Pada waktu itu datanglah firman TUHAN kepada Yeremia, bunyinya:
13 “Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, “Will you not receive instruction to listen to my words?” says Yahweh.
"Beginilah firman TUHAN semesta alam, Allah Israel: Pergilah dan katakanlah kepada orang Yehuda dan kepada penduduk Yerusalem: Tidakkah kamu mau menerima penghajaran, yaitu mendengarkan perkataan-perkataan-
14 “The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab that he commanded his sons, not to drink wine, are performed; and to this day they drink none, for they obey their father’s commandment; but I have spoken to you, rising up early and speaking, and you have not listened to me.
Memang perintah Yonadab bin Rekhab itu masih ditepati; ia telah memerintahkan kepada keturunannya, supaya mereka jangan minum anggur, dan sampai sekarang ini mereka tidak meminumnya, sebab mereka mendengarkan perintah bapa leluhur mereka. Aku sendiri telah berbicara kepada kamu, terus-menerus, tetapi kamu tidak mendengarkan Aku.
15 I have sent also to you all my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, saying, ‘Every one of you must return now from his evil way, amend your doings, and don’t go after other gods to serve them. Then you will dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers;’ but you have not inclined your ear, nor listened to me.
Aku telah mengutus kepadamu segala hamba-Ku, yakni para nabi, terus-menerus, mengatakan: Kembalilah kamu masing-masing dari tingkah langkahmu yang jahat itu, perbaikilah perbuatanmu, janganlah mengikuti allah lain untuk beribadah kepada mereka, maka kamu akan tetap diam di tanah yang telah Kuberikan kepadamu dan kepada nenek moyangmu. Tetapi kamu tidak mau memperhatikannya dan kamu tidak mau mendengarkan Aku.
16 The sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have performed the commandment of their father which he commanded them, but this people has not listened to me.”’
Sungguh, keturunan Yonadab bin Rekhab menepati perintah yang diberikan bapa leluhurnya kepada mereka, tetapi bangsa ini tidak mau mendengarkan Aku!
17 “Therefore Yahweh, the God of Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Behold, I will bring on Judah and on all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evil that I have pronounced against them, because I have spoken to them, but they have not heard; and I have called to them, but they have not answered.’”
Sebab itu beginilah firman TUHAN, Allah semesta alam, Allah Israel: Sesungguhnya, Aku mendatangkan kepada Yehuda dan kepada segenap penduduk Yerusalem segala malapetaka yang Kuancamkan atas mereka; karena Aku telah berbicara kepada mereka, tetapi mereka tidak mau mendengarkan, dan Aku telah berseru kepada mereka, tetapi mereka tidak mau menjawab."
18 Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites, “Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Because you have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all his precepts, and done according to all that he commanded you,’
Tetapi berkatalah Yeremia kepada kaum orang Rekhab: "Beginilah firman TUHAN semesta alam, Allah Israel: Oleh karena kamu telah mendengarkan perintah Yonadab, bapa leluhurmu, telah berpegang pada segala perintahnya dan telah melakukan tepat seperti yang diperintahkannya kepadamu,
19 therefore Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Jonadab the son of Rechab will not lack a man to stand before me forever.’”
maka beginilah firman TUHAN semesta alam, Allah Israel: Keturunan Yonadab bin Rekhab takkan terputus melayani Aku sepanjang masa."

< Jeremiah 35 >