< Romans 15 >

1 Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
Eta behar ditugu fermu garenóc, infirmoén flaccatassunac supportatu, eta ez gure buruey complacitu.
2 Let each one of us please his neighbor for that which is good, to be building him up.
Bada gutaric batbederac complaci beça bere hurcoa vnguira edificationetan.
3 For even Christ didn’t please himself. But, as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.”
Ecen Christec-ere eztu bere buruä complacitu nahi vkan, baina, scribatua den beçala, Hiri iniuria erraiten drauèanén iniuriác ene gainera erori içan dituc.
4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that through perseverance and through encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
Ecen aitzinetic scribatu diraden gauça guciac, gure doctrinatan scribatu içan dirade, Scripturetaco patientiaz eta consolationez sperança dugunçát.
5 Now the God of perseverance and of encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus,
Bada patientiataco eta consolationetaco Iaincoac diçuela elkarren artean gauça ber baten pensatzeco gratia Iesus Christen araura:
6 that with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Gogo batez eta aho batez glorifica deçaçuençát Iaincoa, cein baita Iesus Christ gure Iaunaren Aita.
7 Therefore accept one another, even as Christ also accepted you, to the glory of God.
Halacotz recebi eçaçue elkar, Christec-ere gu recebitu gaituen beçala Iaincoaren gloriatan.
8 Now I say that Christ has been made a servant of the circumcision for the truth of God, that he might confirm the promises given to the fathers,
Bada erraiten dut, Iesus Christ circonsionearen ministre içan dela, Iaincoaren eguiagatic, Aitey eguin çaizten promessac confirma litzançát:
9 and that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written, “Therefore I will give praise to you among the Gentiles and sing to your name.”
Eta Gentiléc Iaincoa bere misericordiagatic glorifica deçaten: scribatua den beçala, Halacotz laudorio emanen drauat hiri Gentilén artean, eta hire icenari cantaturen diarocát.
10 Again he says, “Rejoice, you Gentiles, with his people.”
Eta berriz dio, Aleguera çaiteztez Gentilác haren populuarequin.
11 Again, “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Let all the peoples praise him.”
Eta berriz, Lauda eçaçue Iauna Gentil guciéc eta elkarrequin lauda eçaçue hura populu guciéc.
12 Again, Isaiah says, “There will be the root of Jesse, he who arises to rule over the Gentiles; in him the Gentiles will hope.”
Eta berriz Esaiasec erraiten du, Içanen da Iesserenic çain-bat, eta, Gentilén gobernatzera altchaturen den-bat: Gentiléc hartan sperança vkanen duté.
13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sperançazco Iaincoac bada compli çaitzatela bozcario guciaz eta baquez sinhetsiz, sperançaz abundos çaretençát Spiritu sainduaren verthutez.
14 I myself am also persuaded about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish others.
Bada segur naiz, ene anayeác, ni neuror-ere çueçaz, ecen çuec cueróc ontassunez betheac çaretela, eçagutze guciaz betheric: etare elkar admonesta ahal baiteçaqueçue.
15 But I write the more boldly to you in part as reminding you, because of the grace that was given to me by God,
Eta, anayeác, ausartquichiago scribatu drauçuet partez, çuec orhoit eraciten bacintuztét beçala, Iaincoaz niri eman içan çaitadan gratiagatic,
16 that I should be a servant of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, serving as a priest of the Good News of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be made acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Iesus Christen ministre naicençát Gentilac baithan, emplegatzen naicela Iaincoaren Euangelio sainduan, Gentilén oblationea placént dençát, Spiritu sainduaz sanctificaturic.
17 I have therefore my boasting in Christ Jesus in things pertaining to God.
Badut beraz cerçaz gloria nadin Iesus Christez, Iaincoazco gaucetan.
18 For I will not dare to speak of any things except those which Christ worked through me for the obedience of the Gentiles, by word and deed,
Ecen ez ninçande, Christec niçaz eguin eztuen gauçaren erraitera ausart, Gentilén obedientiatara erekarteco, hitzez eta eguinez:
19 in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of God’s Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and around as far as to Illyricum, I have fully preached the Good News of Christ;
Signoén eta miraculuén verthutez, Iaincoaren Spirituaren verthutez: hambat non Ierusalemetic eta aldirietaric Illyriquerano abunda eraci vkan baitut Christen Euangelioa:
20 yes, making it my aim to preach the Good News, not where Christ was already named, that I might not build on another’s foundation.
Hala Euangelioaren predicatzen enseyatzen nincela, ez Christ aippatu içan cen lekutan, berceren fundament gainean edifica ezneçançát.
21 But, as it is written, “They will see, to whom no news of him came. They who haven’t heard will understand.”
Baina scribatua den beçala, Harçaz denuntiatu içan etzayenéc, ilkussiren duté: eta ençun eztutenéc, adituren duté.
22 Therefore also I was hindered these many times from coming to you,
Eta halacotz empatchatu içan naiz anhitzetan ethortera çuetara.
23 but now, no longer having any place in these regions, and having these many years a longing to come to you,
Baina orain guehiago lekuric comarca hautan eztudanaz gueroz, eta ia anhitz vrthez gueroztic çuetara ethortera desir dudanaren gainean:
24 whenever I travel to Spain, I will come to you. For I hope to see you on my journey, and to be helped on my way there by you, if first I may enjoy your company for a while.
Parti nadinean Espaigniarát, ethorriren naiz çuetara: ecen sperança dut iragaitean ikussiren çaituztedala, eta çueçaz hara guidaturen naicela: baldin lehen çuequin içatez sasituche banaiz.
25 But now, I say, I am going to Jerusalem, serving the saints.
Bada orain banoa Ierusalemerát, sainduey administratzera.
26 For it has been the good pleasure of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints who are at Jerusalem.
Ecen Macedoniacoén eta Achaiacoén placera içan da Ierusalemen diraden sainduetaco paubrey cerbaiten partitzera.
27 Yes, it has been their good pleasure, and they are their debtors. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, they owe it to them also to serve them in material things.
Ecen hala placer vkan duté, eta çordun-ere badirade hetara: ecen baldin hayén on spiritualetan participant içan badirade Gentilac, hec-ere carnaléz den becembatean aiutatu behar dituzté.
28 When therefore I have accomplished this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will go on by way of you to Spain.
Bada haur acabatu duquedanean eta hæy fructu haur consignatu drauqueedanean, Espaigniarát ioanen naiçate çuec baitharic.
29 I know that when I come to you, I will come in the fullness of the blessing of the Good News of Christ.
Eta badaquit ecen çuetara ethor nadinean, Christen Euangelioco benedictionearen abundantiarequin ethorriren naicela.
30 Now I beg you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in your prayers to God for me,
Halaber anayeác, othoitz eguiten drauçuet Iesus Christ gure Iaunaz, eta Spirituaren charitateaz, enequin emplega çaitezten, enegatic Iaincoari eguinen drautzaçuen othoitzéz:
31 that I may be delivered from those who are disobedient in Judea, and that my service which I have for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints,
Iudean diraden desobedientetaric deliura nadinçát, eta Ierusalemen eguiteco dudan administratione haur, sainduén gogaraco dençát:
32 that I may come to you in joy through the will of God, and together with you, find rest.
Iaincoaren vorondatez çuetara bozcariorequin ethor nadinçát, eta çuequin batean recrea nadinçát.
33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.
Bada baquezco Iaincoa dela çuequin gucioquin, Amen.

< Romans 15 >