< Ezekiel 5 >

1 “You, son of man, take a sharp sword. You shall take it as a barber’s razor to yourself, and shall cause it to pass over your head and over your beard. Then take balances to weigh and divide the hair.
»Ti pa, človeški sin, si vzemi oster nož, vzemi si brivčevo britev in ji povzroči, da gre čez tvojo glavo in po tvoji bradi. Potem si vzemi tehtnico, da stehtaš in razdeliš lase.
2 A third part you shall burn in the fire in the middle of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled. You shall take a third part, and strike with the sword around it. A third part you shall scatter to the wind, and I will draw out a sword after them.
Z ognjem boš sežgal tretjino v sredi mesta, ko se dopolnijo dnevi obleganja. Vzel boš tretjino in okoli nje udarjal z nožem. Tretjino boš raztrosil v vetru, jaz pa bom za njimi izvlekel meč.
3 You shall take a small number of these and bind them in the folds of your robe.
Od teh boš vzel malo po številu in jih povezal v krajce svojega oblačila.
4 Of these again you shall take, and cast them into the middle of the fire, and burn them in the fire. From it a fire will come out into all the house of Israel.
Potem ponovno vzemi od teh in jih vrzi v sredo ognja in jih sežgi v ognju, kajti od teh bo prišel ogenj v vso Izraelovo hišo.«
5 “The Lord Yahweh says: ‘This is Jerusalem. I have set her in the middle of the nations, and countries are around her.
Tako govori Gospod Bog: »To je [prestolnica] Jeruzalem. Postavil sem jo v sredo narodov in dežel, ki so naokoli nje.
6 She has rebelled against my ordinances in doing wickedness more than the nations, and against my statutes more than the countries that are around her; for they have rejected my ordinances, and as for my statutes, they have not walked in them.’
Moje sodbe je spremenila v zlobnost bolj kakor narodi in moje zakone bolj kakor dežele, ki so okoli nje, kajti zavrnili so moje sodbe in moje zakone; niso hodili v njih.«
7 “Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Because you are more turbulent than the nations that are around you, and have not walked in my statutes, neither have kept my ordinances, neither have followed the ordinances of the nations that are around you;
Zato tako govori Gospod Bog: »Ker ste se pomnožili bolj kakor narodi, ki so okoli vas in niste hodili po mojih zakonih niti se niste držali mojih sodb niti niste delali glede na sodbe narodov, ki so naokoli vas, «
8 therefore the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Behold, I, even I, am against you; and I will execute judgments among you in the sight of the nations.
zato tako govori Gospod Bog: »Glej jaz, celo jaz, sem zoper tebe in v tvoji sredi bom izvršil sodbe pred očmi narodov.
9 I will do in you that which I have not done, and which I will not do anything like it any more, because of all your abominations.
V tebi bom storil to, česar nisem storil in ne bom več storil temu podobnega, zaradi vseh tvojih ogabnosti.
10 Therefore the fathers will eat the sons within you, and the sons will eat their fathers. I will execute judgments on you; and I will scatter the whole remnant of you to all the winds.
Zato bodo v tvoji sredi očetje jedli sinove in sinovi bodo jedli svoje očete. Izvršil bom sodbe v tebi in tvoj celotni preostanek bom razkropil na vse vetrove.
11 Therefore as I live,’ says the Lord Yahweh, ‘surely, because you have defiled my sanctuary with all your detestable things, and with all your abominations, therefore I will also diminish you. My eye won’t spare, and I will have no pity.
Zato, kakor jaz živim, « govori Gospod Bog, »zagotovo, ker si moje svetišče omadeževala z vsemi svojimi ostudnimi stvarmi in z vsemi svojimi ogabnostmi, zato bom tudi jaz tebe zmanjšal; niti moje oko ne bo prizaneslo, niti ne bom imel nobenega usmiljenja.
12 A third part of you will die with the pestilence, and they will be consumed with famine within you. A third part will fall by the sword around you. A third part I will scatter to all the winds, and will draw out a sword after them.
Tvoja tretjina bo umrla s kužno boleznijo in z lakoto bodo použiti v tvoji sredi. Tretjina bo padla pod mečem naokoli tebe, tretjino pa bom razkropil na vse vetrove in za njimi bom izvlekel meč.
13 “‘Thus my anger will be accomplished, and I will cause my wrath toward them to rest, and I will be comforted. They will know that I, Yahweh, have spoken in my zeal, when I have accomplished my wrath on them.
Tako bo moja jeza dovršena in svoji razjarjenosti bom povzročil, da počiva nad njimi, jaz pa bom potolažen. Oni pa bodo vedeli, da sem jaz, Gospod, to govoril v svoji gorečnosti, ko sem svojo razjarjenost dovršil v njih.
14 “‘Moreover I will make you a desolation and a reproach among the nations that are around you, in the sight of all that pass by.
Poleg tega te bom naredil opustošenje in grajo med narodi, ki so naokoli tebe, pred očmi vseh, ki hodijo mimo.
15 So it will be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment, to the nations that are around you, when I execute judgments on you in anger and in wrath, and in wrathful rebukes—I, Yahweh, have spoken it—
Tako bo to graja in zbadljivka, poučevanje in osuplost narodom, ki so naokoli tebe, ko bom v tebi izvršil sodbe v jezi, v razjarjenosti in v besnih ukorih. Jaz, Gospod, sem to govoril.
16 when I send on them the evil arrows of famine that are for destruction, which I will send to destroy you. I will increase the famine on you and will break your staff of bread.
Ko bom nanje poslal zle puščice lakote, ki bodo za njihovo uničenje in ki jih bom poslal, da vas uničijo; in jaz bom razširil lakoto nad vami in zlomil vašo oporo kruha.
17 I will send on you famine and evil animals, and they will bereave you. Pestilence and blood will pass through you. I will bring the sword on you. I, Yahweh, have spoken it.’”
Tako bom nad vas poslal lakoto in zle živali in te te bodo oropale in kužna bolezen in kri bosta šla skozte in nadte bom privedel meč. Jaz, Gospod, sem to govoril.«

< Ezekiel 5 >