< Mark 3 >

1 He entered again into the synagogue, and there was a man there whose hand was withered.
Nipele Che Yesu ŵajinjile sooni mu nyuumba ja kusimanilana Ŵayahudi ni mmomo mwaliji ni mundu jwapombotele nkono.
2 They watched him, whether he would heal him on the Sabbath day, that they might accuse him.
Ŵandu ŵampepe ŵaliji nkusosa ligongo lya kwakamulila Che Yesu. Nipele ŵaliji nkunnolechesya panepa chanlamye mundu jo pa Lyuŵa lya Kupumulila.
3 He said to the man whose hand was withered, “Stand up.”
Che Yesu ŵansalile mundu jwapombotele nkono jula, “Njise paujo.”
4 He said to them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath day to do good or to do harm? To save a life or to kill?” But they were silent.
Nipele Che Yesu ŵausisye, “Ana ili yambone pa Lyuŵa lya Kupumulila kuitendekanya yambone pane yangalumbana? Kukulupusya pane kuulaga?” Nambo ŵanyawo ŵamyalele.
5 When he had looked around at them with anger, being grieved at the hardening of their hearts, he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored as healthy as the other.
Che Yesu ŵalolechesye wose kwa lutumbilo, ni ŵasupwiche ligongo mitima jao jaliji jekakatime. Nipele ŵansalile mundu jula, “Njongole nkono wenu!” Nombejo ŵaujongwele, ni nkono wao walamile.
6 The Pharisees went out, and immediately conspired with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him.
Papopo, Mafalisayo ŵakopweche paasa pa nyuumba ja kusimanilana ni kuŵechetesyana ni ŵandu ŵa mpingo u che Helode itajile pakwaulaga Che Yesu.
7 Jesus withdrew to the sea with his disciples; and a great multitude followed him from Galilee, from Judea,
Che Yesu pamo ni ŵakulijiganya ŵao ŵatyosile pelepo ni kwaula mungulugulu litanda lya Galilaya ni mpingo wa ŵandu wankuiye. Ŵandu wo ŵaumile mmisi ja ku Galilaya ni ku Yudea.
8 from Jerusalem, from Idumaea, beyond the Jordan, and those from around Tyre and Sidon. A great multitude, hearing what great things he did, came to him.
Paŵapilikene iŵaitesile Che Yesu, ŵandu ŵane ŵaichilile kutyochela mmisi ja ku Yelusalemu ni ku Idumea ni mmisi jajili peesi lusulo lwa Yolodani, ni kutyochela mmisi ja ku Tilo ni ku Sidoni.
9 He spoke to his disciples that a little boat should stay near him because of the crowd, so that they wouldn’t press on him.
Pakuŵa ŵandu ŵaliji ŵajinji, Che Yesu ŵaasalile ŵakulijiganya ŵao ŵaŵichile chile ngalaŵa kuti ŵandu anaiche kwaŵijikanya.
10 For he had healed many, so that as many as had diseases pressed on him that they might touch him.
Pakuŵa ŵaalamisye ŵandu ŵajinji, ŵakulwala wose ŵaliji nkututana kuti ŵakwaye.
11 The unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, fell down before him and cried, “You are the Son of God!”
Ni ŵandu ŵaŵakamwilwe ni masoka paŵammonaga, ŵaligwisisye paujo pao ni kunyanyisya achitiji, “Mmwejo ni Mwana jwa Akunnungu!”
12 He sternly warned them that they should not make him known.
Nambo Che Yesu ŵagakanyisye kwa chikali masoka ganaamanyisye ŵandu ŵane kuti ŵele ali ŵaani.
13 He went up into the mountain and called to himself those whom he wanted, and they went to him.
Che Yesu ŵakwesile kwitumbi ni kwaŵilanga ŵandu ŵaŵasachile nsyene, nombewo ŵajaulile.
14 He appointed twelve, that they might be with him, and that he might send them out to preach
Nipele ŵasagwile ŵandu likumi ni ŵaŵili ŵaŵaaŵilasile achinduna ni kwasalila, “Nansagwile nnonjele pamo none, sooni chinantume kukwalalichila ŵandu Ngani Jambone,
15 and to have authority to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons:
ni ŵanyamwe chinkole ulamusi wa kugakoposya masoka.”
16 Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter);
Ŵeleŵa ni ŵandu likumi ni ŵaŵili ŵaŵasagwile, che Simoni ajula Che Yesu juŵampele liina liine che Petulo,
17 James the son of Zebedee; and John, the brother of James, (whom he called Boanerges, which means, Sons of Thunder);
ni Che Yakobo ni mpwakwe che Yohana ŵanache wa che Sebedayo, Che Yesu ŵapele liina liine Boanelige malumbo gakwe “Ŵandu ŵaali mpela ilindimo, pane akuŵilanjikwa ŵandu ŵaambumu.”
18 Andrew; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot;
Ŵane ŵaliji che Andulea ni che Filipo ni che Batolomayo ni che Matayo ni che Tomasi ni che Yakobo mwana ju che Alufayo, che Tadayo ni che Simoni jwakuŵilanjikwa Selote, ligongo ŵaliji jwakumenyanila chilambo chakwe,
19 and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. Then he came into a house.
ni che Yuda Isikaliote, juŵangalawiche Che Yesu.
20 The multitude came together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.
Nipele Che Yesu ŵausile kumangwao. Mpingo wekulungwa wa ŵandu ŵasongangene sooni, mpaka Che Yesu ni ŵakulijiganya ŵao nganakombola kulya.
21 When his friends heard it, they went out to seize him; for they said, “He is insane.”
Achalongo achinjakwe paŵapilikene yelei, ŵapite kukwajigala ligongo ŵatite kuti jwampugwe.
22 The scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, “He has Beelzebul,” and, “By the prince of the demons he casts out the demons.”
Ŵakwiganya Malajisyo ŵaŵaumile ku Yelusalemu ŵatite, “Akwete Belesebuli! Jwankulu jwa masoka, jwakwapa machili ga kugakoposya masoka.”
23 He summoned them and said to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan?
Pelepo Che Yesu ŵaaŵilasile ŵandu ni kwasalila kwa itagu achitiji, “Ana ikukomboleka Shetani kunkoposya Shetani njakwe?
24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
Iŵaga umwenye usapulene mipingo mipingo jajikumenyana, umwenye wo ngaujendelechela.
25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Sooni iŵaga ŵandu ŵa nyuumba jimo asapulanaga mipingo mipingo ni kumenyana, ŵandu wo chajonasiche.
26 If Satan has risen up against himself, and is divided, he can’t stand, but has an end.
Iyoyo peyo, umwenye wa Shetani, wasapulanaga mipingo mipingo ngaukola machili.
27 But no one can enter into the house of the strong man to plunder unless he first binds the strong man; then he will plunder his house.
“Ngapagwa jwakupakombola kwinjila mu nyuumba ja jwamachili ni kunsumula ipanje yakwe yose, pangantaŵa kaje jwamachili jo. Pelepo ni pachachikombola kunsumula ipanje yakwe yose.
28 “Most certainly I tell you, all sins of the descendants of man will be forgiven, including their blasphemies with which they may blaspheme;
“Isyene ngunsalila, ŵandu chaalecheleswe sambi syao syose ni kwatukana kwao Akunnungu kose.
29 but whoever may blaspheme against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Nambo, mundu jwalijose jwakuntukana Mbumu jwa Akunnungu ngalecheleswa sambi syo ng'o, pakuŵa chakole sambi sya moŵa gose pangali mbesi.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
30 —because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
Che Yesu ŵaŵechete yeleyo ligongo ŵandu ŵaliji nkusala kuti, “Akamwilwe ni lisoka.”
31 His mother and his brothers came, and standing outside, they sent to him, calling him.
Achikulugwe ni achapwakwe Che Yesu ŵaiche pelepo, ŵajimi paasa ni kuntuma mundu akaaŵilanje Che Yesu nkati.
32 A multitude was sitting around him, and they told him, “Behold, your mother, your brothers, and your sisters are outside looking for you.”
Mpingo wa ŵandu watemi kwakwasyungula Che Yesu. Nipele jumo jwao ŵansalile, “Achikulu ŵenu ni achapwenu alinji paasa, akunsosa.”
33 He answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?”
Nambo Che Yesu ŵaasalile, “Ana achikulu ŵangu ni achapwanga ali ŵaani?”
34 Looking around at those who sat around him, he said, “Behold, my mother and my brothers!
Pelepo ŵaalolechesye ŵandu uŵansyungwile ŵala ni kuti, “Nnole, ngwaona ŵandu ŵa mpela achikulu ŵangu ni achalongo ŵangu.
35 For whoever does the will of God is my brother, my sister, and mother.”
Pakuŵa mundu jwalijose jwakuitendekanya yakuisaka Akunnungu, jwelejo ali achimwene jwangu ni mlumbwangu ni achikulu ŵangu.”

< Mark 3 >