< 1 Kings 10 >

1 When the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning Yahweh’s name, she came to test him with hard questions.
Boqoraddii Shebaa markay maqashay Sulaymaan warkiisii ku saabsanaa xagga magaca Rabbiga ayay ugu timid inay ku imtixaanto su'aalo adadag.
2 She came to Jerusalem with a very great caravan, with camels that bore spices, very much gold, and precious stones; and when she had come to Solomon, she talked with him about all that was in her heart.
Oo waxay Yeruusaalem la timid dad aad u badan, iyo awr badan oo ay ku raran yihiin uunsi, iyo dahab aad u badan, iyo dhagaxyo qaali ah; oo markay Sulaymaan u timid wixii qalbigeeda ku jiray oo dhan ayay kala hadashay.
3 Solomon answered all her questions. There wasn’t anything hidden from the king which he didn’t tell her.
Sulaymaanna wuxuu uga jawaabay su'aalaheedii oo dhan; oo wax boqorka ka qarsoonaa oo uusan u sheegin ma jirin.
4 When the queen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built,
Boqoraddii Shebaana markay aragtay xigmaddii Sulaymaan oo dhan, iyo gurigii uu dhisay,
5 the food of his table, the sitting of his servants, the attendance of his officials, their clothing, his cup bearers, and his ascent by which he went up to Yahweh’s house, there was no more spirit in her.
iyo cuntadii miiskiisa, iyo fadhigii addoommadiisa, iyo hawshii adeegayaashiisa, iyo dharkoodii, iyo kuwiisii cabniinka siin jiray, iyo wixii uu guriga Rabbiga ku fuuli jiray, naf dambe iyadii kuma hadhin.
6 She said to the king, “It was a true report that I heard in my own land of your acts and of your wisdom.
Markaasay boqorkii ku tidhi, Warkii aan dalkaygii ku maqlay ee ku saabsanaa falimahaaga iyo xigmaddaadu run buu ahaa.
7 However, I didn’t believe the words until I came and my eyes had seen it. Behold, not even half was told me! Your wisdom and prosperity exceed the fame which I heard.
Habase yeeshee erayadaas ma aan rumaysan jeeraan imid oo ay indhahaygu arkeen; oo weliba badhna la iima sheegin. Xigmaddaada iyo barwaaqadaadu way ka sii badan yihiin warkii aan maqlay.
8 Happy are your men, happy are these your servants who stand continually before you, who hear your wisdom.
Waxaa faraxsan raggaaga, oo waxaa faraxsan addoommadaadan had iyo goorba hortaada taagan oo xigmaddaadana maqla.
9 Blessed is Yahweh your God, who delighted in you, to set you on the throne of Israel. Because Yahweh loved Israel forever, therefore he made you king, to do justice and righteousness.”
Waxaa mahad leh Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah oo kugu farxay inuu kugu fadhiisiyo carshiga reer binu Israa'iil. Rabbigu weligiisba wuu jeclaaday reer binu Israa'iil, oo sidaas aawadeed ayuu boqor kaaga dhigay inaad samaysid xukun iyo caddaalad.
10 She gave the king one hundred twenty talents of gold, and a very great quantity of spices, and precious stones. Never again was there such an abundance of spices as these which the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
Markaasay boqorkii siisay boqol iyo labaatan talanti oo dahab ah, iyo uunsi faro badan, iyo dhagaxyo qaali ah; uma iman uunsi dambe oo u badan sidii kii boqoradda Shebaa ay siisay Boqor Sulaymaan.
11 The fleet of Hiram that brought gold from Ophir also brought in from Ophir great quantities of almug trees and precious stones.
Oo Xiiraam doonniyihiisii Oofir dahab ka keenay, waxay kaloo Oofir ka keeneen geedo almuug ah oo badan, iyo dhagaxyo qaali ah.
12 The king made of the almug trees pillars for Yahweh’s house and for the king’s house, harps also and stringed instruments for the singers; no such almug trees came or were seen to this day.
Oo boqorkiina geedihii almuugga ahaa ayuu tiirar uga dhigay gurigii Rabbiga, iyo gurigii boqorka, oo wuxuu kaloo nimankii gabayaaga ahaa uga sameeyey kataarado iyo shareerado; oo ilaa maantadan la joogo geedo almuug ah oo kuwaas oo kale ah ma iman, lamana arkin.
13 King Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatever she asked, in addition to that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own land, she and her servants.
Oo Boqor Sulaymaanna wuxuu boqoraddii Shebaa siiyey wax alla wixii ay doonaysay oo dhan oo ay weyddiisatay, oo ayan ku jirin wixii uu Sulaymaan u siiyey sharafta boqornimadiisa, markaasay noqotay oo dalkeedii tagtay iyadii iyo addoommadeediiba.
14 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred sixty-six talents of gold,
Haddaba dahabkii sannad kasta Sulaymaan u iman jiray miisaankiisu wuxuu ahaa lix boqol iyo lix iyo lixdan talanti oo dahab ah,
15 in addition to that which the traders brought, and the traffic of the merchants, and of all the kings of the mixed people, and of the governors of the country.
oo intaasuna kuma jirin wixii ay keeni jireen geddisleyda iyo baayacmushtariyaasha, iyo boqorradii dalka Carabta oo dhan, iyo taliyayaashii waddanka.
16 King Solomon made two hundred bucklers of beaten gold; six hundred shekels of gold went to one buckler.
Markaasaa Boqor Sulaymaan wuxuu sameeyey laba boqol oo gaashaan waaweyn oo dahab la tumay ah; oo gaashaan weynba waxaa galay lix boqol oo sheqel oo dahab ah.
17 He made three hundred shields of beaten gold; three minas of gold went to one shield; and the king put them in the House of the Forest of Lebanon.
Oo haddana wuxuu kaloo sameeyey saddex boqol oo gaashaan oo yaryar oo dahab la tumay ah, oo gaashaan yarba waxaa galay saddex mina oo dahab ah, markaasaa boqorku iyagii dhigay gurigii ku yiil kaynta Lubnaan.
18 Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the finest gold.
Oo weliba boqorku wuxuu kaloo sameeyey carshi weyn oo foolmaroodi ah, oo wuxuu ku dahaadhay dahabkii ugu fiicnaa.
19 There were six steps to the throne, and the top of the throne was round behind; and there were armrests on either side by the place of the seat, and two lions standing beside the armrests.
Carshigu wuxuu lahaa jaranjaro lix tallaabo ah, oo carshiga xaggiisa sare ee dambena way wareegsanayd; oo kursiga meeshiisa lagu fadhiisto labadeeda dhinacba waxay lahayd meelo xusullada la saarto, oo meelaha xusullada la saartana dhinacooda waxaa taagnaa laba libaax.
20 Twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other on the six steps. Nothing like it was made in any kingdom.
Oo jaranjaradii lixdeedii tallaabo labadooda dhinac waxaa ka taagnaa laba iyo toban libaax; oo boqortooyana saas oo kale looguma samayn.
21 All King Solomon’s drinking vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the House of the Forest of Lebanon were of pure gold. None were of silver, because it was considered of little value in the days of Solomon.
Oo Boqor Sulaymaan weelashiisii wax lagu cabbi jiray oo dhammu waxay wada ahaayeen dahab; gurigii kaynta Lubnaan weelashiisii oo dhammuna waxay wada ahaayeen dahab saafi ah, oo midna lagama samayn lacag, waayo, wakhtigii Sulaymaan lacag waxba qiimo ma lahayn.
22 For the king had a fleet of ships of Tarshish at sea with Hiram’s fleet. Once every three years the fleet of Tarshish came bringing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.
Maxaa yeelay, boqorku wuxuu badda ku lahaa doonniyo Tarshiish u dhoofa oo ay la jiraan Xiiraam doonniyihiisa; oo saddexdii sannadoodba mar bay doonniyihii Tarshiish iman jireen, oo waxay keeni jireen dahab, iyo lacag, iyo foolmaroodi, iyo daayeerro, iyo daa'uusyo.
23 So King Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom.
Sidaasuu Boqor Sulaymaan xagga maalka iyo xagga xigmaddaba ugaga hor maray boqorradii dunida oo dhan.
24 All the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom which God had put in his heart.
Oo dunida oo dhammuna waxay doondooneen Sulaymaan inay arkaan oo ay maqlaan xigmaddii Ilaah qalbigiisa geliyey.
25 Year after year, every man brought his tribute, vessels of silver, vessels of gold, clothing, armor, spices, horses, and mules.
Oo nin waluba wuxuu sannad kasta u keeni jiray hadiyaddiis oo ay ka mid yihiin weelal lacag ah, iyo weelal dahab ah, iyo dhar, iyo hub, iyo uunsi, iyo fardo, iyo baqlo.
26 Solomon gathered together chariots and horsemen. He had one thousand four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen. He kept them in the chariot cities and with the king at Jerusalem.
Sulaymaanna wuxuu urursaday gaadhifardood iyo rag fardooley ah; oo wuxuu lahaa kun iyo afar boqol oo gaadhifaras, iyo laba iyo toban kun oo nin oo fardooley ah, oo wuxuu fadhiisiyey magaalooyinkii gaadhifardoodka, oo qaarna boqorkay Yeruusaalem la joogeen.
27 The king made silver as common as stones in Jerusalem, and cedars as common as the sycamore trees that are in the lowland.
Oo boqorku wuxuu lacag Yeruusaalem kaga dhigay sida dhagaxyo oo kale, oo geedo kedar ahna wuxuu u soo badiyey oo ka dhigay sida geedaha darayga ah oo dhulka hoose ka baxa oo kale.
28 The horses which Solomon had were brought out of Egypt. The king’s merchants received them in droves, each drove at a price.
Fardihii Sulaymaan haystayna waxaa laga keenay dalka Masar, oo boqorka baayacmushtariyaashiisii ayaa raxan raxan u soo kaxeeyey, iyagoo raxanba iib gaar ah siiyey.
29 A chariot was imported from Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for one hundred fifty shekels; and so they exported them to all the kings of the Hittites and to the kings of Syria.
Oo gaadhifaras wuxuu Masar kaga soo bixi jiray lix boqol oo sheqel oo lacag ah, farasna boqol iyo konton sheqel; oo saasoo kalay ugu wada keeni jireen boqorradii reer Xeed oo dhan iyo boqorradii reer Suuriyaba.

< 1 Kings 10 >