< 1 Corinthians 7 >

1 Now concerning the things about which you wrote to me: it is good for a man not to touch a woman.
Afei, deɛ ɛfa nsɛm a motwerɛ de brɛɛ me no ho nie: Ɛyɛ sɛ ɔbarima nware.
2 But, because of sexual immoralities, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.
Nanso, ɛsiane adwamammɔ enti, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔbarima biara nya ɔno ankasa ne yere, na ɔbaa biara nso nya ɔno ankasa ne kunu.
3 Let the husband give his wife the affection owed her, and likewise also the wife her husband.
Ɛsɛ sɛ ɔbarima yɛ nʼasɛdeɛ sɛ okunu na ɔbaa nso yɛ nʼasɛdeɛ sɛ ɔyere na wɔn mu biara boa ne yɔnko.
4 The wife doesn’t have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise also the husband doesn’t have authority over his own body, but the wife does.
Ɔyere onipadua no nyɛ ɔno nko ara dea, na ɛyɛ okunu no nso dea bi. Saa ara nso na okunu no onipadua no nyɛ ɔno nko ara dea, na mmom, ɛyɛ ɔyere no nso dea bi.
5 Don’t deprive one another, unless it is by consent for a season, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer, and may be together again, that Satan doesn’t tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
Mommfa mo ho nkame mo ho mo ho. Gye sɛ mo nyinaa pene so ɛberɛ tiawa bi a morebɔ mpaeɛ; na sɛ mowie mpaeɛbɔ no a, monhyia mu, na ɔbonsam ansɔ mo anhwɛ, ɛfiri sɛ, montumi nni mo ho so.
6 But this I say by way of concession, not of commandment.
Menka saa asɛm yi sɛ ɔhyɛ so, na mmom, mereka no sɛ mama mo ho ɛkwan.
7 Yet I wish that all men were like me. However, each man has his own gift from God, one of this kind, and another of that kind.
Ɛkaa me nko a na anka mo nyinaa te sɛ me. Nanso, obiara wɔ adom akyɛdeɛ sononko bi a Onyankopɔn de ama no. Yei wɔ nʼakyɛdeɛ na ɔfoforɔ nso wɔ nʼakyɛdeɛ.
8 But I say to the unmarried and to widows, it is good for them if they remain even as I am.
Afei, asɛm a mereka akyerɛ asigyafoɔ ne akunafoɔ ne sɛ: Ɛbɛyɛ sɛ mo nko ara mobɛtena ase sɛdeɛ mete hɔ yi.
9 But if they don’t have self-control, let them marry. For it’s better to marry than to burn with passion.
Na sɛ morentumi nhyɛ mo ho so nso a monkɔwareware. Ɛyɛ sɛ mobɛware sene sɛ mobɛhyɛ mo ho ahometeɛ.
10 But to the married I command—not I, but the Lord—that the wife not leave her husband
Mo awarefoɔ nso, mewɔ ɔhyɛ nsɛm bi a ɛmfiri me na ɛfiri Awurade nkyɛn sɛ: Ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔbaa gyaa ne kunu.
11 (but if she departs, let her remain unmarried, or else be reconciled to her husband), and that the husband not leave his wife.
Sɛ ɛba saa a, ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔware bio; anaasɛ nso wɔka ɔne ne kunu bo mu. Saa ara na ɛnsɛ sɛ okunu nso gyaa ne yere.
12 But to the rest I—not the Lord—say, if any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she is content to live with him, let him not leave her.
Mo a moaka no, meka mekyerɛ mo, ɛfiri mankasa, na ɛmfiri Awurade, sɛ Okristoni barima wɔ yere a ɔnyɛ Okristoni na ɔbaa no pene so sɛ ɔne no bɛtena ase a, ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔbarima no gyaa no.
13 The woman who has an unbelieving husband, and he is content to live with her, let her not leave her husband.
Saa ara nso na sɛ Okristoni baa wɔ okunu a ɔnyɛ Okristoni na ɔbarima no pene so sɛ ɔne no bɛtena a, ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔbaa no gyaa no.
14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in the husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.
Esiane bɔ a ɔbarima a ɔnyɛ Okristoni de ne ho abɔ ɔbaa no enti, Onyankopɔn bɛgye no na ɔbaa a ɔnyɛ Okristoni no nso, ɛsiane bɔ a ɔde ne ho abɔ ɔbarima no enti, Onyankopɔn bɛte ne ho. Sɛ anyɛ saa a, wɔn mma bɛyɛ sɛ abosonsomfoɔ mma, nanso sɛdeɛ ɛte yi deɛ, wɔyɛ kronkron.
15 Yet if the unbeliever departs, let there be separation. The brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us in peace.
Na sɛ nso wɔn mu deɛ ɔnyɛ Okristoni no pɛ sɛ ɔte ne ho firi Okristoni no ho a, momma no ɛkwan. Sɛ ɛba saa a, Okristoni no, sɛ ɛyɛ okunu anaa ɔyere no, de ne ho. Onyankopɔn afrɛ mo sɛ montena ase asomdwoeɛ mu.
16 For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
Ɔyere a woyɛ Okristoni, ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na woahunu sɛ worentumi nnye wo kunu nkwa? Na okunu a woyɛ Okristoni nso, ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na woahunu sɛ worentumi nnye wo yere nkwa?
17 Only, as the Lord has distributed to each man, as God has called each, so let him walk. So I command in all the assemblies.
Mo mu biara ntena ase wɔ akyɛdeɛ a Awurade de akyɛ no no so sɛdeɛ na ɔte a Onyankopɔn frɛɛ no no. Yei ne mmara a mekyerɛ wɔ asafo biara mu.
18 Was anyone called having been circumcised? Let him not become uncircumcised. Has anyone been called in uncircumcision? Let him not be circumcised.
Sɛ twetiatwani bi ate Onyankopɔn frɛ a, ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔpepa twetia no ho nsɛnkyerɛnnedeɛ biara. Sɛ ɔbarima nso a ɔntwaa twetia bi ate Onyankopɔn frɛ a, ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔtwa twetia.
19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is keeping God’s commandments.
Ɛfiri sɛ, sɛ obi atwa twetia na ɔfoforɔ nso ntwaa twetia no nka hwee. Deɛ ɛho hia ne sɛ wobɛdi Onyankopɔn mmara so.
20 Let each man stay in that calling in which he was called.
Sɛdeɛ obiara te a Onyankopɔn frɛɛ no no, ɔntena no saa ara.
21 Were you called being a bondservant? Don’t let that bother you, but if you get an opportunity to become free, use it.
Onyankopɔn frɛɛ wo no na woyɛ akoa anaa? Mma ɛno nha wo na sɛ wowɔ ɛkwan bi a wobɛtumi afa so ade wo ho a, fa so.
22 For he who was called in the Lord being a bondservant is the Lord’s free man. Likewise he who was called being free is Christ’s bondservant.
Ɛfiri sɛ, akoa a Awurade afrɛ no no yɛ Awurade onipa a ɔde ne ho. Saa ara nso na obi a ɔde ne ho a Kristo afrɛ no no yɛ Kristo akoa.
23 You were bought with a price. Don’t become bondservants of men.
Onyankopɔn tɔɔ mo aboɔden, ɛno enti, monnyɛ nkoa mma nnipa.
24 Brothers, let each man, in whatever condition he was called, stay in that condition with God.
Anuanom, ɛsɛ sɛ mo mu biara tena ase wɔ Onyankopɔn mu sɛdeɛ na mote ansa na wɔrefrɛ mo no.
25 Now concerning virgins, I have no commandment from the Lord, but I give my judgement as one who has obtained mercy from the Lord to be trustworthy.
Deɛ ɛfa asigyafoɔ nso ho no nie: Mennyaa ɔhyɛ nsɛm biara memfirii Awurade nkyɛn, nanso meka mʼadwene te sɛ obi a Onyankopɔn mmɔborɔhunu enti wɔagye me ato mu.
26 Therefore I think that because of the distress that is on us, it’s good for a man to remain as he is.
Wodwene seesei ɔhaw yi ho a, medwene sɛ, ɛyɛ sɛ onipa tena ase sɛdeɛ ɔte biara.
27 Are you bound to a wife? Don’t seek to be freed. Are you free from a wife? Don’t seek a wife.
Wowɔ ɔyere? Sɛ wowɔ ɔyere a, nyɛ wʼadwene sɛ woregyaa no. Wonwaree anaa? Sɛ wonwaree a, nhwehwɛ ɔyere.
28 But if you marry, you have not sinned. If a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Yet such will have oppression in the flesh, and I want to spare you.
Nanso, sɛ woware a, wonyɛɛ bɔne. Sɛ ɔbaabunu ware a, ɔnyɛɛ bɔne. Nanso, ɔhaw a saa awadeɛ no de ba no, sɛ ɛkaa me nko a, anka mempɛ sɛ saa ɔhaw no bɛba mo so.
29 But I say this, brothers: the time is short. From now on, both those who have wives may be as though they had none;
Deɛ mekyerɛ ne sɛ, anuanom, ɛberɛ a aka sua. Ɛfiri saa ɛberɛ yi, ɛsɛ sɛ mmarima a wɔawareware tena ase sɛdeɛ wɔnwaree da;
30 and those who weep, as though they didn’t weep; and those who rejoice, as though they didn’t rejoice; and those who buy, as though they didn’t possess;
wɔn a wɔsu yɛ sɛdeɛ wɔn werɛ nhoeɛ; wɔn a wɔsere yɛ sɛdeɛ wɔnni anigyeɛ; wɔn a wɔtɔ yɛ sɛdeɛ deɛ wɔtɔeɛ no nyɛ wɔn deɛ;
31 and those who use the world, as not using it to the fullest. For the mode of this world passes away.
wɔn a wɔde ewiase abɔ wɔn bo yɛ sɛdeɛ wɔnhunuu bi da. Na sɛdeɛ ewiase yi te seesei yi rentena saa nkyɛ.
32 But I desire to have you to be free from cares. He who is unmarried is concerned for the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord;
Mempɛ sɛ biribiara ha mo. Ɔbarima a ɔnwareeɛ no, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔde ne ho ma Awurade adwumayɛ; ɛfiri sɛ, ɔbɔ mmɔden sɛ Awurade ani bɛsɔ no;
33 but he who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how he may please his wife.
nanso ɔbarima warefoɔ de ne ho to ewiase nneɛma so, ɛfiri sɛ, ɔpɛ sɛ ɔsɔ ne yere ani,
34 There is also a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world—how she may please her husband.
enti wɔtwe no afanu no nyinaa. Ɔbaa a ɔnwareeɛ anaa ɔbaabunu de ne ho ma Awurade adwuma wɔ honam ne honhom fam; nanso ɔbaa a wawareɛ no de ne ho to ewiase nneɛma so, ɛfiri sɛ, ɔpɛ sɛ ɔsɔ ne kunu ani.
35 This I say for your own benefit, not that I may ensnare you, but for that which is appropriate, and that you may attend to the Lord without distraction.
Mereka saa asɛm yi, ɛfiri sɛ, mepɛ sɛ meboa mo. Merenhyehyɛ mmara bi mma mo. Na mmom, mepɛ sɛ moyɛ deɛ ɛyɛ na ɛtene na mode mo ho nyinaa ma Awurade adwuma.
36 But if any man thinks that he is behaving inappropriately towards his virgin, if she is past the flower of her age, and if need so requires, let him do what he desires. He doesn’t sin. Let them marry.
Ɔbarima ne ɔbaa a wɔahyehyɛ awadeɛ na afei wɔayɛ wɔn adwene sɛ wɔrenware bio no, sɛ ɔbarima no hunu sɛ ɔnyɛ nʼasɛdeɛ mma ɔbaa no nanso sɛ ɔntumi nhyɛ nʼakɔnnɔ so enti no ɔpɛ sɛ ɔware a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔware sɛdeɛ ɔhwehwɛ no. Bɔne biara nni yei ho.
37 But he who stands steadfast in his heart, having no urgency, but has power over his own will, and has determined in his own heart to keep his own virgin, does well.
Nanso, ɛyɛ mmom sɛ ɔbɛhyɛ ne ho so na wasi nʼadwene pi sɛ ɔrenware.
38 So then both he who gives his own virgin in marriage does well, and he who doesn’t give her in marriage does better.
Ɛyɛ sɛ ɔbarima ware deɛ, nanso sɛ anka wanware koraa a na ɛyɛ.
39 A wife is bound by law for as long as her husband lives; but if the husband is dead, she is free to be married to whomever she desires, only in the Lord.
Sɛ ɔbaa ɔwarefoɔ kunu te ase a, ɔnne ne ho; na sɛ ne kunu no wu deɛ a, ɔwɔ ho ɛkwan sɛ ɔware ɔfoforɔ a ɔpɛ; nanso ɛsɛ sɛ ɛyɛ Kristo awadeɛ.
40 But she is happier if she stays as she is, in my judgement, and I think that I also have God’s Spirit.
Na sɛ ɔtumi tena ase sɛdeɛ ɔte no nso a, ne ho bɛtɔ no yie. Mʼadwene ni, na megye di sɛ me nso me wɔ Onyame Honhom.

< 1 Corinthians 7 >