< Philippians 1 >
1 Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Christ Jesus: To all God's people in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the ministers of the Church and their assistants.
An Paulo gi Timotheo ma wasumb Kristo Yesu, Wandikonu un jomaler duto mag Kristo Yesu man Filipi, kaachiel gi jokwadh jo-Kristo duto gi jokonygi:
2 May grace and peace be granted to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ngʼwono kod kwe mar Nyasaye Wuonwa kod Ruoth Yesu Kristo, obed kodu.
3 I thank my God at my every remembrance of you--
Adwokone Nyasacha erokamano seche duto ma aparoue.
4 always when offering any prayer on behalf of you all, finding a joy in offering it.
Kinde duto ka alemonu, to alemonu gi mor,
5 I thank my God, I say, for your cooperation in spreading the Good News, from the time it first came to you even until now.
nikech riwruok maru kodwa e tij lando Injili chakre odiechiengʼ mokwongo nyaka koroni,
6 For of this I am confident, that He who has begun a good work within you will go on to perfect it in preparation for the day of Jesus Christ.
omiyo koro an gichir malongʼo ni Jal mane ochako tich maberno e chunyu biro dhi kode nyime nyaka chop orum e odiechieng Kristo Yesu.
7 And I am justified in having this confidence about you all, because, both during my imprisonment and when I stand up in defence of the Good News or to confirm its truth, I have you in my heart, sharers as you all are in the same grace as myself.
En gima kare mondo apar kamano kuomu uduto nikech agenou e chunya; kata ka an e twech kata ka asiro adiera mar Injili kendo ajiwe to un uduto usebedo koda e achiel kuom ngʼwono mar Nyasaye.
8 For God is my witness how I yearn over all of you with tender Christian affection.
Nyasaye owuon nyalo timo nenda kaka chunya gombou duto ka an-gi hera matut mar Kristo Yesu.
9 And it is my prayer that your love may be more and more accompanied by clear knowledge and keen perception, for testing things that differ,
Kendo ma e lamona mondo herau omedre mathoth ahinya kuom rieko kod ngʼeyo,
10 so that you may be men of transparent character, and may be blameless, in preparation for the day of Christ,
kendo mondo ubed gi rieko mar yiero mana timo gima ber kende. Kamano ngimau nobed maler kendo maonge bura, nyaka chop odiechieng Kristo.
11 being filled with these fruits of righteousness which come through Jesus Christ-- to the glory and praise of God.
Ngimau nopongʼ gi olemo mag timbe makare maa kuom Yesu Kristo mondo Nyasaye oyud duongʼ kod pak.
12 Now I would have you know, brethren, that what I have gone through has turned out to the furtherance of the Good News rather than otherwise.
Jowetena, koro adwaro ni ungʼe, ni gik mosetimorena osemiyo Injili omedo landore.
13 And thus it has become notorious among all the Imperial Guards, and everywhere, that it is for the sake of Christ that I am a prisoner;
Kuom mano, koro osengʼere malongʼo ne askeche dala ruoth duto, kod ji mamoko duto ni otweya nikech Kristo.
14 and the greater part of the brethren, made confident in the Lord through my imprisonment, now speak of God's Message without fear, more boldly than ever.
Bedona e twech osemiyo jowete mathoth odoko thuondi kuom Ruoth, mi giyalo Wach Nyasaye gi chir maonge luoro.
15 Some indeed actually preach Christ out of envy and contentiousness but there are also others who do it from good will.
En adier ni jomoko lando wach Kristo ka gin-gi ich lit kod miero, to jomoko to lande ka chunygi ni kare.
16 These latter preach Him from love to me, knowing that I am here for the defence of the Good News;
Joma lando Injili gi chuny makarego lendo gihera, ka gingʼeyo ni oketa e twech mondo aked matek ni Injili.
17 while the others proclaim Him from motives of rivalry, and insincerely, supposing that by this they are embittering my imprisonment.
Joma lando Kristo ka gin-gi ich lit gi miero to timo kamano mondo oyud duongʼ, ka giparo niginyalo medona chandruok ka pod an e od twech.
18 What does it matter, however? In any case Christ is preached--either perversely or in honest truth; and in that I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.
To onge wach! Gima duongʼ en ni wach Kristo ilando e yore duto; kata gi chuny marach, kata maber, kendo mano medo miya mor moloyo. Ee, kendo pod abiro medo bedo mamor,
19 For I know that it will result in my salvation through your prayers and a bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
nikech angʼeyo ni kuom lemo mulemonago kod kony ma ayudo kuom Roho mar Yesu Kristo, gik mosetimorenago ema bende biro kelona resruok.
20 in fulfilment of my eager expectation and hope that I shall never have reason to feel ashamed, but that by my perfect freedom of speech Christ will be glorified in me, now as always, either by my life or by my death.
Dwarona maduongʼ kod genona en ni ok anane wichkuot, to ni abiro bedo gi teko moromo mondo Kristo osik ka yudo duongʼ e ringra kaka pile, bed ni angima kata atho.
21 For, with me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Nikech an aneno ni ka angima, to angima nikech Kristo, to ka atho to en ohala.
22 But since to live means a longer stay on earth, that implies more labour for me--and not unsuccessful labour; and which I am to choose I cannot tell.
Kane anyalo medo bedo mangima e ringruok, to mano nyiso ni abiro medo tiyo tich makelo ohala. To koro dayier angʼo? Ok angʼeyo gima dayier!
23 I am in a dilemma, my earnest desire being to depart and be with Christ, for that is far, far better.
Yiero otama e kind gik mabeyo ariyogi: Chunya gombo ni atho mondo adhi abed gi Kristo, kendo mano en gima ber moloyo,
24 But for your sakes it is more important that I should still remain in the body.
to daher moloyo mondo amed bedo mangima e ringruok nikech un.
25 I am convinced of this, and I know that I shall remain, and shall go on working side by side with you all, to promote your progress and joy in the faith;
Nikech chunya nigi ratiro chutho ni pod onego akonyu, kendo angʼeyo chutho ni pod abiro bet kodu duto mondo ami umed geroru kendo ubed mamor e yie maru,
26 so that, as Christians, you may have additional reason for glorying about me as the result of my being with you again.
mondo omi bedona kodu kendo omedu mor moloyo kuom Kristo Yesu nikech an.
27 Only let the lives you live be worthy of the Good News of the Christ, in order that, whether I come and see you or, being absent, only hear of you, I may know that you are standing fast in one spirit and with one mind, fighting shoulder to shoulder for the faith of the Good News.
To kata obedo ni angʼo motimore, to usik kudak e kit ngimau mapile mowinjore gi Injili mar Kristo. Kata ka abiro nenou, kata ka ok abiro, to adwaro winjo ni uchungʼ motegno gi chuny achiel kendo gi paro achiel mondo ukedni adiera mar Injili,
28 Never for a moment quail before your antagonists. Your fearlessness will be to them a sure token of impending destruction, but to you it will be a sure token of your salvation--a token coming from God.
ma ok obwogu e yo moro amora, gi joma kwedou. Mano biro bedonegi ranyisi ni ibiro tiekgi, to un ibiro resu kendo Nyasaye ema biro timo mano.
29 For you have had the privilege granted you on behalf of Christ--not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer on His behalf;
Nikech dhial museyudo kuom Kristo ok en mana mondo uyie kuome kende, to oseluongu bende mondo une masiche nikech en,
30 maintaining, as you do, the same kind of conflict that you once saw in me and which you still hear that I am engaged in.
nikech ukedo lweny nogo mane unena kakedo e kinde mokalo, kendo ma pod uwinjo ni akedo.