< Matthew 9 >
1 Accordingly He went on board, and crossing over came to His own town.
Yesu a ri ni ghuu nda rugran hi ni gbu ma.
2 Here they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. Seeing their faith Jesus said to the paralytic, "Take courage, my child; your sins are pardoned."
Mena, ba nji indi ri wa a soo kpa'a nda kru ni tabli. Wa Yesu atoh kiekle yo suron mba, a tre ni ndi u soo kpa'a, “Vuvren ngri. ba wru latre me hlega niwu”.
3 "Such language is impious," said some of the Scribes among themselves.
U bi nha bari ba tre ni kpamba, “Iguyi ni latre”
4 Knowing their thoughts Jesus said, "Why are you cherishing evil thoughts in your hearts?
U Yesu wa a toh imre sron mbaa' a tre “Bi ta' meme mre ngye nimi sron mbi?
5 Why, which is easier? --to say, 'Your sins are pardoned,' or to say 'Rise up and walk'?
Arime na he ni dii na ndu ba hla Ba wru latre me hlega 'Ka ndu bahla' wlunde ndi zren?
6 But, to prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to pardon sins" --He then says to the paralytic, "Rise, and take up your bed and go home."
To ni ndu yi toh ndi ivren indi a he ni ngbengble u wru latre u ngbugblu hle, A tre ni indi u soo kpaa', Wlunde ndi ban bubu u kru me ndi hi koh
7 And he got up, and went off home.
India ka wlunde nda hi ni koh.
8 And the crowds were awe-struck when they saw it, and ascribed the glory to God who had entrusted such power to a man.
Wa gbugbu ndi ba toh a he toyi, ma manji ma wakran, nda gbyre Irji san wa anno indi bii ngbengblen yi.
9 Passing on thence Jesus saw a man called Matthew sitting at the Toll Office, and said to him, "Follow me." And he arose, and followed Him.
Yesu sihi nda ka toh ndi ri ni ko shishi wa ba yowu ndi Matiwu a son nitra u kpa ban. A hla wu, “Hume” A wlu huu.
10 And while He was reclining at table, a large number of tax-gathers and notorious sinners were of the party with Jesus and His disciples.
Yesu a kuson nda si'rli birli u bi kpa ban nibi latre gbugbu mbawu baye kuson nda rli bi' ni ba Yesu ni bi hu'a.
11 The Pharisees noticed this, and they inquired of His disciples, "Why does your Teacher eat with the tax-gatherers and notorious sinners?"
Wa Farisawa ba ba toh nayi, ba mye bihua, “Ani tu' ngye mba tiekoh mbi si rli ni bi kpa ban u bi latre?
12 He heard the question and replied, "It is not men in good health who require a doctor, but the sick.
Yesu ka wo ba' nda tre, “e bi sikpa bana wa bi den na, ahi bi lilo mu.
13 But go and learn what this means, 'It is mercy that I desire, not sacrifice'; for I did not come to appeal to the righteous, but to sinners."
To bika mla toh nayi rli, 'Ime mi wa wruhle ana indu ni mu na. Mina ye ni tu bi he tsra tsra ana miye ni tu bi latre.
14 At that time John's disciples came and asked Jesus, "Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not?"
U bi hu Yahaya baye niwu nda tre kieta ni ba Farisawa kie vu nyu u bi hua ba ba taka ngye rli nda na tie na?
15 "Can the bridegroom's party mourn," He replied, "as long as the bridegroom is with them? But other days will come (when the Bridegroom has been taken from them) and then they will fast.
Yesu a hla bawu, “Bi tie ndu nitra u logran baki ni kuklu nyu u indi u gran rli he ni ba? E, inton niye wa ba ban indi u logran niba. Nikiyi mba ba vunyu.
16 No one ever mends an old cloak with a patch of newly woven cloth. Otherwise, the patch put on would tear away some of the old, and a worse hole would be made.
Indi wa ani fon pli sama kanha ni cice nklon na tie to kie ni yba nklon zan u mumla
17 Nor do people pour new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the skins would split, the wine would escape, and the skins be destroyed. But they put new wine into fresh skins, and both are saved."
Indi bana sru imma sa u inabi nimi mbu ntan kmo mana. Bata tie toki, intan aniyra tie meme nda ju'mma hlega. Toyi, ba sru mma sa' u inabi nimi mbuntan sa may tie towa na ndu ba yra tu hamba wuna”
18 While He was thus speaking, a Ruler came up and profoundly bowing said, "My daughter is just dead; but come and put your hand upon her and she will return to life."
Yesu si tre ni ba u ndi ri wa ani mnkon ndi ba aye kuqu niwu. A tre, “Vrenwamu quu zazanyi, yeme ndi sawo wu ni ndu wlunde”.
19 And Jesus rose and followed him, as did also His disciples.
U Yesu Wlunde hu hi ni mrli koh ma ba ngame.
20 But a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with haemorrhage came behind Him and touched the tassel of His cloak;
Uwa ri ingarli wa azi juju tie se wlon don ha, a bleye konkon Yesu, nda kpyre nyu nklonma.
21 for she said to herself, "If I but touch His cloak, I shall be cured."
“A tre ni sronma, Mita kpyre nklon ma mi fe si.
22 And Jesus turned and saw her, and said, "Take courage, daughter; your faith has cured you." And the woman was restored to health from that moment.
Yesu a k'maya nda toh wu nda tre, “Vrenwa mu, vu sron. Kikle yo sron me nnowu si”. Ni nton kima me afe si.
23 Entering the Ruler's house, Jesus saw the flute-players and the crowd loudly wailing,
Wa Yesu ari ni koh ninkon ndi mba, nda toh bi vrli ngba ni j'bu ndi baki hanton.
24 and He said, "Go out of the room; the little girl is not dead, but asleep." And they laughed at Him.
A tre “Hiyi, e vrenwa na quu na, asi kru na “U baka zanwu u kpa tsri.
25 When however the place was cleared of the crowd, Jesus went in, and on His taking the little girl by the hand, she rose up.
Wa ba ndu ndi barjuhi raa', a rihi mitraa nda vu wo vren wa nji, u vrenwa wlunde.
26 And the report of this spread throughout all that district.
Itre yi ka yan shu ni nh'ma kokii.
27 As Jesus passed on, two blind men followed Him, shouting and saying, "Pity us, Son of David."
Yesu rji ki zren y'ba sihi, u bi fyen harli bari baka hu, nda kla nglo nyu nda nitre,”Ivren Doda, to yah mbu ndi zota”.
28 And when He had gone indoors, they came to Him. "Do you believe that I can do this?" He asked them. "Yes, Sir," they replied.
Yesu a ri hi ni koh rie u bi fyen ba baka wawu hi. Yesu hla bamu, “Bi kpay'me ndi mihe ngbengble utie tomba?” U baka kpay'me, 'e' Baci”.
29 So He touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith let it be to you."
U Yesu ka kpyre shishi mba nda tre, “Ndu he yiwu na wa bi yo sron mbi a.
30 Then their eyes were opened. And assuming a stern tone Jesus said to them, "Be careful to let no one know."
U shishi mba baka bwu'. Yesu a mha ba nda tre, “Na ndu ndio wowa na.”
31 But they went out and published His fame in all that district.
Ma'memu, bahi nda ka bla tre kangon nklan kima.
32 And as they were leaving His presence a dumb demoniac was brought to Him.
Wa bi fyen ba ba hia, baka nji indi u con l'me u me'me' brji yeni Yesu.
33 When the demon was expelled, the dumb man could speak. And the crowds exclaimed in astonishment, "Never was such a thing seen in Israel."
Wa a cu me'me' brji rju ni niwu a, indi u con l'mea katre. J'bu ndii baka manji ma wakran, ndatre, “kae, bii kpye yi bana toh wu ni Israila na!”
34 But the Pharisees maintained, "It is by the power of the Prince of the demons that he drives out the demons."
U fansawa ba baka tre, “E a ni rju me'me' brji ba ni ngbenglen u chu bi brjii.”
35 And Jesus continued His circuits through all the towns and the villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom, and curing every kind of disease and infirmity.
Yesu a zren kagon gbu bi rlig ra ni bi tsitsa ba wawuu. Azi tsro tre Rji ni tra Rji, nda zi bla lan zizi u mwkai nda den bi kru kpa ni lilo bla wo.
36 And when He saw the crowds He was touched with pity for them, because they were distressed and were fainting on the ground like sheep which have no shepherd.
Wa a toh kpentren ndii ba, a ka tie wie me ni tie yah' ni qungble mba. Bana he na nta'ma wa ba hama ni ndii u k'maba.
37 Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is abundant, but the reapers are few;
A hla ni mrli koh ma, birli hi gbugbu, wa, u bi ndu ba ba fyi meyi.
38 therefore entreat the Owner of the Harvest to send out reapers into His fields."
Ahe nayi bika bre Baci u birli gbagbla me ni ndu tru bindu ba hi.